Dog Breeds
Cairn Terrier
Cairn Terriers are happy, busy little earthdogs originally bred to fearlessly root out foxes and other small, furred prey in the rocky Scottish countryside. Curious and alert, Cairns like having a place where they can explore and dig.
| November 30, 2020

Expert Advice
Cairn Terrier Facts You May Not Know
Did you know the canine actor who played Toto in "The Wizard of Oz" was a Cairn Terrier? Learn more the breed with these Cairn Terrier fun facts.
| November 30, 2020

Expert Advice
Norwich Terrier vs. Cairn Terrier: How to Tell the Difference
One of the most famous dogs in movie history is little Toto, following Dorothy along the yellow brick road to see the wizard of Oz. Toto was played by a Cairn Terrier named Terry. You might think every little wire-haired terrier you see is a Cairn, but in fact there is a similar breed called [...]
| November 30, 2020

Expert Advice
At 6 Years Old, Issabella McHugh Shows Promise as a Conformation Handler
Step aside Dorothy and Toto! A new girl in ruby red slippers and a Cairn Terrier is here. Her yellow brick road? The conformation ring.
| November 30, 2020
Expert Advice
Can You Tell These Dog Breed Look-Alikes Apart?
"Wait, was that a Siberian Husky? Or was it an Alaskan Malamute?" Many dog breeds can be difficult to tell apart. To celebrate National Look-Alike Day, we're taking a closer look at six pairs of dogs that look remarkably similar to each other, but are actually completely different breeds. 1. Alaskan Malamute vs. Siberian Husky [...]
| November 30, 2020

Expert Advice
6 Things We Bet You Didn’t Know About Yorkshire Terriers
As one of the AKC’s top 10 breeds year after year, Yorkshire Terriers are popular toy dogs, offering a big personality in a tiny package.
Here are six surprising facts about Yorkies and the people who love them:
1. Yorkies are called the “Tomboy Toy.”
Don’t be fooled by this toy breed’s tiny stature [...]
| November 30, 2020
Expert Advice
Finding Good Homes for Puppies Is Often the Hardest Part of Breeding
So after the months of preparation in organizing and testing before the breeding, praying and crossing fingers that your girl “took,” fretting before, during and after the whelping, the constant vigil for weeks after the whelping, the 24/7 care of your girl and the litter, the vet visits, testing and evaluating your pick [...]
| November 30, 2020
Expert Advice
10 Things Only a Norwich Terrier Owner Would Understand
Norwich Terriers are confident, affectionate, stubborn, and energetic. They are natural explorers and companions, willing to follow their person to the edge of the world or simply the edge of the couch.They may be the smallest of the Terriers, but they pack an oversized personality. If you have one of these characters at home [...]
| November 30, 2020
Expert Advice
Three Reasons to Microchip Your Dog
If you haven’t yet microchipped your dog, hear us out. There’s a reason this process, which involves implanting a rice-sized chip between a pet’s shoulder blades, is so popular and highly recommended by veterinarians, breeders, and animal-rescue organizations. In fact, it’s even become law in Ireland, England, and Scotland for all [...]
| November 30, 2020

Expert Advice
Skye Terrier History: From Rocky Scotland to British Royalty
The Skye Terrier was used as a working dog in Scotland as early as the 1600s. Learn more about this breed's surprising history.
| November 30, 2020