Dog Breeds
Among the most impressively beautiful of all dogs, the aristocratic Borzoi is cherished for his calm, agreeable temperament. In full stride, he is a princely package of strength, grace, and glamour flying by at 35 to 40 miles per hour.
| November 25, 2020

Expert Advice
8 Fun Facts About the Borzoi
The graceful Borzoi is a very large breed with a Russian hunting heritage. The elegant flowing lines of this hound make for a beautiful dog, whether they're resting or running. Here are some interesting Borzoi facts to know.
1. They're a Giant Breed
The Borzoi is considered a giant breed, with adult males standing at least [...]
| November 25, 2020
Expert Advice
The Great Borzoi Controversy
Through the 1920s and early '30s, a debate raged among Russian Wolfhound fanciers: Keep the breed name, or change it to "Borzoi"? Louis Murr, Gazette breed columnist and leading "Wolfhound" advocate, insisted that "any sane breeder can see why the name Russian wolfhound should be retained."
In his November 1928 column, Murr invited fellow fancier [...]
| November 25, 2020

Expert Advice
What Sets These Two Borzoi Apart in Rally? They're The Only Ones.
Until Dean Eelman married Melissa 17 years ago, he had never had a dog.
Over the years, they had two Golden Retrievers and two Keeshonden. But about five years ago, Dean met his first Borzoi, and he immediately fell in love with the breed. Six months later Dean and Melissa welcomed two Borzoi to their home [...]
| November 25, 2020

Expert Advice
How One Woman's Borzois Saved Her From Isolation After Hearing Loss
When the Borzoi is characterized in books or on breed webpages, you see glowing adjectives such as affectionate, loyal, aristocratic, and graceful.
Lifeline or liberator are terms not included in the profile toolbox. But for Joy Sargis, of Encinitas, Calif., these more aptly capture the heart and soul of what her own Borzois have meant [...]
| November 25, 2020

Expert Advice
Borzoi History: Behind the Breed's Hunting Heritage
As strong as it is swift, the Borzoi was bred for centuries to course fox, boar, hare and, famously, wolf – hence its moniker, the Russian Wolfhound.
| November 25, 2020
Expert Advice
Are We Forgetting the Importance of Tuck-up in the Borzoi Breed?
One aspect of silhouette in the Borzoi standard is underline. The standard does not specifically mention underline; however, this aspect of the breed reflects the combination of chest, ribs, back, and loin. The standard says the following: Chest rather narrow, with great depth of brisket. Ribs very deep, giving room for heart and lung play [...]
| November 25, 2020
Expert Advice
Louis Murr: The Tsar of Spring Valley
After much coaxing from a friend, a Greenwich Village antiques dealer reluctantly agreed to attend the Westminster Kennel Club show. If on that cold day in 1920 the antiques dealer had been more adamant or the friend less persuasive, a great career in dogs might never have been. “It was my first show and I [...]
| November 25, 2020

Expert Advice
Mr. Borzoi: Louis Murr Was a Russian Wolfhound Advocate and Judge to Be Reckoned With
Louis Murr was a renowned Borzoi owner, breeder, exhibitor, and judge.
Most authorities of the time considered Murr's Ch. Vigow of Romanoff to be the greatest Borzoi ever bred on American soil
A tragic event cut Vigow's career short
Murr died in 1978, two years after retiring from judging, at age 84
Never mind Rasputin's curse. Or [...]
| November 25, 2020
Expert Advice
Starting a Breeding Program: Karen Staudt-Cartabona, Majenkir Borzoi
Adapted from a story originally published in the June 2011 AKC Gazette:After nearly a half-century in Borzoi, the best advice I can offer is to proceed slowly. When you begin to breed dogs, your first show dog will represent the ideal in your mind. That dog morphs in memory to near perfection in the years [...]
| November 25, 2020