AKC contact information is shown below by department. For department descriptions, please see our Departments page. You can also contact any AKC department by e-mail using our contact form.
phone: (919) 816-3725
fax: (919) 816-4210
phone: (919) 816-3575
(jump height cards)
fax: (919) 816-4204
email: agility@akc.org
phone: (919) 233-9767
email: clubbylawservices@akc.org
phone: (888) 682-9696
fax: (919) 334-4011
phone: (212) 696-8211
email: clubrelations@akc.org
email: communications@akc.org
phone: (919) 816-3546
email: compliancediv@akc.org
phone: (919) 816-3538
email: eventrecords@akc.org
phone: 1-888-4-DOG-HUNT
phone: (919) 233-9767
email: info@akc.org
hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-8:00 ET
phone: 212-696-8264
email: digitaladvertising@akc.org
phone: (919) 816-3508
fax: (919) 816-4255
phone: (919) 816-3796
phone: (800) 490-5675
email (subscription questions only): akcfamilydog@akc.org
phone: (919) 816-3720
phone: (919) 816-3593
fax: (919) 816-4225
phone: (919) 816-3813
phone: (212) 696-8234
email: familydog@akc.org
email: gazette@akc.org
phone: (212) 696-8200
fax: (212) 696-8299
Call here if you are uncertain what department to contact
phone: (919) 816-3575
fax: (919) 816-4204
email: obedience@akc.org
Please contact Show Operations for trial applications and results
phone: (212) 696-8260
fax: (212) 696-8217
phone: (919) 233-9767
hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-8:00 ET
Dawn Salpeck, Executive Administrative Assistant
phone: (919) 816-3687
phone: (919) 816-3575
fax: (919) 816-4211
email: tracking@akc.org
Please contact Performance Events for test applications and results
phone: (919) 233-9767
phone: (919) 816-3955
hours: Sat-Sun 8:00-5:00 ET