Showing 51-60 of 381 results

Peruvian Inca Orchid standing in the grass outdoors.
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds How Does a Dog Breed Become AKC-Recognized?
Have you ever wondered what it means to be AKC-recognized? How does a dog become AKC-recognized? Learn about the entire breed recognition process. | January 5, 2022
Expert Advice: Conformation Irish Setter “Windy” Wins 2021 Puppy of the Year
The nation's top puppies — 1,395 of them to be exact — gathered in Orlando, Florida to compete for the title of AKC Royal Canin National All-Breed Puppy of the Year. The AKC/Royal Canin National All-Breed Puppy & Junior Stakes event, held in conjunction with the AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin, is open […] | December 18, 2021
Press Releases Top Dogs Crowned at 2021 AKC Fast CAT Invitational
The 2021 AKC Fast CAT Invitational took place December 15-17, 2021 in Orlando, FL in conjunction with the AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin. The fastest dogs from each breed, based on rankings from AKC Fast Coursing Ability Tests (Fast CAT), were invited to participate in the second annual AKC Fast CAT Invitational. All […] | December 17, 2021
Press Releases Irish Setter “Windy” Wins AKC Royal Canin National All-Breed Puppy & Junior Stakes
Ashwood She's Like The Wind, an Irish Setter known as “Windy” triumphed over 1,395 dogs ages six months to 18 months to become the AKC Royal Canin National All-Breed Puppy of the Year, held today in Orlando, Fla in conjunction with the AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin. “Windy,” owned by Genea White Jones […] | December 17, 2021
Irish Red and White Setter laying in the grass with a stuffed toy.
Expert Advice: Vet's Corner What Is the Best Age to Neuter or Spay Your Dog?
Often, the spay and neuter take place at a very young age for pets. However, studies have shown that this may not be the best age. | December 14, 2021
Canine Partners Congrats to All American Dogs Qualified for the 2021 AKC FastCAT Invitational!
The top three All American Dogs of each height class have qualified for the 2021 AKC Fast CAT Invitational taking place Dec. 15 – 18 in Orlando, FL. In FastCAT, dogs run individually in a timed 100-yard dash. The top three fastest dogs of each breed, based on the 2020 averages, were invited to the […] | November 22, 2021
Senior Beagle lying on a rug indoors.
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Bloat (or GDV) in Dogs: What Is it and How Is it Treated?
If you believe your dog is suffering from symptoms of bloat, call your vet or emergency vet immediately. I hate this disease. When I first started as a vet, we gave a dog with bloat a 50-50 chance if he could walk into the hospital. Many were too weak and had to be carried in. […] | September 21, 2021
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Why Is My Dog’s Nose Dry?
Most dog owners would probably tell you that a cold, wet nose on their canine companion signals a healthy pup. Likewise, many believe a dog is sick when his nose is dry — but is this true? Before we get into that debate, we first need to understand why dogs have wet noses. The answer is […] | September 21, 2021
Pages 2019 Most Popular Dog Breeds
    Breed Rank Retrievers (Labrador) 1 German Shepherd Dogs 2 Retrievers (Golden) 3 French Bulldogs 4 Bulldogs 5 Poodles 6 Beagles 7 Rottweilers 8 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 9 Pembroke Welsh Corgis 10 Dachshunds 11 Yorkshire Terriers 12 Australian Shepherds 13 Boxers 14 Siberian Huskies 15 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 16 Great Danes 17 Miniature […] | September 14, 2021
Entlebucher Mountain Dog dog at night in the cityd
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Can Dogs See in the Dark?
Can dogs see in the dark? Learn how dog vision works and how dogs manage to see safely at night. | September 9, 2021

Showing 51-60 of 381 results