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Board Administration Policies

Board Administration Policies


  • AKC Educational Requirements Policy and Recommendations (April 2024 Board meeting) +

    As an additional step in creating a safe and respectful sport environment for all, the AKC Board of Directors approved the following educational requirements policy and recommendations. 

    Effective immediately:

    • AKC Board of Directors, Inspectors, Field Staff across all sports, AKC Registered Handlers, and additional AKC Staff that regularly attend events, will be required to successfully complete the Stewards of Children® training from the non-profit organization Darkness to Light once every three years.
    • All current and future Junior Showmanship judges will be required to successfully complete the Stewards of Children® training. The initial course will be offered by AKC on a complimentary basis and must be refreshed every three (3) years. All current Junior Showmanship judges must fulfill this requirement in 2024.
    • All current and future Club Junior Coordinators will be required to successfully complete the Stewards of Children® training. The initial course will be offered by AKC on a complimentary basis and must be refreshed every three (3) years.
    • Junior participants and their parents will be recommended to take the following complementary courses as applicable from SafeSport:
      • SafeSport® for Youth Athletes (ages 13-17)
      • SafeSport® for Kids (5-12)
      • SafeSport® Parent’s Guide to Misconduct in Sports Core.
    • All Superintendents, AKC approved Show Secretaries, and AKC approved Agility Trial Secretaries will be strongly advised to take the Stewards of Children® course.
    • All current and future Judges across all sports are required to complete the Stewards of Children® training. The initial training will be provided on a complimentary basis by AKC; this requirement will be phased in.

  • AKC Gazette (June 1997 Board meeting) +

     Quality is paramount and the magazine will not be required to break even on a monthly basis.

  • AKC Logo (February 2018 Board meeting) +

     In January 2018, the Board voted to revert back to the old AKC logo (pre-2015) as the only official logo of The American Kennel Club.  The Marketing, Creative Staff as well as AKC’s Digital Agency indicated that the new logo rendered better on digital platforms and mobile devices. A recommendation was made to utilize the new logo for digital communications and platforms where the old logo cannot be used, and continue to use the old logo for Offline materials and Sports & Events. Following a motion by Mr. Powers, seconded by Ms. McAteer it was VOTED (affirmative: Dr. Battaglia, Ms. Biddle, Mr. Carota, Mr. Dok, Mr. Feeney, Dr. Garvin, Ms. McAteer, Mr. Powers, Ms. Wallin, Mr. Wooding; opposed: Ms. Cruz, Dr. Davies, Mr. Menaker) to adopt the recommended dual logo usage policy as presented by Alexandra Aleskovsky.

  • AKC Personal Conduct Policy (May 2024 Board Meeting) +

    It is a privilege to be part of the American Kennel Club. Everyone who participates in the sport must refrain from conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in the sport of dogs and the AKC. This includes everyone that participates in any way in AKC events from exhibitors, judges, superintendents, show secretaries, club members, stewards, vendors, handlers, or anyone that uses AKC services.

    Conduct by anyone in the sport that is irresponsible, dangerous, violent, or illegal puts others at risk, damages the reputation of others in the sport, and undercuts public respect and support for the AKC. We must endeavor at all times to be people of high character, show respect for others inside and outside our sport, and conduct ourselves in ways that favorably reflect on ourselves, our dogs, and the AKC.

    This zero-tolerance policy is issued pursuant to the Charter and Bylaws of the American Kennel Club, Inc. as it relates to conduct prejudicial to the best interest of purebred dogs, purebred dog events or the AKC.

    Expectations and Standards of Conduct:

    As participants in our sport, we must hold ourselves to a higher standard and conduct ourselves in a way that is responsible, promotes the values of the AKC, and is lawful.

    Those convicted of a crime or subject to a disposition of a criminal proceeding (“Disposition” as defined in this Policy) are subject to discipline. Even if the conduct does not result in a criminal conviction, those found to have engaged in any of the following conduct will be subject to discipline. Prohibited Conduct includes but is not limited to the following*:

    • Assault and/or battery, including sexual assault or other sex offenses;
    • Violent or threatening behavior toward another individual;
    • Stalking or similar forms of intimidation;
    • Inappropriate comments, conduct and/or contact regarding but not limited to race, color, religion, disability, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or are sexual in nature (“Harassment”);
    • Inappropriate treatment of animals (would be subject to the Judicial or Administrative Determination of Inappropriate Treatment of Animals Policy);
    • Illegal possession of a gun or other weapon (such as explosives, toxic substances, and the like);
    • Illegal possession, use, or distribution of alcohol or drugs;
    • Crimes of dishonesty such as blackmail, extortion, fraud, money laundering, embezzlement, or racketeering (could be subject to the AKC’s Unauthorized Use of Club Funds Policy);
    • Theft-related crimes such as burglary, robbery, or larceny;
    • Crimes against law enforcement, such as obstruction, resisting arrest, or harming a police officer or other law enforcement officer;
    • Conduct that poses a genuine danger to the safety and well-being of another person; and
    • Conduct that undermines or puts at risk the integrity of the AKC, AKC clubs, club officials, AKC approved judges, AKC personnel, or anyone that participates in any way in AKC events. Judges conduct would also be subject to the Integrity of Judges and Judges Misconduct Policies.

    *Penalties for specific offenses as outlined in the AKC Discipline Guidelines shall be applicable.

    When AKC becomes aware of a possible violation of this Policy and pursuant to the Charter and Bylaws of the American Kennel Club, Inc, AKC may undertake an investigation, the timing and scope of which will be based upon the circumstances of the matter. Any such investigation may be conducted by AKC personnel, independent parties, or a combination of the two. In cases that are also being investigated by law enforcement officials, the AKC may continue its separate investigation, and will work to cooperate with law enforcement to avoid any conflict or interference with the law enforcement proceedings. A failure to cooperate with an investigation or to be truthful in responding to inquiries will be separate grounds for disciplinary action. An accused’s refusal to speak to an AKC investigator under such circumstances will not preclude an investigation from proceeding or discipline from being imposed.

    Upon receipt of information that a person has been charged or accused with misconduct pursuant to this policy, the AKC will notify the person that the privileges of the AKC may be withheld (“temporary referral”) in accordance with the, Charter and Bylaws of the American Kennel Club, Inc, Article XII, Section 4Further, AKC may consider the restrictions and terms placed on an individual pursuant to pretrial release conditions by the Court (“Pretrial Release” as defined herein) in evaluating information that a person has been accused of Prohibited Conduct under this policy (e.g. no contact with minors or no possession of animals, etc.). Accordingly, AKC will notify the person that they have been placed on temporary referral. Temporary referral affects all dogs registered with the AKC as owned or co-owned by that person. The temporary referral means that the person should not breed, sell, or transfer dogs with the expectation AKC paperwork will be provided. If AKC determines that no violation has occurred and no action will be taken to cause a suspension of privileges, the temporary referral will be removed, and all pending applications processed. Additionally, awards will not be recorded for any dogs owned or co-owned by the individual that participates in any AKC events.

    If the Prohibited Conduct is substantiated, AKC will follow the disciplinary process as set forth in the Charter and Bylaws of the American Kennel Club, Inc. In matters involving the violations of this policy , AKC may remove the individual from AKC registrations as a co-owner. This is not removal of legal title of a dog, rather it is removal of the individual from AKC recorded registration. In addition, an accused, in certain circumstances, may be prohibited from being on the grounds of AKC approved events.

    ** Definition of “Disposition” – includes conviction, admission, finding of guilt, plea to a lesser included offense, plea of no contest, nolo contendere, best interest plea or similar type plea, the acceptance of or into a diversionary program, deferred adjudication, disposition of supervision or similar arrangement.

    ** Definition of “Pretrial Release” – includes, but is not limited to, bond, conditional release, recognizance, etc.

    This policy may be updated at any time and is effective immediately.

  • Code of Sportsmanship (February 2006 Board meeting) +

     The Board considered the Code of Sportsmanship proposed by the Chairman’s Conflict of Interest Committee. The version under consideration reflected the input of the Delegates at the January 2006 Forum in Tampa.

    Following a motion by Mr. Merriam, seconded by Dr. Garvin, it was VOTED (unanimously) to adopt the following:


    PREFACE: The sport of purebred dog competitive events dates prior to 1884, the year of AKC’s birth. Shared values of those involved in the sport include principles of sportsmanship. They are practiced in all sectors of our sport: conformation, performance and companion. Many believe that these principles of sportsmanship are the prime reason why our sport has thrived for over one hundred years. With the belief that it is useful to periodically articulate the fundamentals of our sport, this code is presented.

    • Sportsmen respect the history, traditions and integrity of the sport of purebred dogs.
    • Sportsmen commit themselves to values of fair play, honesty, courtesy, and vigorous competition, as well as winning and losing with grace.
    • Sportsmen refuse to compromise their commitment and obligation to the sport of purebred dogs by injecting personal advantage or consideration into their decisions or behavior.
    • The sportsman judge judges only on the merits of the dogs and considers no other factors.
    • The sportsman judge or exhibitor accepts constructive criticism.
    • The sportsman exhibitor declines to enter or exhibit under a judge where it might reasonably appear that the judge’s placements could be based on something other than the merits of the dogs.
    • The sportsman exhibitor refuses to compromise the impartiality of a judge.
    • The sportsman respects the AKC bylaws, rules, regulations and policies governing the sport of purebred dogs.
    • Sportsmen find that vigorous competition and civility are not inconsistent and are able to appreciate the merit of their competition and the effort of competitors.
    • Sportsmen welcome, encourage and support newcomers to the sport.
    • Sportsmen will deal fairly with all those who trade with them.
    • Sportsmen are willing to share honest and open appraisals of both the strengths and weaknesses of their breeding stock.
    • Sportsmen spurn any opportunity to take personal advantage of positions offered or bestowed upon them.
    • Sportsmen always consider as paramount the welfare of their dog.
    • Sportsmen refuse to embarrass the sport, the American Kennel Club, or themselves while taking part in the sport.

  • Code of Sportsmanship Enforcement (August 2006 Board meeting) +

     The Code of Sportsmanship is an affirmation of how registrants and participants should behave, and violations will be handled pursuant to the Charter and Bylaws and the Dealing with Misconduct at AKC Events booklet. Complaints will be handled by sending a copy to the subject of the complaint and giving him/her an opportunity to respond. If the number or seriousness of the complaints against a person rises to the level requiring formal discipline (i.e. conduct prejudicial to purebred dogs, AKC events or the AKC), AKC will consider preferring charges. Infractions of a lesser degree will be dealt with by an educational letter sent to the parties involved, affirming the Code of Sportsmanship.

  • Delegate Committee Expense Reimbursement (October 1997 Board meeting; amended November 2023) +

    Delegate Committee reimbursement for member expenses will be approved with proper supporting documentation up to $400 following attendance at a Delegate Committee Meeting.

  • Delegate Conflict of Interest (January 2007 Board meeting) +

    ARTICLE VI, Section 5 (e) of the AKC Charter and Bylaws states that:

    “no person is eligible to become or remain a Delegate if he or she has a significant interest in a dog registry, dog event-giving organization or any organization deemed to be in competition with AKC or in conflict of its objects. Significant interest would include but not be limited to, ownership in, employment by, a directorship of, and holding office in.”

    Delegates, as representatives of AKC Member Clubs, exercise the voting powers of those clubs in the governance of AKC and the Sport of Purebred Dogs as regulated by AKC. While there will always be debate and legitimate differences of opinion on issues, there should be no question, but that all Delegates are basing their votes on what is best for AKC vis á vis any competing organization.

    Delegates, as part of AKC’s governing body, must hold the best interest of AKC over any organization that is clearly in competition with AKC for registrations or event entries or that is deemed to be in conflict of its objects. Besides the examples cited in the Bylaws, significant interest that would create a real or perceived conflict would also include monetary investment or gains, business affiliation, representation or consulting, with such interest resulting in payment or receipt of any remuneration or reward, cash or in kind, direct or indirect.

    When it comes to the attention of AKC, that a Delegate may not be in compliance with this section, he or she will be contacted and given the opportunity to clarify the alleged conflict or to resign.

    If, after clarification, there is still deemed to be a conflict, and the Delegate declines to resign, the matter will be referred to the AKC Board at its next meeting for adjudication. If the Board finds a Delegate to be ineligible to continue to serve, the procedure outlined in ARTICLE VI, Section 7 for new Delegates, shall apply, with the Delegate’s club having 30 days to appeal, which appeal shall be presented to the Delegates at their next regular meeting. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Delegates present and voting that the candidate is eligible shall be required to sustain the appeal and to enable the Delegate to continue to serve.

    Any questions on the provisions of the Bylaws and their enforcement may be directed to the attention. Of the akc Executive Secretary.

  • Dog Show Point Schedule (May 1995 Board meeting) +

     A three-member staff committee, appointed by the President, is given the authority to approve the annual dog show point schedule, which upon completion, is to be reported to the Board.

  • Edited Minutes (June 1998 Board meeting) +

     There are to be no deletions from the published minutes other than: judging denials, pending discipline, pending legal matters, sensitive business matters, and matters the Board specifically votes to delete.

  • Event Committee Discipline Report (November 1994 Board meeting) +

     The authority to review and reconsider Event Committee discipline reports involving misconduct at those events has been Delegated to AKC management with the following stipulations:

    1. The Board-approved procedures for the handling of discipline at events are followed.
    2. Penalties are assessed according to the schedule approved by the Board. Any recommendations for a penalty outside of this schedule must be referred to the Board for action.
    3. Guidelines established by the Board for assessing the mitigated and aggravated penalties are followed.
    4. All actions taken by management in these matters are to be reported to the Board at its next meeting.

  • Event Committee Legal Expenses (May 1985 Board meeting) +

     AKC will afford legal representation, upon request, to members of Event Committees, who are sued for activity or actions undertaken while acting within the scope of their duties on said committees.

  • Financial Conflict of Interest/Full Disclosure (July 1997 Board meeting) +

     It is the policy of The American Kennel Club that all members of the AKC Board of Directors will avoid any conflict between their interests, direct or indirect, and those of AKC or any organization affiliated with the AKC. The fundamental principle guiding implementation of this policy is that no Board member who represents or has any direct or indirect interest in any company, organization, institution or any other entity shall participate in any decision when that entity does or seeks to do business with AKC. Furthermore, any Board member whose immediate household members or immediate family members represent or have any direct or indirect interest in any of the above business entities will also be prohibited from participating in any decisions involving that entity. Board members in such situations, either personally or through association with household and/or family members, will reveal their interest, making full disclosure of the same, and leave the room during any discussion period concerning the entity and transaction involved. Board members will also abstain from voting on any matters pertaining to such entity.

    Further, in pursuance of this policy, all Board members will sign a disclosure statement annually at the Board’s annual reorganization meeting, and all appointed Board members will sign such a statement upon taking office.

    Direct and indirect interests will include, but not be limited to, monetary investment or gains, partnerships, business affiliation, association, representation or consultancy with such interest resulting in payment or receipt of any remuneration or reward, cash or in kind, direct or indirect.

    For the purpose of this policy, members of an immediate family are: husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law.

    AKC affiliated organizations will include, but not be limited to: the AKC Canine Health Foundation, the AKC Museum of the Dog, and AKC Companion Animal Recovery.

    The forms will be maintained by the Executive Secretary and only the Chairman and Treasurer will have access to them.

  • Financial Reserves (December 1995 Board meeting) +

     Specific finance reserves established. No funds are to be disbursed from these reserves without specific Board approval (12/11-12/95).

  • Formation of Local Specialty Clubs (April 2021 Board meeting) +

    In an effort to enhance the collaboration between Parent clubs and local Specialty clubs, the Board voted affirmatively to adopt a policy for a procedural change to the formation of new Specialty clubs.  The policy requires AKC’s Club Relations Department to make Parent Clubs aware in writing upon receipt of an inquiry from a prospective new local Specialty club.

  • Good Standing (August 2011 Board meeting) +

     The Board voted to define “good standing” as a person who has not had any AKC privileges suspended.

  • Investment Policy (June 1997 Board meeting; amended February 2005) +

      The Investment Policy for Reserve Funds is reviewed annually and approved by the Board of Directors.

  • Judges' Misconduct (July 1988 Board meeting; amended November 2018, February 2022, May 2022) +

    The Board unanimously adopted the following policy:

    When an alleged incident of misconduct involving a judge arises at, or in connection with, an AKC event, the following guidelines should be followed by the Field Staff:

    • All complaints against a judge at an event which involve deviation from standard judging procedure and responsibilities will be reported to the Field Representative and handled internally by the AKC. (procedures follow)
    • All complaints against a judge at an event, which involves action allegedly prejudicial to the sport of purebred dogs and the AKC, will be reported to the chairperson of the Events Committee to be handled, if deemed appropriate, by the Events Committee.
    • The AKC office should be informed as soon as possible of any incidents referred to the Events Committee.

    Internal Procedures for the Handling of Complaints Concerning Judges’ Alleged Misconduct

    1. All complaints shall be investigated by the Director or head of the applicable department, which shall include, but not limited to, conduct addressed by an Event Committee involving a judge, where further review by the applicable department determines additional action may be warranted specific to their judging privileges.
    2. Working within the department’s normal guidelines additional information is gathered relative to the complaint and a written notice of the complaint is mailed to the accused giving ample time for a response.
    3. If the matter requires investigation beyond the ability and resources of the department, the head of the applicable department will refer the matter to the President with a request for permission to obtain assistance from outside the department to do the necessary investigative work.
    4. If the President concurs, direction will be given as to which other departments or employees are to assist in the investigation process, as well as the extent of that involvement.
    5. A complete review is conducted to determine if the complaint has been substantiated. When appropriate, said review shall include a consultation with AKC’s Legal Department.
    6. If the department determines disciplinary action is warranted, the accused individual is notified in writing of the allegations and recommendation. The Staff’s recommendation (to include a penalty and prior examples of action taken, if available) is then submitted to the Board for adjudication.
    7. If the Board concurs with the Staff’s recommendation, the accused individual is notified in writing of the Board’s action. The effective date for a suspension of judging privileges is 30 days from the date of notification of the Board’s action. Extenuating circumstances and/or extreme transgressions may warrant an immediate effective date.
    8. Final determination of discipline imposed to affect one’s judging privileges is the authority of the Board. The Board may recommend a matter be referred to the Compliance Department for further action pursuant to Article XII Section 4 of the Charter and Bylaws of the American Kennel Club if  the Board of Directors is of the opinion the misconduct warrants penalty to affect event or all privileges.
    9. Judge should be marked inactive during the period of suspension and until receipt of payment of fine. Payment of fine prior to the expiration of the period of suspension will result in the judge being reactivated but will not be published in AKC’s online directory until the suspension has expired.  A with a judging referral will be placed until the expiration date of the suspension, as they may not be approved to judge at events that occur during the suspension period.   The accused individual has 30 days from the date of the Board’s letter to file an appeal with the Judging Operations, Performance or Companion Events Department. Receipt of appeal will delay any suspension until after the Appeals Hearing.
    10. The accused individual has 30 days from the date of the Board’s letter to file an appeal with the Judging Operations, Performance or Companion Events Department. Receipt of appeal will postpone any imposing of disciplinary action until   the matter is heard by the Board Appeals Committee.
    11. If an appeal is filed, the Director or head of the applicable department schedules a meeting with the Board Appeals Committee (BAC). The accused individual may; 1) attend in person or via conference call for a 30-minute presentation; 2) make a written appeal with pertinent additional information. The BAC reviews all material submitted and may concur with the recommended disciplinary action, amend the disciplinary action, or may recommend all disciplinary action be overturned. Any recommendation by the BAC requires the approval of the full Board.
    12. Once the Appeal Process is concluded, judge  is notified in writing of the decision of the Board of Directors.  Except in the case that all disciplinary action is overturned, notification of the suspension and/or fine shall be  published in the AKC Gazette, and the effective date for any resulting suspension following the appeals hearing is immediate
    13. Where discipline is a reprimand and fine, judge will have 30 days to pay the fine. Failure to pay will result in judge’s status being marked as inactive until receipt of payment.

    Judges Disciplinary Guidelines

    • The Charter and Bylaws of the American Kennel Club assigns the authority to the Board to issue and revoke licenses to judge.
    • Complaints against a judge at an event which involve deviation from standard judging procedure and responsibilities are to be reported to the Field Representative in attendance or the applicable AKC department and handled internally by the AKC.
    • Conduct addressed by an Event Committee involving an individual who is an AKC approved judge, may lead to review by the applicable AKC department to determine if further action is warranted specific to the person’s judging privileges.
    • Month is abbreviated as “mo.”. A month suspension is defined as being thirty (30) days.
    • The following Guidelines are used by staff in determining recommendations to the Board concerning the discipline of judges. The schedule represents potential penalties for judging infractions and the authority to impose discipline and the final determination of the conditions of any discipline imposed is solely the discretion of the AKC Board of Directors. It should not be viewed as a complete and comprehensive list.
      ¹Offense Mitigated Standard Aggravated
      a. Failure to Follow Procedures/Rules/Guidelines Rep/$100 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500
      b. Improper disqualification/excusal or failure to disqualify/excuse as required by AKC rules regulations and policies 1 mo./$100 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500
      c. Asking about points or discussing the merits of a dog judged or may judge with individual other than the owner or agent Rep./$100 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500
      d. Accepting Gifts from exhibitors Rep./$100 1 yr./$1000 Up to life/up to $2000
      e. Rudeness / Improper Demeanor with exhibitors or officials Rep./$100 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500
      f. Inappropriate, abusive or foul language 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500 1 year/$1000
      g. Exhibiting Improprieties (as judge or exhibitor) 1 mo./$100 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500
      h. Application misrepresentationDoes not apply to clerical errors or those due to a misunderstanding of the application requirements.  In those cases, the application is held, and the applicant is provided the opportunity to correct.

      Mitigated – inadvertent submission of inaccurate educational experience.

      Standard – claimed educational, owner or breeder qualifications confirmed to be inaccurate and/or inclusion of numerous inaccurate educational experiences.

      Aggravated – knowingly supplying inaccurate information and/or experiences on application for judging approval.

      Denial of application and six-month suspension of application privileges by department. Three-year suspension of application privileges and a $1000 fine. Up to Lifetime suspension of all judging privileges and up to $5000 fine.
      i. Falsification of Judge’s book and/or results 1 yr./$1000 5 yrs./$2000 Up to lifetime / up to $5000
      j. Improper recording in Judge’s book/results resulting in unresolved errors. Rep./$100 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500
      k. Having possession or viewing of catalog prior to or before the end of assignment 1 mo./$100 6 mos./$500 5 yrs./$2000
      l. Unsportsmanlike conduct toward AKC Officials and/or Club Officials 6 mos./$300 1 yr./$1000 Up to lifetime/ up to $5000
      m. Solicitation for wins or entries 1 mo./$100 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500
      n. Canceling / failure to appear for assignment without sufficient reason. 1 mo./$100 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500
      o. Late for assignment without sufficient reason Rep./$100 2 mos./$200 3 mos./$300
      p. Inappropriate social contact, traveling and/or staying with exhibitor(s) where assigned to judge and exhibitor is entered to compete under judge the same weekend, circuit, or cluster. 1 mo./$200 6 mos./$500 1 year/$1000
      q. Consistently socializing with handlers or exhibitors where assigned to judge and exhibitor is entered to compete under judge the same weekend, circuit, or cluster. Rep./$100 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500
      r. Inappropriate comments on social media/public forums promoting or criticizing dogs or individuals, or that bring embarrassment to the AKC. 3 mos./$100 6 mos./$500 5 yrs./$2000
      s. Inappropriate comments and/or conduct with exhibitors regarding but not limited to, race, color, religion, disability, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or are sexual in nature. 3 mos./$300 1 yr./$1000 Up to lifetime/up to $5000
      t. Inappropriate touching or activity directed towards a person of at least 18 years of age. 2 yrs./$5000 5 yrs./$10,000 Up to lifetime/up to $20,000
      u. Inappropriate touching or activity directed at a person younger than 18 years of age 4 yrs./$5000 10 yrs./$20,000 Up to lifetime/up to $40,000
      v. Attempting to influence other judges by promoting or criticizing other dogs or handlers 3 mos./$300 1 year/$1000 Up to lifetime/up to $5000
      w. Failure to return Judge’s books to Superintendents or Show Secretary. Rep./$100 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500
      x. Failure to respond in a timely manner to an inquiry by an AKC Event-related department’s or AKC Compliance department request.  Event-related departments include Event Operations, Judging Operations, Companion Events, Performance 1 mo./$100 3 mos./$300 6 mos./$500
      y. Judge placing bets/gambling on any competition at an AKC event assigned to judge. 3 mos./$300 1 year/$1000 Up to lifetime/up to $5000

      ¹Not all offenses apply to all AKC sports.

  • Judges' Temporary Referral Policy (November 2010 Board meeting) +

     When an AKC-approved judge is charged by a government entity with cruelty, inhumane treatment of animals, or similar offense involving inhumane or cruel treatment of dogs, or charged by a government entity with any crime involving moral turpitude, especially as it concerns dog-related activities, AKC may temporarily place the judge on referral, which would have the effect of temporarily holding the judge’s approval to judge or accept assignments in abeyance. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent the judge from judging or from accepting assignments to judge while the charges are pending. If and when the charges are resolved and AKC’s inquiry into the matter determines that no action will be taken by the AKC to cause a suspension of judging privileges, the temporary judging referral will be removed.

  • Judging Conflict of Interest (May 2006 Board meeting; amended January 2007) +

     No AKC judge may have a significant interest in a dog registry or dog event-governing organization deemed by the AKC Board to be in competition with The American Kennel Club. Significant interest would include, but not be limited to ownership of, employment by, a directorship in, and holding office in.

  • Licensing Superintendents (May 1995 Board meeting) +

     A three-member staff committee, appointed by the President, is authorized to handle the licensing of superintendents, with decisions to be reported to the Board.

  • Non-Budget Expenditures (July 1996 Board meeting) +

     CEO authorized to proceed with non-budgeted expenditures up to $50,000 without prior Board approval (7/8-9/96).

  • Officers' Expense Reports (February 1998 Board meeting) +

     All officers have their expense reports reviewed by the President. The Chairman is to review the President’s expense reports on a periodic basis.

  • Penalties: Mitigated and Aggravated (November 1994 Board meeting; amended October 2019) +

     Circumstances that could, but would not necessarily result in an act of misconduct being mitigated would include, but not be limited to:

    1. The lack of any prior offense.
    2. The lack of experienced as a participant in events.
    3. The minimal nature of the offense.
    4. Recognition of wrongdoing.
    5. The recommendation of the Events Committee.
    6. Payment of restitution and proof thereof prior to AKC reviewing the matter.

    Circumstances that could, but that would not necessarily result in an act of misconduct being aggravated would include, but not be limited to:

    1. A record of prior offenses.
    2. Extensive experience as a participant in events.
    3. The seriousness of the offense.
    4. Refusal to acknowledge wrongdoing prior to formal issuance of charges.
    5. The recommendation of the Events Committee.
    6. The action(s) of the individual resulted in the death of dog(s).
    7. The misconduct is directed towards or with a person under 18 years of age.
    8. Failure to reach an agreement regarding restitution prior to AKC reviewing the matter.

  • Performance Audits (August 1996 Board meeting) +

     Performance audits to be used to evaluate effectiveness of the organization.

  • Phone Participation (October 1996 Board meeting; Suspended April 2020 Special Board Meeting) +

     In an emergency, the Board members may participate in Board meeting discussions by phone, but may not VOTE.

  • Providing Information to AKC (May 1997 Board meeting) +

     AKC will consider paying some or all legal expenses for someone sued as a result of supplying requested information to AKC. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and a final decision made by the Board, using the following criteria:

    1. The request for the information must be initiated by AKC as part of a Board of Directors authorized inquiry.
    2. The individual did not furnish the information to any other party except as the result of a subpoena.
    3. AKC does not have a reason to believe that the information is untruthful.
    4. AKC is not contemplating disciplinary action or litigation against the defendant.
    5. AKC has been named as a defendant in the same litigation.
    6. The defendant has received an insurance company rejection letter if a policy was in effect that could possibly cover the cost of the litigation.
    7. No other potential conflicts are known to exist.

  • Publication in AKC Gazette (August 1996 Board meeting) +

     The Board minutes are to be published in the AKC GAZETTE .

  • Recorded Votes (July 1992 Board meeting) +

     Individual votes of Board members will be recorded in the minutes; other than for discipline and judging approval.

  • Setting and Payment of Restitution (October 2019 Board meeting) +

    Where appropriate, the Management Disciplinary Committee (“MDC”) and the Staff Event Committee (“SEC”) will set the amount of restitution to be paid, to whom the restitution should be paid, and the date by which payment must be made (“Terms of Restitution”).  In setting the Terms of Restitution, MDC and SEC will consider the ability of the accused to pay within a set time period as well as the injured party’s ability to function. The goal will also be to make sure that the injured party is compensated as soon as possible. The person required to pay restitution must provide the AKC with proof of payment prior to the person being reinstated or being eligible to have awards recorded. Payment of restitution prior to MDC or SEC reviewing the matter and providing proof thereof will be considered as a mitigating factor and failure to reach an agreement between the parties involved can be considered an aggravated factor in determining the penalty level.

  • Support of Educational Activities (August 1997 Board meeting) +

     AKC supports quality educational activities. It is the Board’s intent to include and not exclude AKC-affiliated organizations in these endeavors. Therefore, the AKC encourages subject matter input in providing AKC-sponsored educational programs from any national/regional AKC-affiliated organization. It is not AKC policy to underwrite the financial educational efforts of affiliated national or regional organizations.

  • Sweepstakes Guidelines (February 2018 Board meeting) +

     The Board VOTED to amend a Board Policy regarding Sweepstakes.
    The new Policy which is effective immediately will read:
    Show Manual:  The club may retain, for expenses, up to 50% of the sweepstakes entry fees collected. The club should only retain enough of the entry fee to cover the expenses of the competition.

    This change will allow clubs the opportunity to hold sweepstakes without exposing themselves to a loss.

  • Unauthorized Use of Club Funds (April 2009 Board meeting; amended May 2024) +

     The following policy which provides that the unauthorized use of a licensed, member, or sanctioned AKC club’s funds, or assets is hereby recognized to be conduct prejudicial to the best interests of The American Kennel Club, purebred dogs or the sport of purebred dogs.

    Anyone charged or accused of unauthorized use of club funds or club assets or a finding of financial liability whose charges or accusations are subsequently disposed of in any of the following ways: A conviction, or admission in a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction, or a finding by a federal or state administrative agency of unauthorized use of club funds or club assets or a finding of financial liability, plea to a lesser include offense, plea of no contest, nolo contendere, best interest plea or similar type plea; acceptance of or into a diversionary program, deferred adjudication, disposition of supervision or similar arrangement, or a signed admission of unauthorized use of club funds or club assets (“Disposition”) shall have their AKC privileges suspended for the term as set forth in the most current AKC Discipline Guidelines. Court or administrative records evidencing such Disposition shall be deemed conclusive proof of conduct prejudicial to the sport of purebred dogs and to the best interests of the American Kennel Club.

    Any club or person(s) interested in purebred dogs could submit a complaint alleging that a violation of the proposed policy has occurred. Staff foresees that a majority of complaints would be submitted by a club, but in accordance with Article XII, Section 1 of the Charter and Bylaws of The American Kennel Club, it would not be required. Once the complaint is submitted, if staff determines that further inquiry into the matter is warranted, it would contact the club involved to obtain additional information.

    As with any alleged violation, if the inquiry into the allegation determines that there is sufficient evidence to prefer charges, the accused would be notified of the AKC’s intent to impose disciplinary action.

    After being notified of the AKC’s intent to impose discipline for a violation of the policy and the penalty that is intended to be imposed, the person shall be afforded the opportunity to appeal to the Management Disciplinary Committee on the grounds that the conduct was not prejudicial to The American Kennel Club, purebred dogs, and the sport of purebred dogs. The appeal must be accompanied by a $250 fee, which shall be returned if the appeal is sustained. If the Management Disciplinary Committee denies the appeal, the accused may submit a written appeal to the Appeals Committee of the Board of Directors, whose decision is final. Additionally, the person shall be notified and afforded the opportunity to request reversal of the suspension by submitting proof that he or she was not convicted for such conduct or that the conviction was reversed or vacated upon appeal. If such a conviction is reversed or vacated on appeal, and there is no further prosecution of the charges, and the American Kennel Club is presented with proof of same, the person’s privileges with the American Kennel Club shall be reinstated.

    If the complaint alleges that the violation was committed by an AKC approved judge, staff would follow the Board of Directors’ policies that pertain to conducting inquiries into matters where the accused is an approved judge. Specifically, the Director or head of the department that is responsible for approving the judge would be notified of the complaint. If an inquiry into the matter was warranted, the President would allocate the necessary staff resources to conduct the inquiry. Additionally, during the inquiry, when applicable, any new application for the judge accused of misconduct would be placed on hold, pending the results of the inquiry. Staff would also take into consideration the fact that the accused is an AKC approved judge when setting the penalty for any alleged violation of the policy.

  • Vendors List (September 1997 Board meeting) +

     Management is to provide Board with a list of AKC’s top 25 vendors (based upon amounts paid). The intent is to provide information on the types of vendors who do significant business with AKC.

  • Veterinary Scholarships (January 1995 Board meeting) +

     A staff committee appointed by the President is authorized to award veterinary scholarships consistent with applicable guidelines, reporting their decisions to the Board at its next meeting.

  • Web Site Linkage (June 2000 Board meeting) +

     The AKC retains complete editorial control of the web site’s content and has sole discretion to place links on the site. The AKC will only consider linking to other sites that meet any of these criteria:
    a) The site is the official site of an AKC affiliate or subsidiary organization
    b) The site is the official site for a member, licensed, or sanctioned AKC club
    c) The site is an official rescue site affiliated with a member, licensed, or sanctioned AKC club
    d) The site is operated by a party who has contracted to have their link and associated creative material on the AKC site