This lesson is intended to be used as a review of word order for sentences and questions, not as an introductory lesson.
Skills practiced
- Use of “do”
- Word order in statements vs. questions
- Word order of adjectives and nouns
- Using question marks and periods
ELL Level
Materials Needed
Sample sentences printed and cut apart. (see below)
- Write the following two sentences on the board without punctuation:
Do you like to eat pizza and You do like to eat pizza
- Ask students to explain the difference in meaning when the word “do” is moved.
- Have students copy down the sentences with correct punctuation.
- Discuss student responses.
- Write the following sentences on the board
My friend Maria likes Gatorade blue but not Gatorade red.
My friend Maria likes blue Gatorade but not red Gatorade.
- Ask students to tell the person sitting next to them which statement has correct word order, and why. (Answer: second sentence because in English the adjective precedes the noun)
- Discuss student responses.
Independent/Partner Practice
- Before beginning the lesson, print the sentences and cut them out. Cut apart each word, keeping the sentences clipped together or in plastic baggies.
- To make the task a little easier, print copies of the sentences with a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence, and a punctuation mark at the end. For more of a challenge, leave these clues out and require students to write the sentences correctly with capitals and end punctuation.
- Remind students that in English the adjective comes before the noun.
- Students work together in groups or partners to rearrange the words to make the most correct sentence possible.
Sample statements and questions:
Do you like dogs?
Do you like big dogs or small dogs?
What kind of dog do you have?
Can your dog do any tricks?
What tricks can your dog do?
I would like to have a herding dog like a Collie,
I want an easygoing dog like a Labrador.
My friend got a puppy last week. He is so cute and tiny.
The Golden Retriever is my favorite breed.
I walk my dog twice a day.
My puppy loves to play with a ball.
Play the first two minutes of the Meet the Breeds video from AKCTV. Cut apart sentences from the transcript of the video. Students listen and watch, and then rearrange the words to recreate the text of the video. Academic vocabulary is used, as well as typical speech habits like filler words and incomplete sentences.
Meet the Breeds Great Dane video
Transcript up to minute 2:05:
They can be clowns. I mean, really clowns. They’re deceiving. You expect one thing and you get another. If you allow them to be a lapdog, they would be most happy doing exactly that. They range from silly to very majestic, that kind of regalness, but a little bit of standoffishness. And yet they’re sweet and loving and can be playful. So it kind of depends on the mood you catch them in. But they could be all of those things. They’re referred to as a giant, and they were known as the Apollo of dogs. Because of this stature and grace and beauty. Apollo was the most beautiful, big, brawny specimen of manhood in the Pantheon. The name Apollo was bestowed to, eh, onto the Great Dane for that reason because it is a big, impressive, studly, imposing animal.
Hunting, and hunting in particular wild boar, was what they originally did. And you have to be pretty fearless to hunt and bring down wild boar. That’s not exactly a term that I would use for the breed today. But they really don’t have to be because they are intimidating. When it comes to Great Danes in all their elegance and stately grace, it’s been said this iconic dog’s lineage dates back as far as ancient Egypt.
- Discuss student errors and questions.
- Wrap up with a few minutes of free conversation.