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Learning Objectives

Through the analysis of a variety of sources, students will learn about the history of guide dogs and how the program has evolved over the years.


Grade Levels



National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Theme 2: Time, Continuity, and Change

Theme 8: Science, Technology, and Society


ELA/Literacy Standards


Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources.


Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.


Materials Needed

Access to a computer, tablet, or personal cellular device with internet capabilities

Microsoft Office Word and Power Point

Below article links to view online or to print out:

AKC Expert Advice Article: New Device Helps Monitor Guide Dog Health, Well Being HERE

AKC Expert Advice Article: 7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Guide Dogs HERE

AKC Expert Advice Article: See a Guide Dog Grow From Puppy to Life-Changer HERE

Timeline Article: This woman brought guide dogs to America, and aid to thousands of blind people HERE

Bark Post Article: Guide Dogs Have Been Leading The Way Since The Days Of Ancient Rome  HERE

International Guide Dog Federation Article: History of Guide Dogs HERE

Bark Magazine Article: The Making of a Guide Dog HERE




  • Explain to students that they will be learning about the history of guide dogs, how they have evolved, and how technology has changed guide dogs. They will be doing research to create a Power Point to present to the class on their findings.


  • Time permitting, classes should watch the movie Pick of the Litter. This can be accessed on YouTube, Amazon Prime, or Vudu for a small fee.  This inspirational movie gives students background on the process and what it takes to become a guide dog.
  • Ensure students have the correct materials.
  • Review proper online research etiquette, citing sources, and how to not plagiarize.
  • Students will use the provided articles, as well as research books or other media that they find, to complete the below project with a partner.

Partner Project

  • Students will create a Power Point that includes the following slides:
    • Timeline of the history of guide dogsCreate a timeline using one of the provided maps in Power Point. Choose which dates and information that are most important to include.  Cite sources.
    • Notable people in guide dog history – Provide facts and visuals about important figures. Compare and contrast the figures. Cite sources.
    • How are guide dogs trained? – Provide facts and visuals about the process involved. Cite sources.
    • Name 3 top guide dog programs in the United States – Provide a description of each. Cite sources.
    • What breeds make the best guide dogs? – Provide visuals and explanations. Cite sources.
    • How has technology enhanced guide dogs? Has it made it easier or worse in your opinion? – Explain and cite sources.

Review and Closing

  • When Power Points are finished, students will have the opportunity to present their findings to the class.  



Guide Dogs Have Been Leading The Way Since The Days of Ancient Rome.  (2016).  Retrieved from

Hardy, D., & Nachman, D. (Producer/Director). (2018).  Pick of the Litter.  [Documentary]. United States: KTF Films.

History of Guide Dogs.  (n.d.).  Retrieved from

New Device Helps Monitor Guide Dog Health, Well Being. (2015). Retrieved from

See a Guide Dog Grow From Puppy to Life-Changer.  (2016).  Retrieved from

7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Guide Dogs. (2016). Retrieved from

The Making of a Guide Dog.  (2017).  Retrieved from

This woman brought guide dogs to America, and aid to thousands of blind people.  (2017).  Retrieved from