Showing 71-80 of 101 results

Pages Competition Update Fall 2019
We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles in Agility, Coursing Ability, Rally, Obedience, Scent Work, Tracking and Trick Dog. Big congrats to the first All-American to earn the Scent Work Masters title and the seventh All-American to earn the Obedience Trial Championship! AGILITY Master Agility Championships (MACH)  Multiple Master Agility […] | September 26, 2019
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Back-to-School Shopping for Dog-Lovers
Love dogs? Love stocking up on back-to-school essentials? Then this is the shopping list for you. From lunch bags and backpacks to pens and pencils, here are some of our favorite supplies perfect for letting your — or your child's — pet-loving personality shine. 1. “Best in Show” Pencils for Dog-Lovers U.S. Toy Dog Pencils […] | August 23, 2019
A vintage portrait of two Smooth Fox Terriers standing on a stoop.
Pages Breeds by Year Recognized
The AKC currently registers 201 dog breeds. The chart below lists all AKC recognized breeds and the year they first became registrable with the AKC.  (last updated 11/20/24) DATE – BREED 1878 – Pointer  1878 – Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)  1878 – Spaniel (Clumber)  1878 – Spaniel (Cocker)  1878 – Setter (English)  1878 – Setter (Gordon)  […] | August 12, 2019
Expert Advice: General Health How to Tell If Your Dog Is in Shape Or Overweight
If your pooch is looking a bit more pudgy than usual, it's actually quite common. The battle of the bulge isn't just something people face — so do pets. In fact, according to a 2018 survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 55.8 percent of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. And […] | August 7, 2019
Brazilian Terrier running through a pond outdoors.
Expert Advice: General Health How to Keep Your Dog Healthy
It's important to know how to keep your dog healthy. Here are some of the key ways to maintain your dog's health, inside and out. | June 16, 2019
Couple with a young child walking a Siberian Husky.
Expert Advice: Studies Why Having a Dog is Actually Great for Your Social Life — and Mental Health
When Caroline Myers moved from New York City to Nashville a few years ago, meeting new people was a priority. "As a military spouse, moving to a new location is always a challenge," the 26-year-old social worker explains. Little did she know that Riley Tucker Myers, her Labrador Retriever, would play a major role in […] | June 5, 2019
Two Chinese Shar-Pei puppies wrestling in the grass outdoors.
Expert Advice: How to... Are Dogs Playing or Fighting? How to Evaluate Rough Play
If two dogs are wrestling and it seems too rough to you, with all that growling and snarling, body-slamming, and biting of each other’s necks, should you intervene? How can you tell if dogs are playing or fighting? This is normal dog play. Puppies play with their littermates constantly. From around two weeks, when their […] | May 9, 2019
Two Bull Terrier puppies wrestling in the grass.
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Keep Your Puppy Active and Out of Trouble With Stimulation and Exercise
In the search for something to do, a bored dog can become a destructive dog, digging up your garden or chewing on the furniture for example. This is especially true of puppies because they are curious, eager to learn about the world around them, and full of energy. Plus, they may not yet understand the […] | May 7, 2019
Cairn Terrier running outdoors.
Expert Advice: Training for Dog Sports Is Your Dog a Champion Earthdog?
Historically, small terriers and Dachshunds were used to find and drive away predators that destroyed livestock and compromised the food sources of early farmers. To do their job, these original earthdogs would chase quarry into their underground tunnels – a daunting mission that required persistence, bravery, intelligence, and independence. Today, small terriers and Dachshunds can […] | April 24, 2019
Papillon head portrait in a field of yellow flowers.
Expert Advice: Lifestyle What Were Toy Group Dogs Bred to Do?
Toy dogs are more than just small. Learn more about each of the Toy Group breeds and find out what exactly these adorable dogs were bred to do. | January 25, 2019

Showing 71-80 of 101 results