Competition/Titles Update Summer 2021
We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles and honors in Agility, Coursing Ability, Fast CAT Rally, Obedience, Scent Work, Tracking, and Trick Dog. Many dogs are also having success in AKC’s Virtual Titling programs! AGILITY Master Agility Championships (MACH) Congratulations to these dogs who have earned more […]
| August 30, 2021

Expert Advice: Common Conditions
Cloudy Eyes in Dogs: What to Know
When you see dogs with cloudy eyes, it may be a natural part of the aging process. But cloudy eyes in dogs can also be a symptom of eye problems.
| January 9, 2021

Expert Advice: General Nutrition
Best Nutrition For Dog Shows & Dog Sports
Around the country, dogs and their humans are gearing up for the event of the year: the AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin. This means rigorous training as dogs nail those jumps, weave poles, and tire jumps—all while following a diet carefully designed for peak performance. We spoke to Dr. Catherine Lenox (DVM, DACVN), […]
| December 4, 2020

Expert Advice: News
Five Years of Bred With H.E.A.R.T.: Free Enrollment & More
As a child and young adult, Laura Haas helped her family breed German Shepherd Dogs. But it wasn't until an encounter later in life with a whole new breed that re-ignited Haas's love of producing beautiful purebred dogs. “In 2008 while at an AKC conformation show, I met a Black Russian Terrier for the first time," […]
| October 16, 2020

Expert Advice: Dog Behavior
Dog Reactivity: Understanding the Difference Between Reactivity and Aggression
Reactive dogs often overreact to certain things or situations. But, reactivity is often confused with aggression. Here's how to tell the difference.
| August 19, 2020

Expert Advice: News
The Lab is the Most Popular Dog Breed in the U.S. – For Record 29th Straight Year!
There just seems to be no stopping the Labrador Retriever! For a record 29th year (2019), the versatile sporting breed reigns supreme on the American Kennel Club registry list, a run like no other breed has seen in the record books. Changes in the top ten Little changed in the top ten standings from 2018. Following […]
| May 1, 2020

Expert Advice: Feature
Ellsworth Gamble: Handler, Judge, & Sage Whose Hands Did The Talking
To understand just how respected Ellsworth Gamble was, let us eavesdrop at a 1967 dinner where the legendary judge gave a speech to the members of the Kerry Blue Terrier Club of Northern California. Gamble stood to address the assembled fanciers whose dogs he had judged earlier that day. Though he was a slight man, […]
| December 5, 2019
Press Releases
The American Kennel Club Announces 2019 Breeder of the Year Group Honorees
The American Kennel Club® (AKC®) is pleased to recognize breeding programs from the Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding groups as 2019 AKC Breeder of the Year group honorees. “The breeders honored with this award have made important contributions to the sport and future of purebred dogs,” said Dennis Sprung, AKC President and […]
| September 19, 2019

Breeds by Year Recognized
The AKC currently registers 201 dog breeds. The chart below lists all AKC recognized breeds and the year they first became registrable with the AKC. (last updated 11/20/24) DATE – BREED 1878 – Pointer 1878 – Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) 1878 – Spaniel (Clumber) 1878 – Spaniel (Cocker) 1878 – Setter (English) 1878 – Setter (Gordon) […]
| August 12, 2019

Expert Advice: News
Life in the Dog World as a Member of the LGBTQ Community
Editor's Note: The American Kennel Club has had a long history of inclusion across our sport for exhibitors and spectators from all walks of life. This month, we are sharing stories and voices of LGBTQ community members. Here is Sassafras Lowrey's: When the AKC went public on social media with a rainbow version of the logo […]
| June 25, 2019