Expert Advice: Breed History
Skye Terrier History: From Rocky Scotland to British Royalty
The Skye Terrier was used as a working dog in Scotland as early as the 1600s. Learn more about this breed's surprising history.
| February 7, 2022

Expert Advice: Breed History
Scottish Terrier History: From Rugged Hunter to 1930s Fad
There is, carved into a Scottish Highlands farm wall, the image of a short-legged, longheaded, prick-eared, cobbily built dog barking on a wheelbarrow. The image appears to date from around A.D. 200, and is about three-eighths of an inch in diameter, small enough that the viewer cannot make out if the dog is double-coated or […]
| November 23, 2021

Expert Advice: Breed History
Cesky Terrier History: From a Bohemian Hunting Dog to the Terrier Group
Frantisek Horak, the creator of the Cesky Terrier persevered through World War II and a communist revolution to create the new hunting breed.
| September 8, 2021

Expert Advice: Breed History
Kerry Blue Terrier History: From Irish Farm Dog to Sophisticated Terrier
As legend has it, the roots of the Kerry Blue Terrier harken back to the Spanish Armada. Learn more about the history of the Kerry Blue Terrier.
| August 9, 2021

Expert Advice: Breed History
Yorkshire Terrier History: From Working-Class to Luxury Lapdog
The Yorkshire Terrier is associated with the County of York in northern England. But the breed's roots actually go further back.
| March 8, 2021

Expert Advice: Dog Breeds
Norwich Terrier vs. Cairn Terrier: How to Tell the Difference
One of the most famous dogs in movie history is little Toto, following Dorothy along the yellow brick road to see the wizard of Oz. Toto was played by a Cairn Terrier named Terry. You might think every little wire-haired terrier you see is a Cairn, but in fact there is a similar breed called […]
| November 30, 2020

Expert Advice: Dog Breeds
Dandie Dinmont Terrier History: Behind the Breed
English novelists of centuries past gave us timeless characters who hopscotched from the printed page into our cultural consciousness, from Daniel DeFoe’s “Robinson Crusoe” to Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein.” And in the dog world, there is one exceedingly rare terrier that owes its name – and arguably its continued existence – to a peripheral character in […]
| August 13, 2020

Expert Advice: Dog Breeds
By George: A Founding Father and his American Foxhounds
Though we often don’t think about them in this way, dogs are really about people — those long-ago (or, sometimes, not so long-ago) figures who developed particular breeds for particular tasks. Some breeds — like the Doberman Pinscher, Teddy Roosevelt Terrier, and Cesky Terrier — owe their existence to just one visionary person. Other breeds were brought into being […]
| May 18, 2020

Expert Advice: Lifestyle
Welsh Terrier Facts You May Not Know
With a true terrier temperament, Welsh Terriers are friendly and feisty, and can have a knack for trouble. Learn more about this black and tan breed.
| December 31, 2019

Expert Advice: Breeding & Whelping
Breeder of Merit: Barbara Miller of Max-Well Norfolk Terriers
Barbara Miller of Glen Head, New York, is synonymous with Norfolk Terriers. And not just those from her top-winning Max-Well Kennel. The 2007 AKC Breeder of the Year (and 2002 AKC Terrier Breeder of the Year), Miller was the president of the parent club when her breed amicably split in 1979, creating the drop-eared Norfolk Terrier and the prick-eared Norwich Terrier. However, her earliest years in […]
| December 6, 2019

Expert Advice: Dog Sports
The Glen of Imaal Terrier: An Uncommon Competitor
Leaping over a broad jump, hopping through a hoop, and digging furiously underground to find rats. Add in a sniff-out session, some snappy switchbacks around poles, and a 100-yard dash in tizzy time and it looks like a dog in supersonic shenanigans. If this sounds like a flashy, popular breed who always stands in the […]
| May 10, 2019

Expert Advice: Dog Sports
Earthdog 101 – Tap Into Your Small Terrier’s or Dachshund’s Instincts
Does your terrier or Dachshund love to dig in the dirt? Maybe he squirms his way into animal tunnels and comes out with a surprise in his mouth. What is he thinking? Well, there's a reason Dachshunds and small terriers are classified as earthdogs. Rather than trying to stop this “bad” behavior, channel the go-to-ground […]
| April 9, 2019

Expert Advice: Fun Facts
The Terrier Group: Planet Earthdog
Among the marvels of human ingenuity is the way various breeds of dog were developed, mentally and physically, to tackle specific jobs. Consider the farmer’s eternal war against rodents and other burrowing mammals that devastate grain stores, raid henhouses, tear up fields, dig away riverbanks, and carry disease. As their number-one weapon in subterranean warfare, […]
| January 28, 2019

Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices
Meet Breeder of Merit Karen Fitzpatrick of Meadowlake Border Terriers
If you're a musician, there's the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. If you're an actor, there are the Oscars. And if you're a dog breeder, the maraschino cherry atop a lifetime of hard work is to be named an American Kennel Club Breeder of the Year. After all, anyone can have a one-hit wonder, […]
| November 20, 2017

Dog Breeds
Russell Terrier
Upbeat, lively, inquisitive, and friendly, the jaunty Russell Terrier was developed by England's "Sporting Parson" for use in foxhunts. The adorable Russell Terrier looks like a plush toy come to life but is an eager, tireless working terrier.
| November 6, 2017

Dog Breeds
Parson Russell Terrier
The Parson Russell Terrier is a bold and clever terrier, swift enough to run with horses and fearless enough to dig in and flush a fox from his lair. Independent problem solvers, PRTs can have their own ideas on how to go about things.
| November 6, 2017

Dog Breeds
Lakeland Terrier
A bold, zesty “big dog in a small package,” the Lakeland Terrier, named for the Lake District of his native England, was once a farmer’s dog bred to work in packs on sheep-stealing foxes. The Lakeland's coat is hard, wiry, and low-shedding.
| November 6, 2017

Dog Breeds
Cairn Terrier
Cairn Terriers are happy, busy little earthdogs originally bred to fearlessly root out foxes and other small, furred prey in the rocky Scottish countryside. Curious and alert, Cairns like having a place where they can explore and dig.
| November 6, 2017
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
6 Things You Didn’t Know About the Lakeland Terrier
The Lakeland Terrier is known for his curiosity and problem-solving ability. This intelligent breed loves a physical or mental challenge and is well suited for an active lifestyle. Here are more interesting facts about the Lakeland Terrier: 1. They Were Named for Their Birthplace The Lakeland Terrier is named for the Lake District of England, […]
| March 31, 2017
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
Meet the Loyal and Intelligent Cesky Terrier
The short-legged but muscular Cesky Terrier is relatively rare in the United States, with less than 600 dogs to be found in the country. These fairly small terriers are sensitive and full of energy, but are not quite as excitable as some other terrier breeds. Cesky is pronounced "chess-key" after the breed’s country of origin, […]
| March 9, 2017