Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding
Signs of a Responsible Breeder
How do you find a reputable dog breeder? Once you decide to look for a puppy of your own, AKC Marketplace can connect you with a responsible breeder. But you’re also going to have to do some research, mixed with a dollop of good, old-fashioned gut instinct. Here are some considerations to guide you in […]
| April 15, 2021

Expert Advice: Dog Breeding
Replying to Puppy Inquiries: How Responsible Breeders Should Respond
Recently I helped a breeder friend compile a package of handouts to send to prospective owners. This was her first litter so she was new to the process. I was surprised to learn that her bitch’s breeder had not sent her anything comparable when she was shopping for a puppy. I used to think these […]
| April 8, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Colorado: Proposed Initiative Would Harm Responsible Breeders, Animal Owners –and Ban Standard Animal Husbandry Practices, Including Artificial Insemination
Volunteers may soon be seen throughout Colorado collecting signatures to put a measure on the November 2022 ballot that they will claim will protect animals in the state. The American Kennel Club joins many other animal welfare, livestock and animal husbandry groups in expressing grave concerns and opposition to the proposal. We urge all dog […]
| March 25, 2021

Expert Advice: How to...
Tips for Finding and Working With a Responsible Breeder
Finding a responsible breeder you trust is your first—and most important—step to finding your new best friend. Breeders are invaluable resources. Not only are they a bridge between you and your perfect dog, but you can also rely on them throughout your dog’s lifetime. Think of a breeder as your own private guide to all […]
| March 12, 2020

Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding
AKC Marketplace Brings Responsible Breeders, Potential Dog Owners Together
Searching for a new purebred puppy isn’t necessarily as easy as it seems. Sure, anyone can post an advertisement for healthy, purebred, AKC-registered puppies on sites like Facebook and Craigslist, but that doesn’t make them true. It is important for dog owners to know where exactly their new furry friend came from to ensure their […]
| March 22, 2016
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices
Responsible Breeders Reach Out With a Positive Approach to Fight Anti-breeder Sentiment
As a dog trainer and an instructor for puppy socialization classes, I can’t help but notice that almost all of the purebred puppies I see (and many popular purposely-bred mixes) are not from good local breeders but were purchased through the Internet. It’s actually quite astonishing: On a whim, anyone can Google a breed, click […]
| November 3, 2015
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding
Why Buy From a Responsible Breeder?
By Jo Ann WhiteThere are many good reasons to buy a well-bred purebred dog from a responsible breeder. The first, of course, is predictability. You will know whether you are getting a breed that exemplifies what you want from a dog, rather than an albeit cute puppy who could grow up to be something other […]
| April 16, 2015

Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding
Responsible Breeders: A Commitment for the Dog’s Whole Life
By Cheri Rankin It all started when my daughter, Erin, wanted a "sled dog" for her fourth birthday (because she was enamored of sled-dog movies like Iron Will and Balto). I've been a dog lover all my life and had always had a dog growing up, but at that point we had not had a […]
| March 17, 2015
Legislative Alerts
Iowa Alert: Bill Would Punish Responsible Breeders and Hobbyists
A bill recently introduced in the Iowa Senate would likely have an extremely damaging impact on breeders and fanciers. This bill is expected to move very quickly. It is imperative that Iowa dog owners and breeders contact their State Senator TODAY and ask them to oppose Senate File 168. Click here to find the name […]
| February 11, 2015

Responsible Breeders
Thinking of Buying a Puppy? Find a Responsible Breeder. Don't be put off if a breeder isn't immediately responsive. Hobby breeders often have full-time jobs and they don't always have available puppies. Be selective. Find a responsible breeder who is knowledgeable and make sure you're comfortable with them. Visit the breeder's home or kennel and […]
| December 19, 2014