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The 2016 AKC Obedience Classic and the AKC Agility Invitational were held December 17-18, 2016 in conjunction with the AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin, demonstrating the highest level of training and teamwork between dog and handler. Obedience and agility competitions for junior handlers were held for the sixth year, and an AKC Rally® Junior competition was held for the third year.

The winners:

AKC Obedience Classic

Four obedience dogs and their owners – one dog/handler team in each of the four classes – were crowned at the AKC Obedience Classic, which brought together 248 dogs from across the country and beyond.

Placing first in their class (Novice, Open, Utility and Masters respectively) were:

  • Novice: Powderhorn Brodie & Stand Back CD PCD BN JH, a Golden Retriever known as “Brodie,” owned by Barb and Bob Mina of Campobello, SC.
  • Open: Augustus Treasured Serenity CDX BN RA NA, a Labrador Retriever known as “Grant,” owned by Mary Ann Flanagan of Glen Gardner, NJ.
  • Utility: Henry Head Over Heels UD PCDX BN GN RE THDA CGC, an All American Dog known as “Henry,” owned by Kathryn Harvey of Apple Valley, MN.
  • Masters: OTCH Rhumbline’s Once In A Blue Moon UDX2 OM3 BN GN RE, a Labrador Retriever known as “Heart,” owned by Linda Brennan of Columbia, NJ.

AKC Juniors Obedience/Rally Classic

Juniors who participated in the AKC Juniors Classic competed in Obedience and/or AKC Rally®.

In Obedience, juniors competed in the Beginner Novice, Preferred Novice and Preferred Open classes twice, based on their AKC obedience accomplishments.

Placing first in their class were:


  • Beginner Novice: Emily Wagoner, Maximum Force, All American Dog
  • Preferred Novice: Brittaney Allen, Allen’s Ollie CD BN RN CGC, All American Dog
  • Preferred Open: Emily Wagoner, Clarimond’s Because I’M the Boss CDX BN RE CGCA, Belgian Tervuren

In AKC Rally®, Juniors competed in Rally Novice, Rally Advanced or Rally Excellent, based on the dog’s class eligibility (qualifying scores and/or titles earned).

Placing first in their class were:


  • Rally Novice: Breanna Durham, Nike D The Perfect Fit For Me CDX PCD GN RN, Australian Shepherd
  • Rally Advanced: Avery Adams, Wyndspell Fireworks CD AX AXJ, Border Collie
  • Rally Excellent: Kaitlyn Scripko, Hidden Valley Black Ty Affair UDX OM2 RE HT MX MXB MXJ MJB MXF T2B, Border Collie

AKC Agility Invitational

Five agility dogs and their owners – one dog/handler team in each of the five height categories – were crowned as the 2016 winners of the AKC Agility Invitational, which brought together 700 dogs from across the country and beyond.

Placing first in their height division (8″, 12″, 16″, 20″ and 24″ respectively) were:

  • 8” – MACH5 Brokenroad Code Name Tank MXB2 MJB2 MXF MFB TQX T2B RN (Tank), a Portuguese Podengo Pequeno owned and handled by Charlene Wiglesworth of Kalamazoo, MI.
  • 12” – MACH12 Keebler’s Elfin’ Magic MXS4 MJS4 (Keebler), a Pembroke Welsh Corgi owned and handled by Roger O’Sullivan of Gahana, OH.
  • 16” – Dora Doo Winslow AX AXJ OF (Dora), a Shetland Sheepdog owned and handled by Patricia Toro Sarraga of San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • 20” – MACH5 Marjo’s Demon In The Ruff MXS2 MJG2 MXP2 MJP3 MJPB MXF MFS TQX T2B2 (Simi), a Brittany owned and handled by Janice Brunner of Wellsville, PA.
  • 24” – MACH7 Gliding High Du Volant MXC2 MJC2 MXF MFB TQX T2B (Glider), a Belgian Sheepdog owned and handled by Nici Parker of Santa Rosa Valley, CA.

AKC Juniors Agility Competition

Juniors who participated in the AKC Juniors Agility Competition competed in either the Junior Excellent or Superior Classes, depending on whether they had achieved an agility title.

Placing first in their height division (8″, 12″, 16″, 20″ and 24″ respectively) in the Junior Excellent class were:

  • 8”- Kayangee Dorothy Parker MX MXJ (Dot), a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel handled by Anthony Rotelle
  • 12”- Karmayne Playin With Matches MX MXJ (Fire), a Shetland Sheepdog handled by Natalie Spinsby
  • 16”- Julian’s Razor Lazzer MX MXB MXJ OF (Lazer), a Border Collie handled by Destiny Julian
  • 20”- MACH Rival’s Stitch In Time HIBS, HIAS, CD (Stitch), a Border Collie handled by Kai Macauley
  • 24”- MACH Smokingold Vibrant Spark MX MXJ UD RE (Vibrant), a Golden Retriever handled by Avery Adams

Placing first in their height division (12”, 16″ and 24″ respectively) in the Junior Superior class were:

  • 12”- Rhapsody Enchanting Dart To The Finish Line (Dart), a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel handled by Aaliyah Watkins
  • 16”- Martin’s Lola II (Lola), an All American Dog handled by Tasha Martin
  • 24”- Hunter Of The Meadow BN RN CGC (Hunter), a Labrador Retriever handled by Hayley Milliron

Congratulations to all of the winners! Make sure to head to to watch all of the action on demand.
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