Every year the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show comes to New York City to celebrate dogs, breeders, owners, handlers, and all others who are a part of a dog's journey.
This year we had some wonderful moments, made some history, and crowned another champion.
Come with us as we take a walk through a dog's biggest nights.
Monday, 6:59 PM
Madison Square Garden was ready, waiting in eager anticipation for the fans and, more importantly, the dogs to arrive.
.@TheGarden is empty for now, but will soon be packed full of fans, and most importantly, dogs! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/4Z07ctLwJu— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 15, 2016
Monday, 8:05 PM
A beautiful rendition of the national anthem kicked off the evening.
.@harlemgospel rang in the Show with a stunning rendition of the National Anthem. #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/mL3f501jly
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 16, 2016
Monday, 8:22 PM
Before the groups got started, we asked you who you were most excited to see and you told us.
Which breed group are you most excited to see tonight? #WKCDogShow
— American Kennel Club (@akcdoglovers) February 16, 2016
Monday, 8:40 PM
And then it all began, the Hound Group took the ring.
What did you think of the first group from tonight's #WKCDogShow? pic.twitter.com/c8LpYIiBBx
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 16, 2016
Monday, 8:51 PM
A beautiful Borzoi named Lucy took the group.
Congratulations to Lucy the Borzoi for winning the Hound group! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/q5khQpkp6g
— American Kennel Club (@akcdoglovers) February 16, 2016
Monday, 8:58 PM
Then we were on to the Toy Group.
It's Toy time! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/aK5DurMQfT
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 16, 2016
Monday, 9:23 PM
Panda the Shih Tzu took that group with style and grace.
The Shih Tzu wins the Toy Group! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/MUWKqqaYuv
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 16, 2016
Monday, 9:56 PM
And then it was the Non-Sporting Group's turn.
A little on-air treat! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/HpYVU8mN7g
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 16, 2016
Monday, 10:04 PM
This group was given to a pretty Bulldog named Annabelle; she was an undeniable fan favorite.
The #EnglishBulldog wins the Non-Sporting Group…CLEARLY a crowd favorite! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/kdNqF0MOrc
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 16, 2016
Monday, 10:16 PM
Then came the final group of night one, the Herding Group.
It's time for the Herding Group here at MSG! What breed are you rooting for in this category?! @WKCDOGS #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/1aeZo611qi
— MSG (@TheGarden) February 16, 2016
Monday, 10:24 PM
We caught up with the Bergamasco before the judging, one of the seven breeds making their Westminster debut this year.
It's the Bergamasco's first time competing at the #WKCDogShow! pic.twitter.com/ooWI5G0cU6
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 16, 2016
Monday, 11:01 PM
It was Rumor, the German Shepherd Dog and winner of the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship in December, who won the group.
Rumor the German Shepherd is on the way to Best in Show with her Herding Group win! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/TTsrW01lW3
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 16, 2016
Tuesday, 12:34 AM
We were lucky enough to meet her after the show.
It was so nice to see Rumor again. She won the Herding Group to close out night one of the #WKCDogShow. pic.twitter.com/FUnXHisoK1
— American Kennel Club (@akcdoglovers) February 16, 2016
Tuesday, 5:10 PM
And just like that we were on to day two! The city lit up the Empire State Building in honor of the show.
Purple & yellow lights will glow atop our tower tonight to honor the 140th Annual #WKCDogShow. May the best pup win! pic.twitter.com/FIYoviBCL0
— Empire State Bldg (@EmpireStateBldg) February 16, 2016
Tuesday, 6:13 PM
We made our way back to The Garden for one final night.
We're back at @TheGarden! Are you ready for tonight's Best In Show? #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/VlpKTboDQX
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 16, 2016
Tuesday, 7:34 PM
First up were the Junior Handlers.
#WKCDogShow Junior Showmanship is underway! pic.twitter.com/18Oydvqd83
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 7:53 PM
It was Sophia Rogers and her American Foxhound who won.
Congrats to this year's #WKCDogShow Junior Showmanship winner, Sophia Rogers! pic.twitter.com/CAxFlkAJeH
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 7:32 PM
Again, before the groups got started, we asked you who you were most excited to see and you told us.
Which breed group are you most excited to see tonight? #WKCDogShow
— American Kennel Club (@akcdoglovers) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 8:05 PM
And then our first group of the night, the Sporting Group, entered the ring.
First up, the Sporting Group! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/R4EUcfsr1b
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 8:26 PM
Where we saw this.
'I don't walk, I float.' #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/QmgvKZx0z8
— Mashable GIF (@mashablegif) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 8:25 PM
And this.
This guy though… #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/sKQEJ5X61P
— Mashable GIF (@mashablegif) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 8:52 PM
Ultimately, CJ the German Shorthaired Pointer was awarded first place in the group.
Congratulations to CJ the German Shorthaired Pointer for winning the Sporting group! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/I5pSsau528
— American Kennel Club (@akcdoglovers) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 9:03 PM
On to the Working Group we went.
The #Working Group takes the ring! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/os3cLwBNGB
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 9:19 PM
We saw this guy try to steal all the snacks.
Excuse me, sir, I know you have more treats. @WKCDOGS #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/Oo8bZSuzN6
— Mashable GIF (@mashablegif) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 9:28 PM
And one epic shake.
Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate @WKCDOGS #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/evnnY43z7g
— Mashable GIF (@mashablegif) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 9:39 PM
But it was a smiling Samoyed named Bogie that took the group victory.
The Samoyed wins the #Working Group! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/UMuXrsBi6m
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 9:39 PM
Finally, it was the Terriers turn to take the ring and close out the show.
We're anxiously awaiting the #Terrier Group! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/arPFOxNjPn
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 9:47 PM
We met a dog named Bacon, whose favorite toy is a stuffed pig named Clarence.
This dog's name is Bacon. @WKCDOGS #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/SFTpjQpFpb
— Mashable GIF (@mashablegif) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 10:13 PM
And this happy pup.
Is there an award for happiest dog? @WKCDOGS @MSG #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/Jxi2uQzWuD
— Mashable GIF (@mashablegif) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 10:28 PM
And a familiar face, Charlie the Skye Terrier, won the group.
The Skye Terrier wins Best of Group for the Terriers. @WKCDOGS #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/qVMazwf6uO
— Mashable GIF (@mashablegif) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 10:32 PM
Now it was time for Best In Show and we were all pretty excited.
BEST IN SHOW IS NEXT! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/ugXu7InZCF
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 10:44 PM
And all the beautiful group winners did a lap around the ring for the judge.
Who is the crowd favorite?! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/f1RoesSMq9
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 10:51 PM
And Panda messed up her hair real good.
Dammit Panda do you have any idea how long I spent on your hair tonight? #WKCDogShow @WKCDOGS pic.twitter.com/Qn0EtsFHk3
— Mashable GIF (@mashablegif) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 10:54 PM
After a careful look, the judge deliberated.
The judges deliberate. #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/eJ5yQ3mArF
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 11:09 PM
And CJ was announced as the 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, Best In Show.
That moment when you win the Best in Show at the 2016 @WKCDOGS. #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/2wcA2V9Erd
— MSG (@TheGarden) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 10:55 PM
Let's all watch him run around looking handsome.
CJ wins Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog
Show #WKCDogShow @WKCDOGS pic.twitter.com/IVeTeHvTtJ— Mashable GIF (@mashablegif) February 17, 2016
Tuesday, 11:45 PM
His win was extra special because it's been 33 years since a breeder, owner, handler has won Best In Show.
It's been 33 years since a breeder, owner, handler has won Best in Show. Congratulations Valerie & CJ! #WKCDogShow pic.twitter.com/IsIYRhNSxW
— Westminster Dog Show (@WKCDOGS) February 17, 2016
Wednesday, 12:45 AM
Way to go, CJ!
CJ, German Shorthaired Pointer, #WKCDogShow, New York, NY • Best in Show 2016 pic.twitter.com/jQJW4NOEuu
— The Dogist (@thedogist) February 17, 2016