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With over 200 recognized dog breeds, it can be difficult to learn about them all. You’ve probably seen plenty of Labrador Retrievers and French Bulldogs, two of the most popular dog breeds in the country, but there are many other breeds that go relatively unnoticed. If it weren’t for their enthusiasts, we might not even see as many as we do.

But just because they’re less popular, doesn’t mean these dogs have nothing to offer. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Some of the rarest dog breeds in the United States have really interesting histories. Below are the some of rarest dog breeds, according to AKC registration data.


Amiable and boisterous, the Otterhound is a large hunting breed originating in England. As its name suggests, the breed was developed for otter hunting. Because its quarry was found on land and in water, it differs from other hounds with its rough, double coat and webbed feet. Strong in body and mind, the Otterhound is an inquisitive breed with an exceptionally powerful nose.

Otterhound laying outdoors.
LourdesPhotography/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Bergamasco Sheepdog

The Bergamasco is a unique breed easily recognized by its coat. With three types of hair, the coat forms flocks of hair weaved together, giving it a felted look. The Bergamasco is an ancient sheepdog breed, originating in Persia’s harsh mountain climates, where their coat protected them from the environment. Independent yet sociable, the Bergamasco is an intelligent dog that requires regular exercise if they are to be a family pet.

Bergamasco standing in the garden.
Vanessa Lassin Photography/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Polish Lowland Sheepdog

Compact, alert, and adaptable, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a beloved watchdog from Poland. Their nickname (PON) is the acronym for the Polish breed name, Polski Owczarek Nizinny.

Polish Lowland Sheepdog laying down in the garden.

Skye Terrier

The Skye Terrier is canny, courageous, and good-tempered. Agile and strong, this terrier is a breed with elegance and dignity. The breed is loyal and devoted to its family, although sometimes stubborn. Bred for hunting foxes along the Isle of Skye of Scotland, they are stronger than their size makes them appear.

Skye Terrier standing outdoors in profile.
©Евгения Шихалеева -
There are more Giant Pandas in the world than there are Skye Terriers.

Ibizan Hound

The Ibizan Hound is a tall sighthound from the dawn of civilization, bred as a rabbit courser on the rocky shores of Spain’s Balearic Islands. Art history students will recognize the elongated head, with its large erect ears, as a familiar motif of ancient Egypt.

Ibizan Hounds together on a trail in the forest.
Kristiinatammik/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Cirneco dell’Etna

A sleek coursing hound from Sicily, the Cirneco dell’Etna is an ancient athletic hunter given to quick bursts of speed. Cirnechi are mild, low-maintenance companions and are cherished for their loyal and gentle nature. These antique dogs have sprinted into the 21st century relatively unchanged by passing fads and fancies.

Cirneco dell'Etna stacked in a field outdoors.
©Ricant Images -

American English Coonhound

When not on duty, American English Coonhounds are laid-back, but they’re persistent and stubborn when pursuing their raccoon prey. The breed’s work ethic and energy, as well as the patience required to redirect their loud, ringing bark, can make them unsuitable house companions for inexperienced owners.

American English Coonhound howling in a field.
dageldog/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images


The Azawakh is a West African sighthound that originated in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger. This slender hound has a refined appearance, but don’t be fooled. This is a hardy, long-lasting hunter who has been chasing gazelle over the blistering sands of the Sahara for over a thousand years.

Azawakh running in the grass.


The Komondor is a massive Hungarian flock guardian draped with profuse white cords from head to tail, making it one of the most distinctive breeds in the world. Koms can’t really be mistaken for anything else, thanks to their distinct appearance.


Canaan Dog

Israel’s national dog, the Canaan Dog is placid with family and distant with strangers. The dog is a noisy and persistent guardian of flock and home, always on the lookout. They’re tough, agile, and appear to be unstoppable, making them ideal for hikers and runners.

Canaan Dog outdoors in the desert with a goat.
©Sarit Richerson -


The Harrier, recognized back in 1885, is an old, reliable hunting breed from England. Bred to hunt in packs for rabbits and hare, they possess all of the required attributes of a scenting pack hound. Sturdily built with large bones, full of strength, and well-balanced, Harriers can work tirelessly in all terrain. They are outgoing and friendly, fairly active, and easygoing companions.

Harriers together outdoors for a hunt.
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Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen

A French scenthound, the Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen (GBGV) is a busy, lively dog who doesn’t tire easily, despite never being high-strung. The stamina and bravery of these short, long hunters are legendary in Gallic folklore.

©CallallooAlexis -

Cesky Terrier

The Cesky Terrier, true to its terrier heritage, is feisty and tenacious in its work. Bred to hunt in packs, they are slightly more sociable and trainable than your typical terrier. Adventurous and clever, they make great companions for those ready to provide them with adequate physical and mental exercise.

Cesky Terrier standing in a field.
©Татьяна Севостьянова -

Finnish Spitz

The Finnish Spitz was originally bred for hunting small game and birds in Finland. True to its Spitz heritage, the breed is lively, courageous, and friendly. The dogs carry themselves boldly, showing off their stunning red color and confident personality. Although small, they are very active and athletic dogs that need ample exercise.

Finnish Spitz standing on a log in the forest.
PavelRodimov/Getty Images Plus

Pyrenean Shepherd

The Pyrenean Shepherd is a vibrant athlete and vigilant herding dog of all kinds of livestock. They are enthusiastic and mischievous dogs, both in work and play. The coat varies from smooth to long, but the quality is more important than abundance. The Pyrenean Shepherd is playful with their family, though wary of strangers, and does best in a very active home.

Pyrenean Shepherd standing in profile in a field.
©Dogs -


The ancient Sloughi, sometimes known as the “Arabic Greyhound,” is a slender, fast, coursing dog that hunted a variety of game in the North African deserts. The Sloughi is a traditional sighthound who is distant with strangers yet compassionate with family.

Sloughi in the desert.
predrag1/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Belgian Laekenois

The Belgian Laekenois is the rarest of the four closely related Belgian herders—the Belgian Sheepdog, Malinois, Tervuren, and Laekenois. Although observant with strangers, the breed is friendly and loving with those they know well.

Belgian Laekenois head portrait outdoors.
©Мария Старосельцева -

American Foxhound

The American Foxhound is leaner than its English cousin, and was bred in the United States to hunt foxes and other game. They are scenting pack hounds, bred to run effortlessly for many hours during their chase. Although easygoing, the breed is stubborn and independent and requires a significant amount of exercise in order to be kept happy and healthy.

American Foxhounds outdoors looking up at the viewer.
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English Foxhound

The English Foxhound is an old breed, recognized by the AKC in 1909, used most notably for hunting in large packs for foxes. In appearance, the breed is much stouter than its American counterpart, but should not be heavy. English Foxhounds are active, loyal, and gentle companions.

English Foxhound standing in a field with a pack.
Chris Strickland/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Norwegian Lundehund

The Norwegian Lundehund is a small Spitz breed that originally comes from remote islands in Norway. Bred to hunt puffins on steep, vertical cliffs, the Lundehund is equipped with six toes on each foot and elongated rear foot pads. These dogs are alert and energetic, small and mighty, and make excellent hiking companions.

Norwegian Lundehund head portrait outdoors.
chaolik/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images
Related article: Why Are Some Dog Breeds Rare or Not as Popular?
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