Policies for All New Clubs:
Two Path Event Process for New Club Accreditation to License Status (July 2023 Bd Mtg):
The Club Relations Department proposed a two-path event process from accreditation to license status for all new clubs. Currently, there are eight event paths for clubs to reach license status. The event path assigned to a club will depend on their experience in the sport. The Board VOTED to approve this recommendation which will simplify the licensing process for clubs and Staff. The path assigned to a new club depends on the level of event management experience within the club. The standard path for new clubs, excluding Parent Clubs, would require up to two A matches, eliminating the requirement for B matches, which would become optional. The Mentored Path would require a set number of individuals with event management experience as opposed to the current process of a percentage of total membership for each club type taking into consideration the competition type and level of complexity to hold a successful event. Clubs that are currently moving through the process will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if adjusting their current event path is warranted.
All-Breed Clubs – A minimum of ten (10) members with event management experience
Limited Breed (Group), Agility and Scent Work Clubs – A minimum of seven (7) members with event management experience
Local Specialty, Obedience, Rally, Tracking, Field Trials, Hunting Tests, Lure Coursing, Herding, and Earthdog Clubs – A minimum of five (5) members with event management experience.
Household Requirements for all club types (January 2021 Board Meeting):
Clubs applying for member, licensed or sanctioned status shall meet the following minimum household membership requirements:
All-Breed Clubs: 30 households/25 local
Specialty Clubs and Group (Limited Breed): 20 households/12 local
Agility, Obedience and Rally Clubs: 20 households/12 local
Field Trial, Hunting, Lure Coursing, Herding and Earthdog Clubs: 20 households/12 local
Scent Work Clubs: 20 households/12 local
Tracking Clubs: 12 local households
Coonhound Clubs: 15 households/8 local
Eliminating Requirement for New Clubs to Hold a Fun Match (February 2018 Board meeting)
The Board VOTED to approve a Staff recommendation to eliminate the requirement for New Clubs to hold a Fun Match prior to applying to the AKC to become an accredited club. This Policy change is effective March 1, 2018 and will remove one step in the process for clubs to become an accredited club. This Policy change is effective March 1, 2018 and will remove one step in the process for clubs to be admitted to AKC.
For Parent Clubs:
Parent Club and Local Specialty Club Collaboration Efforts (August 2022 Board meeting):
The AKC will continue to process prospective new club accreditation requests following current procedures. The AKC reviews all documentation submitted to determine if a prospective club meets the criteria for accreditation, including notifying the Parent Club in advance and reviewing their commentary if offered. To further enhance the collaboration between Parent Clubs and local Specialty Clubs, Parent Clubs will be sent a mailing when they become the AKC Parent Club designated to represent a breed, to encourage any clubs that the Parent Club recognized as “regional” clubs to apply for accreditation to become local specialty clubs. The AKC does not recognize regional clubs that may be designated as such by a Parent Club. The mailing to all Parent Club officers and Delegates will indicate the requirements for achieving AKC status as a local specialty club. This will begin in September 2022.
Formation of Local Specialty Clubs (April 2021 Board Meeting):
Lisa Cecin, Director, Club Relations and Glenn Lycan, Director, Event Operations Support, participated in this portion of the meeting. In an effort to enhance the collaboration between Parent Clubs and local Specialty Clubs, the Board VOTED affirmatively to adopt a policy for a recent procedural change to the formation of new local Specialty Clubs. The policy requires AKC’s Club Relations Department to make Parent Clubs aware in writing upon receipt of an inquiry from a prospective new local Specialty Club.
For Local Specialty Clubs:
Exploring Options for Existing Local Specialty Club Territories (November 2023 Board Meeting):
The American Kennel Club expands existing club territories upon written request followed by in-house research. The basis for warranting these territory expansions includes household membership shifting over time, event site issues, and the proximity of local specialty clubs of the same breed. Only newly accredited local specialty clubs are eligible for statewide and multi-state territories to help newly forming clubs meet AKC’s minimum household requirements. The Board reviewed a recommendation to permit existing clubs to expand their territories in the same manner as newly accredited local specialty clubs, provided certain parameters are met.
The Board VOTED to permit expanding territories for existing local specialty clubs with the following parameters:
1. Club membership changes and/or event site changes warrant the need for an expansion.
2. Expansion may include statewide or communities in multiple states if necessary to meet the minimum of 12 local households required for local specialty clubs, as long as it does not infringe on another local specialty club’s territory.
3. As with all territory expansion requests, AKC reserves the right to adjust club territories by reducing a territory should the breed become more popular in the future and another club in the area is justified.
4. All other policies and standard practices will remain unchanged.
Formation of Local Specialty Clubs (April 2021 Board Meeting):
(*also listed under Parent Club Section above)
Lisa Cecin, Director, Club Relations and Glenn Lycan, Director, Event Operations Support, participated in this portion of the meeting. In an effort to enhance the collaboration between Parent Clubs and local Specialty Clubs, the Board VOTED affirmatively to adopt a policy for a recent procedural change to the formation of new local Specialty Clubs. The policy requires AKC’s Club Relations Department to make Parent Clubs aware in writing upon receipt of an inquiry from a prospective new local Specialty Club.
Encouraging the Formation of Local Specialty Clubs (August 2018 Board meeting):
Staff presented recommendations to Encourage the Formation of Local Specialty Clubs. Staff believes that Local Specialty clubs are important for the development of the breeds. They provide the structure for holding events, the social framework for breed owners to gather, and a welcoming starting point for new breed owners wishing to engage with the AKC. Currently there are 69 breeds (36%) with no local Specialty clubs. Staff proposed changes to the Club Relations Department’s standard practice regarding territory size that will allow territories that are statewide or even multiple states, depending on the density of the breed, in order to meet the usual household requirements. Club Relations will inform clubs with large territories that AKC reserves the right to reduce their territory should the breed become more popular in the future and another club in the area is justified. All other policies and standard practices will remain unchanged. These changes will make it easier for the accreditation of local Specialty clubs for the less common breeds. If a club’s territory is statewide, the word State will be included in the name. Other more flexible references which identify areas of the country will be considered as part of the approval process for multi-state local specialty clubs. There was no objection to these changes.
Criteria for Accrediting New Specialty Local Conformation Clubs (May 2017 Board meeting):
The Board reviewed a recommendation to modify the current Board policy pertaining to the accreditation of new local Specialty clubs seeking to become licensed for conformation. Current policy requires that a new local Specialty conformation club must be located more than 100 miles from an existing local Specialty club of the same breed. The criterion is distance based. The recommendation shifts the primary accreditation criteria from distance to new members. Following a motion by Dr. Garvin, seconded by Dr. Davies the board VOTED (unanimously; absent: Mr. Dok), that the AKC will accredit new local Specialty clubs that desire to become licensed for conformation provided that two-thirds (67%) of the new local Specialty club’s members are not members of another local Specialty conformation club of the same breed and the new club is not the result of a split from an existing club.
This new Board policy is effective June 1, 2017.
For All-Breed Clubs:
New Mentored Conformation Event Option for Eligible Clubs (January 2018 Board meeting):
The Board reviewed a Staff recommendation to change Board policy to allow for a new Mentored Conformation Event option for eligible clubs.
Mentored events are an option available for eligible clubs wishing to hold performance events and companion events, provided the members of the club have sufficient experience in the sport. Staff feels there are certain situations where this option would benefit conformation events.
The recommendation would allow the mentored event option to be available to clubs which have either stopped holding AKC conformation events after 5 years (inactive); and for new clubs trying to fill a void of a recently dissolved conformation club. These new clubs must have experienced members who have served in various official capacities on Show Committees holding Licensed and Member shows.
Clubs in these situations should have the option of holding a mentored conformation event, which is run just like a licensed show with titles earned. The Club Relations Department will assist the club through the accreditation or reactivation process. The Club Development Department will assist the club in preparing for the event and an Executive Field Representative will attend the event as needed.
Following a motion from Dr. Davies, seconded by Mr. Powers, the Board VOTED (unanimously; absent: Dr. Battaglia) to consider the matter at this meeting waiving its normal notice procedures.
Following a motion by Ms. Biddle, seconded by Mrs. Wallin the Board Voted (unanimously; absent: Dr. Battaglia) to approve this Policy change effective immediately.
*Note: This policy was amended as of July 2023 (Two Path Event Process for New Club Accreditation to License Status) with reference to “sufficient experience in the Sport”. Please refer to the required number of members with event management experience for different club types in order to qualify to apply for accreditation under the Mentored Path.
For Rally Clubs:
Rally Club Approval (October 2016 Board meeting):
The Board reviewed a recommendation to allow for the accreditation of clubs formed for the purpose of holding Rally trials provided they are not formed in the territory of an obedience club that is licensed to hold Rally. Upon accreditation, a new club seeking to hold Rally trials shall be required to hold one sanctioned A-match. There is no requirement to hold a fun practice event. If the A-match is held successfully, the club shall be licensed to hold Rally trials. Following a motion by Dr. Davies, seconded by Mr. Kalter, the Board VOTED unanimously to amend the Rally Regulations Chapter 1, Section 1, as follows:
Chapter 1. Section 1. Application to Hold a Rally Trial. Any existing AKC club may be licensed to hold Rally trials if, in the opinion of the AKC Board of Directors, it is qualified to do so, provided the club holds the event(s) for which it was originally formed at least once every two years. In addition, new clubs may be licensed to hold Rally trials provided they are not formed in the territory of an obedience club that is licensed to hold Rally.
This change is effective January 1, 2017.
*Note: This policy was amended as of July 2023 (Two Path Event Process for New Club Accreditation to License Status). Rally Clubs are now required to have at least five (5) members with event management experience to qualify to apply for accreditation under the Mentored Path.
For Performance Clubs:
Approval of Scent Work Clubs (February 2017 Board meeting):
The Board VOTED to approve a new sport called AKC Scent Work. Scent Work is a sport that mimics the task of working detection dogs to locate a scent and communicate to the handler that the scent has been found. This proposal responds to many requests that the American Kennel Club provide such an event. Significant research has been done in developing this program and it is believed it will meet the needs of many dog owners. Scent Work is a sport in which a dog-handler team must locate hidden scents within a defined search area. The dog uses their sense of smell to locate the target odor, which may be an essential oil or the scent of the handler. Any team who finds and calls all hidden odors within the designated time will qualify. Scent Work is a pass/fail sport, however placements will be awarded for the first through fourth place teams, based on fewest number of faults and then on time. Titles are earned when teams reach a certain number of qualifying legs. The event will be open to all breeds and Canine Partners. Dogs must be registered/listed with the AKC. Scent Work is a fun and engaging activity that taps into the dog’s strongest sense. Clubs may start applying to hold AKC Scent Work events on August 1, 2017. Events may be held starting October 1, 2017.
*Note: This policy was amended as of July 2023 (Two Path Event Process for New Club Accreditation to License Status). Scent Work Clubs may qualify for mentored status with seven (7) members with Event Management experience for the Mentored Path.
Membership Based Criteria for the Formation of Performance Event Clubs (May 2016 Board meeting)
The Board VOTED to modify the criteria for the formation of new performance event (field event) clubs to one based on membership rather than geographic location. If the majority of a new club’s membership is new to the sport, meaning they are not a member of another local club licensed for the same sport, then the new club would be allowed to become a licensed club regardless of its location. This recommendation will meet a need by enabling new clubs to form when the population and interest supports it, as there is a demand in the sport for more events and new clubs to form. This change is effective July 1, 2016.
For MEMBER Clubs:
Member Club Bylaws – Allow the addition of Juniors to the Clubs Bylaws (November 2022 Board Meeting)
The Board VOTED to permit existing clubs to add “Junior” as a membership option to their club Bylaws without AKC reviewing and approving each club’s Bylaws. The Board will receive notice from Club Relations of the Clubs that have added “Junior membership” as a membership option in their Bylaws. The definition for a Junior Membership is from the Glossary of the “Sample Constitution and Bylaws for Parent Club.” “Junior – open to children under 18 years of age; a non-voting/non-office holding membership which may automatically convert to regular membership at age 18.”
Assistance to Member Club Applicants (January 2021 Board Meeting)
Board policy for processing Member club requests includes a minimum household within their local territory requirement. Some licensed clubs eligible to submit a membership request are not able to meet the local household requirement despite possessing extensive experience in holding successful AKC events. The Board VOTED to amend the policy to waive the local household requirement for member clubs based on event experience and history so they may be approved under Board policy. The new policy changes the local household requirement for member club applicants which have the experience. The local household requirements for all clubs remain the same. However, if a club eligible for member status applies without the minimum local household requirements, and the club instead has event history that is extensive, they may qualify for approval under the new policy.