— Barkfest at Bonhams Benefits AKC Humane Fund —
If you are planning to visit New York City for next month’s Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show don’t miss an opportunity to discover fascinating canine artifacts and fine canine art as well as support the good works of the AKC Humane Fund by viewing one of its newest collections at the American Kennel Club or joining us for the annual Barkfest at Bonhams Charity Brunch.
The American Kennel Club founded the non-profit AKC Humane Fund not only to promote responsible dog ownership and celebrate the bond between people and pets through education, outreach, and grant-making but as a meaningful way to give back to the dogs we love. Since the fund’s inception one main goal has been to develop a rescue grant program for parent clubs and parent club-approved organizations. I’m proud to say that vision has now become a reality.
To date the fund has given 9 grants of $1,000 each the first going to The Silky Terrier Rescue Charitable Trust. “Silky Rescue” began more than 20 years ago and today rescues approximately 60 dogs each year from shelters and owner surrenders nationwide. The organization places dogs in foster homes, provides needed veterinary care including vaccines, dental procedures, spays/neuters and other necessary surgeries. Once the dogs are stable, both physically and emotionally, they are adopted into new, loving homes.
In addition to the Silky Terrier Rescue Charitable Trust, other grant recipients include the Tibetan Mastiff Rescue, Inc., Arizona Basset Hound Rescue, Australian Cattle Dog Rescue, Inc., American Bouvier Rescue League, Tibetan Terrier Health and Welfare Foundation, Magnolia Gordon Setter Club Rescue, American Belgian Malinois Charitable Trust, and the Akita Club of America, Inc.
The AKC Humane Fund not only “gives” but “receives” as well. A recent contribution – the antique canine-themed cane collection of Lawrence and Shirlee Kalstone featuring 98 canes – is now on display at the AKC headquarters at the entrance to the AKC Library. We encourage fanciers to come visit these delightful artifacts which besides having intricate and ornate handles transform into other uses like a sword and a rifle. The AKC Humane Fund provides fanciers an appropriate place to donate art, books or collectibles which will benefit not only those who donate to the 501 (c)3 charity but provides them a permanent home where fanciers can enjoy, appreciate and view them for generations to come. Any donations of $1,000 or more will be memorialized on a brass plaque featured on the fund’s Wall of Honor at AKC.
To further the fund’s mission once again this year all proceeds from the annual Barkfest at Bonhams Charity Brunch for the AKC Humane Fund on Sunday, February 14th from 10am to 12pm will help us continue our good works. This year’s event, a preview for the Bonhams Dog Sale on the following Tuesday, Feb., 16, 2010, promises to be a real thrill for literary fans as a dog collar belonging to Victorian literary great, Charles Dickens, will be among the items on display. The large thick leather collar with brass buckle and nameplate reads, “C. Dickens, Esqe., Gad’s Hill Place, Higham.” was likely worn by one of Dickens’s larger dogs such as his Newfoundlands, Mastiffs, or St. Bernards.
In addition to the Dickens dog collar over two hundred works of canine art and memorabilia from the 19th and early 20th centuries will be on display. Well-known canine artists include Maud Earl, Arthur Wardle, William Trood, and many others.
Both you and your canine companion are welcome at the “Barkfest” at Bonhams’ fashionable new galleries located at 580 Madison Avenue, between 56th and 57th Streets. Admission to the Charity Brunch is a $50 donation to the AKC Humane Fund with reservation by phone, or $60 at the door. To reserve your space, please call AKC’s RSVP line at 212-696-8277. We hope to see you there! For more information on the AKC Humane Fund visit www.akchumanefund.org.
Ron Menaker
January Chairman’s Report – Barkfest at Bonhams Benefits AKC Humane Fund