Clubs & Delegates
All Puppy Breeds
Find more information on all the different breeds of puppies. Not sure which puppy is right for you? Take a short quiz to Find a Match. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | X | Y A. Breed Group Affenpinscher Toy Afghan Hound Hound Airedale Terrier Terrier Akita Working Alaskan Malamute Working American English Coonhound Hound American Eskimo Dog […]
| October 26, 2017
Legislative Alerts
Louisville Pursues BSL, Limit Laws and Breeder Licensing
The Louisville Metro Council is again considering breed-specific legislation, a limit law and restrictions on breeders and dog owners. This ordinance will have a devastating effect on dog owners and breeders in Louisville and may have a dramatic impact on the Kentuckiana Cluster, the largest dog show cluster in the country. The legislation proposes breed […]
| August 29, 2006
Legislative Alerts
Louisville Adopts Restrictive Animal Control Ordinance
UPDATE! The Louisville Metro Council has approved changes to their animal control ordinance. The proposal was amended by the full council to remove the breed-specific language. However, the measure will still negatively impact fanciers, breeders and responsible dog owners by enacting pet limits, requiring expensive intact animal licenses and inspections of home kennels. Concerned dog […]
| December 22, 2006
Legislative Alerts
NC SB 460 Vote to Occur Today
The North Carolina Senate will take a final vote on Senate Bill 460 today. As passed out of the Rules committee yesterday, this measure has been largely gutted. The newly revised version of the bill is now available. AKC appreciates many of the changes that have been made that address some of the AKC’s concerns […]
| August 5, 2009
Legislative Alerts
Florida: Oppose Bill Seeking to Put Negative Attributes on Purebred Dogs
Florida Senate Bill 122, sponsored by Senator Larcenia Bullard, will be considered by the Florida Senate Agriculture Committee on Wednesday, April 7th, at 9:00 AM. The bill seeks to require pet dealers to provide purchasers with written notices that impugn the genetic health of purebred dogs and increases fines to unreasonable amounts. The American Kennel […]
| April 5, 2010
Expert Advice: Lifestyle
Please Oh Please Can We Have a Dog?!
When kids go on a campaign to get a dog, they’re in it to win it. They’re not going to let up until they’re zooming around the back yard or curled up on a club chair with a furry four-legged fido. So you may come to realize that it’s time to add a canine to the […]
| May 1, 2015
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny
10 Photos Of People’s New Puppies That Will MELT Your Heart
There is nothing better than welcoming a new puppy to your family. Today, we live vicariously through these 10 people and their new puppy's bright-eyed adorableness. A photo posted by Chester (@chester_the_oes) on Mar 16, 2016 at 10:32am PDT A photo posted by Sunshine The Golden Pup (@sunshinethegoldenpup) on Mar 15, […]
| March 18, 2016
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
The World’s Largest Dogs
Big dogs equal big love and loyalty. Here are the large dog breeds that earn their place at the top of the size chart. Most people will know the Great Dane but what about the lovely Leonberger? When considering getting a dog, size is a factor, but only one of them. The dog’s personality, activity […]
| April 9, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog
Tips for Starting a Jogging Program with your Dog
AKC GoodDog! Helpline trainer Hilarie Erb provides tips for starting a jogging program with your dog. It is important to do this safely and provide the proper training before you take off running! If you are a runner and think that your dog would be the ideal running partner, you may be right. However, there […]
| July 22, 2015
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny
9 Reasons Why Dogs Make The Best Cuddle Buddies
Sorry cat lovers, dogs are simply better snugglers. Here are nine reasons why dogs are the best cuddle buddies: 1. They will be the big spoon or the little spoon. 2. They manage to look cute when stealing your blanket. And because they look SO adorable, you don't even care that you're blanket-less. […]
| August 8, 2016