Showing 1-30 of 51 results

Expert Advice: Comfort & Sleep Dog Gates for Every Dog and Any Home
  A dog gate creates a boundary that keeps your dog either inside or outside another area of the house or grounds. It’s a useful piece of equipment, whether you have a brand new puppy or dogs that usually have the run of the house. A gate gives a puppy a safe, dog-proofed area to […] | August 18, 2017
25 dogs doing agility hero
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Eat My Dust: 25 Dogs Give the Agility Trials Their All
If a picture says a thousands words, then how many words does a GIF entail? We popped in to Argus Ranch, a sprawling 20 acre training facility in Auburn, WA that hosts agility trials and training on a regular basis earlier this year to scope out the stiff competition. Do you and your dog have […] | October 4, 2017
veterinary examing cute beagle dog at clinic
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Update on the AKC Canine Health Foundation Epilepsy Initiative
Canine idiopathic epilepsy, recurrent seizures with no identifiable underlying cause, remains a common concern of dog owners and veterinary professionals. Despite the development of new anti-epileptic drugs, many dogs’ seizures remain uncontrolled using currently available therapies. To address this major health concern the AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF), along with its donors, has invested over […] | September 26, 2018
Supplements in a hand with a dog watching behind.
Expert Advice: Studies Investigating Dietary Supplements for the Treatment of Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy 
Canine idiopathic epilepsy, defined as recurrent seizures with no identifiable underlying cause, is the most common medical neurologic disease in dogs.   Twenty to thirty percent of affected dogs continue to experience seizures despite treatment with currently available anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs).  In addition, side effects from these drugs, such as increased appetite, sedation, restlessness, or anxiety, often decrease the quality of life for affected […] | April 12, 2019
Legislative Alerts UPDATE: Massachusetts Adopts Detailed Regulations for Rescues and Shelters; Clarifies Pet Shop Rules
The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources has announced that new regulations have been finalized for the operation of animal shelters and animal rescue organizations, together with clarifying amendments to the Commonwealth’s regulations applying to pet shops.   The American Kennel Club (AKC) extends our sincerest gratitude to the Department’s Animal Health Division Director for years of […] | June 5, 2020
Legislative Alerts Rhode Island Alert: Multiple Hearings on Bills Impacting Dogs March 9 and 10, 2021
This week, the House Judiciary Committee is accepting testimony on multiple bills.  Text of bills are embedded in the links.  AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) strongly encourages Rhode Island residents to take action as follows: Tuesday, March 9, 2021, at the rise of the House: DOGS OUTSIDE AND UNATTENDED - H. 5736 would amend the […] | March 8, 2021
Clubs & Delegates State Issues March 2021
Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking.  Alabama – HB 235 would authorize food service establishments to allow pet dogs in outdoor restaurant seating areas and sets out access, sanitation, and other requirements. It also specifies that emotional support animals are not service animals within the meaning of the Americans […] | March 22, 2021
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices ​3 Excellent Reference Books for Dog Breeders
Breeders appreciate the usefulness of comprehensive, up-to-date references about canine reproduction. Following is information on three such books that are carefully referenced, scientifically accurate, and conveniently available on   • "Canine Reproduction and Neonatology, A Practical Guide for Veterinarians, Veterinary Staff, and Breeders," by Marthina L. Greer, DVM, JD., 2014; Teton NewMedia. Dr. Greer […] | May 3, 2017
Expert Advice: Puppy Training The Right Toys at the Right Time for Your Puppy
Puppies love toys. During the puppy's period of rapid development, from 8-weeks-to-9-or-10-months-old, it's important to give him appropriate toys for his age. Breed may also play a role in what toys become his favorites: a hound will naturally enjoy anything he can chase after and carry; terriers are natural diggers and tuggers; and a gundog […] | July 29, 2016
Dalmatian Dog in pet store picking new pet bowl
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Current Trends in Pet Spending 2021-2022
Despite or perhaps as a result of the stress and unusual health precautions Americans experienced in 2020, people focused more than ever on their pets. For the first time, pet industry sales exceeded $100 billion, according to American Pet Products Association (APPA) 2020 State of the Industry Report. This tidal wave of spending is expected […] | September 28, 2021
Legislative Alerts MA: Virtual Public Hearing on Multiple Bills Impacting Dogs Wednesday 11/17 – Take Action Now!
On Wednesday, November 17, more than one dozen animal bills impacting dogs and breeders are on the agenda for review by the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture (JENRA). The virtual public hearing is scheduled to start at 2pm.  The American Kennel Club Government Relations Department (AKC GR) has tracked most of […] | November 12, 2021
Australian Shepherd laying down relaxing with cucumber slices on its face.
Expert Advice: Nutrition Dog Wellness Trends: Which Are Worth Exploring?
CBD to calm anxiety. Mushrooms to boost immunity. Probiotics and plant-based diets. No, this isn't a rundown of advice from your favorite Instagram wellness coach, it's a list of rising wellness trends for dogs. Are these new trends truly beneficial for your dog, or are they merely passing fads? Get to know each trend and […] | September 1, 2021
Legislative Alerts Florida Alert: Urge Your State Legislators to Support Breed Neutral Dog Bill
Florida House Bill CS1/HB 721 seeks to remove an exemption under current Florida state law that allows certain cities and counties to ban dog breeds.  If this legislation passes, remaining county and city laws in Florida that ban dog breeds would no longer be in effect.  For example, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, “pit […] | February 25, 2022
Clubs & Delegates State Issues February 2022
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Arizona – House Bill 2323 states that for the purposes of homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, the breed of dog may not be considered for underwriting or determining risk or loss, questionnaires or surveys regarding the presence of a […] | February 24, 2022
Clubs & Delegates State Issues March 2022
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Alabama –House Bill 485 as introduced would, among other provisions, allow a dog to be confiscated without court authorization if “suspected” of harassing, harming, or killing livestock. AKC is working with the bill sponsor on additional amendments to […] | March 21, 2022
Canine Partners Show us your dirty dogs!
April showers are an unmistakable sign of spring, but they also mean… mud! The theme for the next AKC Canine Partners News Photo Gallery is “When I Got Dirty.” We are seeking pictures of your dogs not minding a little dirt at all! Photo requirements: jpeg or tif format the name of your dog(s) and […] | April 8, 2022
Clubs & Delegates State Issues January 2023
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. California – AB-240: This proposal would create a tax on the sale of pet food for cats and dogs in order to provide dedicated funding to animal shelters for the spaying and neutering of animals. The bill is […] | January 26, 2023
Legislative Alerts CT Alert: Hearing Monday – Oppose Changes to Kennels and Domestic Animal Laws
The Connecticut Joint Environment Committee’s public hearing agenda for Monday, February 27, 2023, includes SB 1069.  In addition to a handful of provisions under the oversight of the Department of Agriculture, the bill includes significant changes to current kennel license rules.  Proposed changes in SB 1069 to the current law that are of serious concern […] | February 22, 2023
Clubs & Delegates State Issues February 2023
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Alabama – SB 2 as pre-filed seeks to prohibit inmates from participating in training of dogs for tracking humans. AKC is monitoring this legislation. California – AB-240: This proposal would create a tax on the sale of pet […] | February 24, 2023
Clubs & Delegates States Issues March 2023
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Alabama – SB 2 seeks to prohibit inmates from participating in training of dogs for tracking humans. AKC is monitoring this legislation, which has not yet received a committee assignment. Arkansas – HB 1420, among other provisions, defines […] | March 30, 2023
Legislative Alerts Massachusetts’ Joint Judiciary Committee Considers Dog-Related Bills Next Week
At its upcoming hearing on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, from 1PM – 5PM, the Massachusetts Joint Judiciary Committee will consider multiple dog-related bills .  The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports two, requests amendments to four, and opposes three of the proposals.   The full agenda with links to bill text can be viewed here. AKC encourages […] | March 31, 2023
Clubs & Delegates State Issues April 2023
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Alabama – SB 2 seeks to prohibit inmates from participating in training of dogs for tracking humans. AKC is monitoring this legislation, which has not yet received a committee assignment. Arkansas – HB 1591, a bill supported by AKC that limits a local […] | April 21, 2023
Clubs & Delegates State Issues May 2023
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Alabama – SB 2 seeks to prohibit inmates from participating in training of dogs for tracking humans. AKC is monitoring this legislation, which was assigned to the Senate Veterans and Military Affairs Committee. Alabama – SB 242 seeks to remove the […] | May 22, 2023
Icelandic Sheepdog walking in the grass
Expert Advice: Health Everything You Need to Know About Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Dogs
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is a potentially fatal tick-borne disease, but if caught early is usually curable. Know the signs! | May 18, 2023
Russell Terrier hiding under the bed.
Expert Advice: Dog Behavior Dog Thunderstorm Anxiety: How to Help
When you're a dog lover, it can be tough to watch your normally calm pup get stressed out during a thunderstorm. While some dogs show mild signs of stress, like licking their paws, other dogs can get so worked up during storms they may get destructive. To better understand why some dogs hate thunderstorms, we […] | June 1, 2022
Pages Dog Travel Tips
Taking your dog on the family vacation can make for a great trip, if you plan carefully. Are you traveling by car, plane, train, bus, or boat? How long will the trip take? Will you be staying with family or friends, or at a hotel or motel? Is your dog in good health? These are […] | December 19, 2014
Expert Advice: Health Colitis in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment
Colitis in dogs is an inflammation of the colon, which is the large bowel or large intestine. If you think your dog has colitis, here's what to know. | January 16, 2024
Pages Fetch News and Updates
January 2, 2024: We are pleased to announce the newest addition to the AKC Family Dog lineup – AKC Fetch. In AKC Fetch, dogs and their handlers have fun, get exercise, and they can earn four levels of AKC titles by demonstrating retrieving skills. AKC Fetch is designed for all breeds. Dogs who are at […] | October 2, 2023
Labrador retriever being hugged by a woman sitting next to it.
Expert Advice: Senior Dog Health How to Manage the Symptoms of Canine Arthritis
Learn how to identify arthritis in dogs, obtain a diagnosis from a veterinarian, and explore the various techniques to manage and treat the disease. | January 15, 2021
Anatolian Shepherd Dog laying inside his open crate.
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog 5 Summer Barbecue Safety Tips for Dog Owners
Warm weather means cookouts, pool parties, and long days spent outdoors. While most dogs love to spend time outside, there are safety precautions to keep in mind before planning your next backyard BBQ bash. Keep these five tips in mind to ensure you and your dog will have a stress-free summer cookout. 1. Make Sure […] | April 25, 2022

Showing 1-30 of 51 results