Expert Advice: Can my dog...
Can Dogs Eat Parsley?
Dogs can eat curly parsley, Italian parsley can be toxic to dogs. When adding anything to your dog's diet, talk to their veterinarian first.
| May 7, 2024

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Pistachios?
For people, pistachios are a popular snack that's high in fiber, protein, and vitamin B6. These nuts are also common ingredients in a variety of dishes from salads to desserts. If you're snacking on pistachios or cooking with them, you might be asking yourself: Can dogs eat pistachio nuts? Are pistachios bad for dogs? Dogs […]
| December 8, 2022

Expert Advice: General Nutrition
Can Dogs Eat Limes?
Humans enjoy limes in everything from desserts to drinks. They're also fantastic sources of vitamin C. Limes might be good for us to eat, but is it safe to share limes with your dog? Are Limes Safe for Dogs? It's best to not feed limes to dogs. "Limes are not toxic to dogs, but dogs […]
| December 8, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit?
For many people, grapefruit is a favorite fruit, a juicy addition to salads and other dishes. Full of antioxidants, grapefruit also has a unique, tangy flavor. If you're eating grapefruits, you might wonder if dogs can have grapefruit. Can Dogs Have Grapefruit? Like oranges, dogs can generally eat small amounts of grapefruit without issues. But […]
| December 8, 2022

Expert Advice: Nutrition
Can Dogs Eat Tofu?
Tofu is a complete vegan protein made from soybeans. It can also take on the flavor of different ingredients, making it an ideal addition to a variety of dishes for people. But can dogs have tofu? Can Dogs Eat Tofu? Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary Officer for the AKC, advises that "tofu can be given […]
| December 5, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Cilantro?
In humans, studies have demonstrated that a genetic component can influence whether you like or dislike this herb. But would a dog enjoy the same treat? Cilantro leaves are safe for dogs to eat in moderation. Can Dogs Have Cilantro? Although eating this herb does not replace brushing teeth and professional dental cleanings, cilantro can […]
| December 5, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Lemons?
For people, there are few things more refreshing than an ice-cold glass of lemonade. In addition, lemons are high in vitamin C and fiber; using them while cooking can be a healthy way to add flavor to your favorite recipes. But can dogs eat lemons? No, and here's why. Are Lemons Safe for Dogs? While […]
| November 18, 2022

Expert Advice: General Nutrition
Can Dogs Eat Cabbage?
Cabbage is a heart-healthy food that is popular with people. If you're preparing cabbage for yourself, you might find yourself wondering if it's okay to share this vegetable with your dog. In fact, it is okay to give your dog some cabbage in small quantities. Is Cabbage Good for Dogs? Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary […]
| November 18, 2022

Expert Advice: Can my dog...
Can Dogs Eat Walnuts?
Can dogs have walnuts? No, it's not safe for them to eat these nuts. Find out why and other, safer treats to give your dog instead.
| November 16, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Seaweed?
Seaweed is an increasingly popular ingredient in recipes. A source of iodine, it contains antioxidants and is vitamin rich. Seaweed sheets also have a satisfying crunch and delicious natural flavor. But is seaweed good for dogs? Can dogs eat seaweed sheets while you snack? Can Dogs Have Seaweed? In moderation, it is safe to share […]
| November 15, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Beets?
Beets are packed with nutrients. But as healthy as they are for humans, are beets safe for dogs? Yes, they are, when served fresh and in moderation. Beets are found in some commercial dog foods. Are Beets Good for Dogs? Beets are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including Vitamin C, potassium, folate, and magnesium. […]
| November 14, 2022

Expert Advice: General Nutrition
Can Dogs Eat Pepperoni?
For many people, pepperoni is a favorite pizza topping and a delicious addition to a charcuterie board. This meaty treat is rich in flavor, but can dogs eat pepperoni? No, and here's why it's not safe for your pet. Why is Pepperoni Bad for Dogs? Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary Officer for the AKC, explains […]
| November 14, 2022

Expert Advice: Can my dog...
Can Dogs Eat Radishes?
Radishes are a popular and healthy root vegetable for humans. They are low in calories, hydrating, and a great source of vitamins. If you're cooking with radishes, can you share them with your dog? Yes, but only in small amounts; there may even be some health benefits for your pet if they like the unique […]
| November 10, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream?
Most people love ice cream. But is ice cream really a harmless treat for dogs, or will it cause a major bellyache?Unfortunately, although it may be tempting to share your cone with your four-legged friend, it's best to avoid giving ice cream to dogs. Why Dogs Can’t Eat Ice Cream Lactose Intolerance The first problem […]
| November 8, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Grapes?
Can dogs eat grapes? The answer (and this goes for raisins, too, which are just dried grapes) is easy: No, dogs should never eat grapes. Grapes and raisins are known to be highly toxic to dogs, though research has yet to pinpoint exactly which substance in the fruit causes this reaction. Breed, sex, or age […]
| November 7, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Cranberries?
Fresh and dried cranberries are popular human snacks. Many owners may want to share these with their dogs, especially around Thanksgiving. But can dogs eat cranberries safely? The answer is both yes and no. Fresh or cooked cranberries, when plain, are not inherently toxic for dogs. When fed in moderation, they are generally safe and […]
| November 7, 2022

Expert Advice: Nutrition
Can Dogs Eat Pecans?
Pecans are a popular option for humans to eat or include in a variety of dishes. In moderation, these tree nuts can be a healthy snack for people, as they are full of potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Pecans are also a source of monounsaturated fats, which can help lower cholesterol. Unfortunately, pecans are not good […]
| November 1, 2022

Expert Advice: Nutrition
Can Dogs Eat Squash?
Pumpkins and other types of squash are popular vegetables for humans; among other things, they are low in fat and cholesterol. As you're preparing it, you might find yourself wondering if it's okay to share it with your dog. But can dogs eat squash? What Type of Squash Should You Feed to Your Dog? Depending […]
| October 28, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Turkey?
Can dogs eat turkey? Is it good for them? Here is what you need to know about feeding turkey to dogs to get your dog through the holidays safely.
| October 28, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Sunflower Seeds?
As human foods go, sunflower seeds are among the healthier options to occasionally share with your dog. These nutty and delicious treats are filled with nutrients. But how can you safely feed them to your dog? Are Sunflower Seeds Good for Dogs? Dogs should be given only natural raw or toasted sunflower seeds (not salted […]
| October 27, 2022