Radishes are a popular and healthy root vegetable for humans. They are low in calories, hydrating, and a great source of vitamins.
If you’re cooking with radishes, can you share them with your dog? Yes, but only in small amounts; there may even be some health benefits for your pet if they like the unique taste.
Are Radishes Good for Dogs?
In moderation, radishes are safe for dogs to eat. Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary Officer for the AKC, advises that “radishes are high in fiber, calcium, and certain vitamins.” Radishes contain vitamin C, an important antioxidant that helps to combat free radicals in your dog’s body. Radishes are also a natural source of calcium, which helps dogs to grow and supports maintaining healthy teeth and bones.

In addition, radishes are a source of potassium, which supports your dog’s muscular and heart health. Radishes can also help improve your dog’s digestion; they are high in fiber, which helps keep your dog’s bowel movements regular by preventing constipation and diarrhea.
Can Dogs Have Radishes?
Although modest amounts of radishes aren’t harmful to dogs, it may take a bit of time for your pet to appreciate the taste. Some dogs find the flavor off-putting altogether and won’t want to consume them. Dr. Klein explains that radishes are “best if fed in small amounts to see if a dog likes the taste as some dogs do not.” If your dog isn’t a fan, try offering different, dog-safe fruits or veggies; maybe try giving your dog radishes again at a future point.
Which Radishes Can Dogs Eat?
You may need to experiment a little bit to figure out what type of radishes your dog likes. “White radishes are less peppery than dark radishes,” Dr. Klein explains. You can find these types in the grocery store; also, both the white radishes and darker red radishes are safe for dogs to eat. However, other parts of radishes are not safe to feed to your dog. “Do not feed your dog the radish greens, as they may cause gastroenteritis,” advises Dr. Klein.

Similarly, just because something has “radish” in the name doesn’t mean it’s safe for your dog to eat. Horseradish isn’t actually a radish and should not be fed to dogs. as it can cause gastrointestinal upset. In addition, wild radishes should not be fed to dogs. Wild radishes are not the same vegetable as regular radishes and are unsafe for pets to eat.
How to Serve Dogs Radishes
If you want to share radishes with your dog, it’s important to serve them appropriately. Don’t just toss your dog a whole vegetable. First, discard the greens and then wash and peel the radish. Then, as Dr. Klein advises, “chop radishes into small pieces, as large pieces or the entire radish could potentially become a choking hazard.”
Make sure to feed your dog only plain radishes that have not been seasoned with spices. As always, if you’re looking to incorporate new ingredients into your dog’s diet, it’s best to first consult with your veterinarian.