Showing 51-60 of 90 results

Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Cavalier King Charles Spaniel History: Behind the Breed
In 1926, Roswell Eldridge placed an ad in a dog-show catalog that dared British breeders to bring a royal breed back from the brink of extinction. “Blenheim Spaniels of the Old Type, as shown in pictures of Charles II’s time, long face, no stop, flat skull, not inclined to be domed with spot in centre […] | September 17, 2020
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds English Toy Spaniel History: Behind Great Britain’s King Charles Spaniel
Though we share the same mother tongue, Americans have plenty of linguistic differences with our friends across the pond. In Great Britain, you live in a flat, not an apartment. You go on holiday, not vacation. And you cuddle your King Charles Spaniel, not your English Toy Spaniel. In a nod to these verbal variances, […] | September 13, 2020
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Australian Shepherds Forever: One Family’s Dedication to the Breed
Forty-five years ago Toni Pearson set eyes on a “Samoyed without a tail” that jokingly morphed into an Australian Shepherd. Today, Team Pearson (her husband, David, and twentysomething daughters, Anna and Laura) are all in on this versatile breed under the umbrella of Timberwood Aussies, in Granite Falls, Washington. “When I married David (an Englishman), […] | August 18, 2020
Expert Advice: Dog Sports All-Around Sports German Pinscher Juggles Competing and Cheering Up Children
For Valerie Schuter, doing a good deed for a dog turned into her downsizing Pinschers. The 30-year Doberman Pinscher breeder and rescue volunteer helped another breeder and ended up transitioning to the smaller German Pinschers—notably Bentley—GCH Diamond Bay A Chevelle Bentley Tribute. This conformation Grand Champion has a passion for people and racked up 13 […] | August 12, 2020
Expert Advice: Feature Behind Bang Away: Breeder Friederun von Miran-Stockmann & Her Iconic Boxers
Dogs require a degree of sacrifice, which owners happily make for the pleasure of having them in our lives. We invest in quality veterinary care and the best dog food we can afford. We buy lint rollers in bulk and learn to live with saliva streaks on our glass doors and windows. And we scooch […] | March 17, 2020
Australian Shepherds (10-12 months old) running together.
Expert Advice: Lifestyle The More the Merrier: The Joys & Challenges of Owning Multiple Dogs
When it comes to dogs, more isn't always better. Owning multiple dogs can be great for owners and animals alike, but with it comes certain challenges. | February 27, 2020
A dog with a serious look lies in an open trunk on the car
Expert Advice: Training Traveling With Your Dog? Tips For Teaching Good Behavior On The Go
It's a common problem. Your dog is the picture of perfect behavior at home, but in a new environment like a friend's house or a hotel with an unforgiving accident fee, things may be a different story. So what can those who like traveling with dogs do to help their pups adjust to new situations? To […] | October 15, 2019
Pages Competition Update Fall 2019
We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles in Agility, Coursing Ability, Rally, Obedience, Scent Work, Tracking and Trick Dog. Big congrats to the first All-American to earn the Scent Work Masters title and the seventh All-American to earn the Obedience Trial Championship! AGILITY Master Agility Championships (MACH)  Multiple Master Agility […] | September 26, 2019
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Back-to-School Shopping for Dog-Lovers
Love dogs? Love stocking up on back-to-school essentials? Then this is the shopping list for you. From lunch bags and backpacks to pens and pencils, here are some of our favorite supplies perfect for letting your — or your child's — pet-loving personality shine. 1. “Best in Show” Pencils for Dog-Lovers U.S. Toy Dog Pencils […] | August 23, 2019
A vintage portrait of two Smooth Fox Terriers standing on a stoop.
Pages Breeds by Year Recognized
The AKC currently registers 201 dog breeds. The chart below lists all AKC recognized breeds and the year they first became registrable with the AKC.  (last updated 11/20/24) DATE – BREED 1878 – Pointer  1878 – Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)  1878 – Spaniel (Clumber)  1878 – Spaniel (Cocker)  1878 – Setter (English)  1878 – Setter (Gordon)  […] | August 12, 2019

Showing 51-60 of 90 results