Expert Advice: Breed History
Canaan Dog History: Behind Israel’s Native Dogs
One day in 1938, soon after Nazi Germany annexed Austria, Adolf Hitler sent a car to his hometown of Linz to pick up Rudolphina and Rudolph Menzel. The Jewish couple – a psychologist and physician, respectively, who were also internationally known dog trainers – knew what their destination would be if they complied. It would […]
| October 1, 2020
Competition Update Summer 2020
We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles in Agility, Coursing Ability, Rally, Obedience, Scent Work, and Tracking. Many of you have had great success taking advantage of AKC’s Virtual Titling programs too! Agility Master Agility Championships (MACH) Multiple Master Agility Champions Congratulations to these dogs who have earned more MACHs: AGCH […]
| August 6, 2020

Expert Advice: Grooming
Is It OK to Shave Your Dog’s Coat in Summer?
Don't shave your dog, as it might make them hotter in summer and creates health risks. Instead, try these grooming and safety tips to keep them cool.
| June 10, 2020

Expert Advice: Feature
Military Working Dogs Through History
On Oct. 27, 2019, a 5-year-old Belgian Malinois military working dog named Conan took part in the Barisha raid, which resulted in the death of the leader of ISIS. Conan joined a long list of heroic military working dogs. Call ‘em what you want — war dogs or military working dogs — they have been around for centuries […]
| May 21, 2020
Competition Update Spring 2020
Competition & Title Updates We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles in Agility, Coursing Ability, Rally, Obedience, Scent Work, and Tracking, including another Champion Tracker! Agility AGCH Congratulations to this dog for earning the Agility Grand Champion title: AGCH MACH3 Tuckman Of San Francisco MXC PDS MJB2 […]
| May 8, 2020

Expert Advice: Feature
Lend a Paw: Dogs Deliver Groceries and More During COVID-19 Pandemic
It's well known that dogs increase happiness, reduce stress levels, and improve overall health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, dogs have been a source of relief: whether they're cuddling on the couch beside us, in cute online videos, or in refreshingly positive news headlines. We've rounded up the most positive dog-related stories from the week of […]
| March 30, 2020

Expert Advice: Dog Sports
Breed Temperament and Expectations
As you work up a sweat with your huge, loose-jointed Mastiff puppy, trying to hold up his mid-section while keeping all four of his feet pointed in the same direction, it’s not surprising you’ll watch the Doberman Pinscher handler with a touch of envy. The Dobe glides around the ring, head held high, then nails […]
| January 7, 2020

Expert Advice: Dog Breeds
Meet the Newest AKC-Recognized Breed: Dogo Argentino
Let’s get this straight right from the outset: If you’re thinking Dogo Argentino (Dogo), you must be a leader and an experienced dog owner. In other words, firm, confident, and consistent. That’s the clear message from Amy Collins, a Dogo Argentino owner since 2000 and secretary of the parent club, the Dogo Argentino Club of […]
| December 31, 2019

Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices
Silent Night: Understanding Why Dogs Bark & Creating a Quieter Kennel
Dogs bark. It's a fact of life that nearly all dog owners must accept. Barking is a self-rewarding behavior. But it is important for breeders and kennel owners to understand the different types of barking, and when it has turned into a problem behavior. Canine Sounds & What They Mean A bark or vocalization is not just a bark or a vocalization. A dog owner, breeder, or […]
| December 5, 2019

Expert Advice: Why does my dog...
Why Does My Dog Eat Leaves?
The temperature is dropping, trees are covered in shades of orange, and leaves coat the sidewalk. Fall is in the air. While you may enjoy the sound of crunching leaves under your feet, you may not find it so lovely when your dog is munching on a stray leaf or two. Eating certain types of […]
| October 3, 2019