Expert Advice: Feature
Lend a Paw: Dogs Deliver Groceries and More During COVID-19 Pandemic
It's well known that dogs increase happiness, reduce stress levels, and improve overall health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, dogs have been a source of relief: whether they're cuddling on the couch beside us, in cute online videos, or in refreshingly positive news headlines. We've rounded up the most positive dog-related stories from the week of […]
| March 30, 2020

Expert Advice: Puppy Training
Is Now the Right Time to Get a Puppy? How to Prepare During COVID-19
Bringing home a new puppy is incredibly exciting. During the COVID-19 pandemic, more people than ever are looking to add a dog to their lives as they self isolate. Many puppy seekers wonder: is now the right time to get a puppy? The answer to that question differs from person to person. Were you prepared […]
| March 26, 2020

Expert Advice: Dog Breeding
Things to Consider When Planning a Litter During COVID-19
Typically breeders plan their litters far in advance. However, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic that has gripped our world, there are issues to consider beyond the pedigrees and the physical compatibility of sire and dam. So, what should we as breeders be thinking about before we proceed with that spring breeding? Is now the […]
| March 26, 2020
Legislative Alerts
MA Update: Governor Orders Closure of Non-Essential Businesses
In an ongoing effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus, this morning Massachusetts Governor Baker ordered all non-essential businesses in Massachusetts to close beginning at 12pm on Tuesday, March 24, 2020. The order is effective until April 7, 2020. A stay at home advisory is also being issued by the state’s Department of Public […]
| March 23, 2020
Legislative Alerts
Ask Your Elected Officials to Declare Pet Services “Essential Businesses” During COVID-19 Related Closures
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many states are shutting down all but what they deem to be essential services and businesses – and AKC is asking for your help in ensuring our dogs continue to get the supplies and services they need and deserve. The American Kennel Club (AKC) joined this week with the Pet […]
| March 21, 2020
Legislative Alerts
AKC Urges Officials To Allow Pet Food & Service Suppliers To Remain Open During COVID -19 Crisis
The American Kennel Club (AKC) today joined with the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC) and other animal care leaders to urge government officials to help ensure the well-being of animals by allowing businesses that provide products and services for the care of pets to continue to operate during the COVID-19 response. Dennis Sprung, AKC […]
| March 21, 2020
Legislative Alerts
Maine Info: Emergency Act Signed by Maine Governor Extends Dog License Compliance Period
Legislative Leaders in New England continue various steps to mitigate the outbreak of COVID-19. On Tuesday, March 17, the Maine Legislature adjourned after sending Governor Janet Mills an emergency bill to help facilitate the state’s response to the coronavirus. Governor Mills signed that measure into law yesterday. Among its many provisions, Public Law Chapter 617 […]
| March 19, 2020

Expert Advice: News
5 Ways to Support Local Dog Businesses During the Pandemic
As many Americans hunker down in their homes, emerging for only essential errands or obligations, small businesses and service industries are feeling their absence where it hurts the most – in their pocketbooks. The slowdown caused by the coronavirus containment is also affecting those who work in dog-related fields, including groomers, trainers and dog walkers, […]
| March 19, 2020
Legislative Alerts
ALERT: Changes to Legislative Calendars in New England
In response to the latest coronavirus news, AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) has learned that Legislative Leaders in New England have taken various steps to mitigate the outbreak. Please refer to the summary for each state below and know that we will keep you informed of changes as they develop. Connecticut: After initially re-scheduling public […]
| March 16, 2020

Expert Advice: News
Sheltering in Place With Your Dog During an Emergency or Disaster
Depending on the type and intensity of a natural disaster or pandemic, it may be safer for you and your dog to stay where you are than to evacuate. FEMA advises that sheltering in place is appropriate when “conditions require that you seek immediate protection in your home, place of employment, school, or other location […]
| March 14, 2020