Showing 71-80 of 6,760 results

Expert Advice: General Nutrition Can Dogs Eat Pickles?
Can dogs eat pickles? Here's why it's probably not a good idea to feed your dog pickles. | September 1, 2022
Russell Terrier standing outdoors looking up at the viewer.
Expert Advice: Nutrition Can Dogs Eat Blackberries?
Can your dog eat blackberries? In short, yes. This sweet, juicy berry can be as much of a treat for your dog as it is for humans. The key word here is “treat.” A dog’s nutritional needs should be met by their regular food, and treats should only comprise ten percent of their diet. And, […] | September 16, 2022
Siberian Husky gently taking a treat from a hand.
Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods Can Dogs Eat Nutmeg?
With its earthy sweetness, nutmeg is virtually indispensable in many fall and holiday baked goods, sauces, and stews. This is fine for us humans, but can your dog eat nutmeg? No, and here’s why. Is Nutmeg Toxic to Dogs? Nutmeg is derived from the seed of the tropical evergreen tree Myristica fragrans. The spice mace […] | October 4, 2022
border collie puppy training treat
Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods Can Dogs Eat Ginger?
For anyone who has ever sipped ginger tea to settle an upset stomach, it's natural to wonder if this tropical root could be as beneficial to dogs. Many herbs and spices are harmful to our pets, but the good news is that yes, ginger, in small amounts, is safe for dogs and might even be […] | October 24, 2022
Expert Advice: Nutrition Can Dogs Eat Dates?
Have you just opened a pack of sticky, plump, and delicious dried dates? You might wonder if your dog can partake in enjoying these sweet, fiber-filled snacks. While dates aren't highly toxic for dogs like grapes, that doesn't mean dates should be a go-to treat. Learn more about how dogs can eat dates and the […] | October 24, 2022
Golden Retriever getting a treat from a woman while posing for a photo outdoors.
Expert Advice: Nutrition Can Dogs Eat Pomegranates?
Pomegranates are full of antioxidants, potassium, and fiber. As you're enjoying pomegranates, you may wonder if dogs can eat these tasty treats. Although pomegranate extract can have health benefits for dogs, you'll want to avoid letting your dog snack down on pomegranates. Are Pomegranates Inherently Toxic for Dogs? Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary Officer for […] | October 25, 2022
A miniature poodle puppy eating his dinner.
Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods Can Dogs Eat Edamame?
Edamame is a popular snack food or side dish for consumers worldwide. The name of these green soybeans, which are picked while still young, means "beans on a branch" in Japanese. This vegetable has all the essential amino acids the human body does not produce, is low in calories, fat, and sugar, and high in […] | October 26, 2022
how many times a day should a dog eat
Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods Can Dogs Eat Sunflower Seeds?
As human foods go, sunflower seeds are among the healthier options to occasionally share with your dog. These nutty and delicious treats are filled with nutrients. But how can you safely feed them to your dog? Are Sunflower Seeds Good for Dogs? Dogs should be given only natural raw or toasted sunflower seeds (not salted […] | October 27, 2022
Chihuahua licking its lips looking at a place of food on the kitchen table.
Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods Can Dogs Eat Turkey?
Thanksgiving, for most families in the United States, is all about the turkey. Hours go into the roasting and basting of the bird, and once the Thanksgiving feast is over, there are turkey sandwiches, turkey soup, and turkey casseroles to make. With all of that leftover turkey, what about sharing some with our dogs, whether […] | October 28, 2022
Shetland Sheepdog puppy laying down next to pumpkins and gourds.
Expert Advice: Nutrition Can Dogs Eat Squash?
Pumpkins and other types of squash are popular vegetables for humans; among other things, they are low in fat and cholesterol. As you're preparing it, you might find yourself wondering if it's okay to share it with your dog. But can dogs eat squash? What Type of Squash Should You Feed to Your Dog? Depending […] | October 28, 2022

Showing 71-80 of 6,760 results