Showing 1,621-1,630 of 1,715 results

Legislative Alerts Montana to Hear ‘Animal Hoarding’ Bill on March 19
On Thursday, March 19, the Montana House Judiciary Committee will hear a bill to expand the definition of animal cruelty.  The American Kennel Club urges all responsible dog owners, fanciers, and breeders to contact the Montana Senate and express their opposition to Senate Bill 221, which would expand the definition of animal cruelty to include […] | March 18, 2009
Legislative Alerts UPDATE: Illinois Bills Held For Further Amendments
SB 139 which sought to ban cropping and docking in Illinois, has been amended to remove all substantive language from the bill. It now simply exists as a placeholder or "shell", should the sponsor choose to revisit the issue later in session.  AKC will continue to monitor this legislation and will update our website if new language […] | March 17, 2009
Legislative Alerts West Virginia Bill A Radical Attempt At Limiting Dog Ownership
West Virginia House Bill 2843, sponsored by Delegates Daniel Poling of Wood, Virginia Mahan of Summers, Nancy Guthrie of Kanawha, Roy Givens of Brooke, and Tom Azinger of Wood, seeks to define commercial dog breeders and to impose limits on the ownership of dogs.  Similar to many bills introduced in legislatures across the country in […] | March 17, 2009
Legislative Alerts Arkansas Seeks to Require Annual Licenses of Up to $1000 for Dog Owners and Handlers
A bill has been introduced in the Arkansas Senate that requires owners of 12 or more dogs of any age to purchase an annual license for the right to maintain ownership of the dogs, regardless of whether the animals are on your property.  "Owner" is defined as someone who meets any of the following criteria: […] | March 16, 2009
Legislative Alerts Oregon Bill Increases Insurance Standards for Pit Bull Owners
Oregon Representative Vicki Berger has introduced legislation that would require "pit bull" owners to maintain $1 million in insurance coverage. It is important that all responsible dog owners, fanciers, and breeders contact the bill’s sponsor and members of the House Consumer Protection Committee and oppose House Bill 2852. House Bill 2852 would require owners of "pit […] | March 13, 2009
Press Releases AKC Announces Board of Directors Election Results
  -- Lee Arnold, Carl C. Ashby, III, Alan Kalter, and Dr. Robert D. Smith Elected -- The Annual Meeting of the AKC Delegates took place on March 10, 2009. Four new Directors have been elected: Lee Arnold, Delegate from the Southern Colorado Kennel Club; Carl C. Ashby, III, Delegate from the United States Kerry Blue […] | March 10, 2009
Legislative Alerts Vote Postponed on Chicago Mandatory Spay/Neuter Bill
Alderman Burke has postponed a vote on the proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance. Over 130 people signed up to address the committee about the issue and several aldermen questioned whether this was an effective and economical policy for the city to pursue. AKC thanks the many breeders and responsible owners who attended the meeting as well […] | March 9, 2009
Legislative Alerts California Senate Bill 250 Penalizes Owners of Intact Animals
California State Senator Dean Florez has introduced Senate Bill 250, a measure that purports to reduce shelter populations, but would in reality make it easier to revoke licenses for intact dogs and cats in California. This legislation will not improve the lives of cats and dogs, will negatively impact responsible owners and breeders, and by […] | February 26, 2009
Legislative Alerts UPDATED: BSL to be Removed from NM House Bill 667
Representative John Heaton's office has confirmed that HB 667 will be amended to remove the breed-specific provisions. The AKC Government Relations department thanks all those who called, wrote letters, and emailed their representatives about this important issue. We will provide additional information once the amended text is available.   Rottweilers and Pit Bulls Targeted in […] | February 13, 2009
Legislative Alerts Rottweilers and Pit Bulls Targeted in New Mexico BSL
A bill labeling "pit bulls" and Rottweilers as "dangerous dogs" has been introduced in the New Mexico House of Representatives.  Under current New Mexico statute, any owner of a dog deemed to be "dangerous" must be spayed or neutered, microchipped and registered each year. Under House Bill 667, the definition of "dangerous dog" is expanded […] | February 12, 2009

Showing 1,621-1,630 of 1,715 results