Legislative Alerts
Action Needed In Florida: Bills On The Move
Several significant developments have occurred regarding two Florida bills that both the American Kennel Club and the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs strongly oppose. As previously reported on, Florida Senate Bill 2002 seeks to impose strict limits on the operations of responsible purebred dog breeders and to limit dog ownership. The Florida Senate Community […]
| April 17, 2009
Legislative Alerts
North Carolina Alert: HB 733 Bill May Be Considered Wednesday, April 22
The American Kennel Club Government Relations Department, in cooperation with the North Carolina Federation of Dog Clubs, has learned that House Bill 733 will likely be considered by the North Carolina House Agriculture Committee on Wednesday, April 22. Should the bill be considered, a vote is not expected. However, all concerned responsible dog breeders […]
| April 17, 2009
Legislative Alerts
CA AB 241 to Limit Ownership of Intact Animals
California Assembly Bill 241, which will prohibit businesses and individuals who buys or sells cats and dogs from owning more than a combined total of 50 intact dogs or cats, will be heard in the Assembly Public Safety Committee on April 14th. There is no age threshold included in the bill so we believe that […]
| April 8, 2009
Legislative Alerts
Urgent Call to Action – Oppose NY State Docking Bill
New York State Assembly Bill 7218 seeks to make the docking of tails unlawful. The American Kennel Club (AKC) and the Responsible Dog Owners Association of New York both vehemently oppose AB 7218. This bill has been referred to the New York Assembly Agriculture Committee. It is imperative that ALL concerned dog breeders and owners contact […]
| April 7, 2009
Legislative Alerts
CA SB 250 Amended, Set for Hearing – Opposition Needed!
California Senate Bill 250 has been amended and set for a hearing in the Senate Local Government Committee for April 15th. We need all California fanciers, responsible dog owners and breeders, and clubs to write and oppose this legislation. Letters must be received by April 8 to be reflected on the committee analysis. SB 250's […]
| April 6, 2009
Legislative Alerts
FL Senate Bills to be Considered Monday, April 6th
Two Florida Senate bills that are of great concern to the American Kennel Club (AKC) are scheduled for consideration by Senate committees on Monday, April 6th. The AKC and the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs urge all Floridians to take action on these bills. Senate Bill 2002 Florida Senate Bill 2002, sponsored by Senator Lee […]
| April 3, 2009
Legislative Alerts
Holly Hill, Florida Seeks to Adopt Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance
The City of Holly Hill, Florida, is trying for the second time this year to pass a mandatory spay/neuter ordinance for the small community. The ordinance would require all dog owners to have their dog or cat spayed or neutered by six months of age, with few exceptions. In February 2009, the City Commission rejected […]
| April 2, 2009
Legislative Alerts
Indiana Update: Two Bills to be Heard on Tuesday, March 31
The Indiana General Assembly will hear two bills on Tuesday regarding breeding regulations in Indiana. The House Judiciary Committee is expected to hear Senate Bill 238, a bill originally dealing with basic animal cruelty issues. An amendment will be offered in this bill to strictly regulate commercial breeders in Indiana. The Senate Corrections, Criminal, and […]
| March 27, 2009
Legislative Alerts
Oregon Alert! HB 2470 To Be Considered Monday, March 30
Oregon House Bill 2470, which seeks to severely limit the responsible breeding of dogs, will be heard by the Oregon House Consumer Protection Committee on Monday, March 30. The American Kennel Club and its Oregon federation, the National Animal Interest Alliance, both strongly oppose HB 2470, and encourage all concerned responsible dog breeders and owners […]
| March 27, 2009
Legislative Alerts
Update: MSN Language Removed from Florida Bill!
This morning, the Florida House Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Committee adopted a "strike-all" amendment to House Bill 451, which would have required the mandatory spay/neuter of all dogs four months of age with little exception. The Florida Association of Kennel Clubs reports that the amendment, offered by HB 451’s sponsor, Representative Scott Randolph, has […]
| March 24, 2009