Showing 131-132 of 132 results

Expert Advice: Fun Facts Difference between a Pure White Siberian Husky and an ‘Isabella’ White Husky
ASK AKC Dear AKC: What is the difference between a pure white Siberian husky and an "Isabella" white husky.I have a 1-year-old male who is solid white, but I do notice in bright sunlight there is a very slight yellow coloring in some areas. When he was a pup all his points (nose, lips, eye rims) […] | May 17, 2015
Canine Partners Named After Baseball Star, Jeter Becomes Canine Athlete!
MACH Jeter Morris owned by Kaela Morris of Thousand Oaks, CA Jeter is an incredible three-year-old Golden Retriever/Maltese mix who is named after the great shortstop from the New York Yankees, Derek Jeter. “Jeter and I found out about agility when he was seven months old. After our first class, we caught the “agility bug!” […] | May 1, 2017

Showing 131-132 of 132 results