Showing 91-92 of 92 results

Legislative Alerts Louisville Adopts Restrictive Animal Control Ordinance
UPDATE! The Louisville Metro Council has approved changes to their animal control ordinance. The proposal was amended by the full council to remove the breed-specific language. However, the measure will still negatively impact fanciers, breeders and responsible dog owners by enacting pet limits, requiring expensive intact animal licenses and inspections of home kennels. Concerned dog […] | December 22, 2006
Legislative Alerts Louisville Pursues BSL, Limit Laws and Breeder Licensing
The Louisville Metro Council is again considering breed-specific legislation, a limit law and restrictions on breeders and dog owners. This ordinance will have a devastating effect on dog owners and breeders in Louisville and may have a dramatic impact on the Kentuckiana Cluster, the largest dog show cluster in the country. The legislation proposes breed […] | August 29, 2006

Showing 91-92 of 92 results