Showing 91-92 of 92 results

Expert Advice: Breeding & Whelping A Gundog Breeder’s Diary: The Adventure of Raising Brittany Puppies
The pups are 5 weeks old as I start writing this piece. Feeding is twice a day; their mom is only with them at night. Within the next several days, the pups will be without their mom—weaning completed and on their own. Because it is summer with warm temperatures, the pups have spent all their […] | March 15, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues What to do About Your Barking Dog
Barking is a completely natural behavior for dogs, but we humans don’t always appreciate it. In your dog’s mind, however, there’s a good reason to bark, so the first thing to do is figure out why she wants to bark in what you consider the most inappropriate times. If you aren’t home while the barking […] | December 18, 2014

Showing 91-92 of 92 results