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February 11, 2019

The Washington Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce and the Washington House Committee on Consumer Protection and Business will hold hearings on identical bills on Tuesday, Feb. 12.

Senate Bill 5209 and House Bill 1640 will prohibit retail pet stores from selling dogs or cats, unless those animals were obtained from an animal care and control agency or animal rescue group.  Both bills also require all animals be spayed or neutered before being sold and create certain recordkeeping, display and marketing requirements.

Please see the previous alert on HB 1640 for talking points against this restrictive legislation. As SB 5209 is identical legislation, these talking points are also on point for the Senate version of the House bill:

For additional talking points, read AKC’s position statement on Pet Choice, and the article Why Pet Shop Laws Affect You

What You Can Do:

Contact the following Representatives and Senators and ask them to not support House Bill 1640 and Senate Bill 5209.  When contacting them, be sure to mention if you are a Washington resident or have purchased an animal in the state.

AKC Government Relations continues to closely monitor this bill.  For more information, contact AKC GR at