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Learn how to make a delicious treat for your dog in a few easy steps. These mini omelettes are easy to make and vet approved.


  • 2 eggs
    • Eggs are a great source of protein and can help an upset stomach. However, eating raw egg whites can give dogs biotin deficiency, so be sure to cook the eggs all the way through before giving them to your pet.
  • ½ cup cooked salmon, thinly sliced, OR pulled grilled chicken
    • salmon is loaded with vitamins and protein
    • make sure chicken is skinless and boneless
  • ½ green pepper, diced
    • Bell peppers provide beta-carotene and are high in vitamin C.



  1. Lightly grease frying pan with a small drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
  2. Turn the heat for the frying pan to medium/high.
  3. Crack eggs into a bowl and stir with fork until mixed.
  4. Once the frying pan is heated, gently pour the mixed eggs into the center of the frying pan.
  5. Tilt the pan to spread the egg mixture evenly.
  6. Once the egg is halfway firm, sprinkle on the green pepper and salmon or grilled chicken.
  7. With a spatula, fold the egg in half and allow to heat until egg appears to be firm.
  8. Remove omelet from pan and place on plate.
  9. Allow to cool and serve.