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It’s not always possible to prepare for a natural disaster, but there are a few steps you can take ahead of time to prepare yourself and your canine companions. Here are a few tips from AKC Reunite for keeping safe in any emergency situation:

Plan ahead. Even before warning of a natural disaster, make sure to pack a grab-and-go bag with pet supplies for at least three days. Keep important documents such as a photo of you and your pet (in case you are separated), proof of ownership and microchip enrollment papers, medical records with vaccination dates, and a physical description of your pet. Call 1-800-252-7894 or go to to confirm your pet’s microchip has your current contact information. Other items to keep in your grab-and-go pack are an animal first aid kit, food and water, blankets, flashlights, and comforting toys and treats.


Take action. Know when a disaster is approaching and pay close attention to emergency alerts. Bring your pets inside, so you won’t have to search for them in case you need to make a quick evacuation.

If you must evacuate, NEVER LEAVE YOUR PET AT HOME! Make sure your pet is wearing a collar with an identification and a rabies tag, and have a study carrier for transportation. If you’re staying at a hotel, call ahead to make sure your pet is welcome.
chihuahua in carrier

What if your pet gets lost? Grab friends, family, and neighbors to immediately begin searching the area where your pet was last seen. Make posters with images and make use of social media to inform your friends and neighbors of your missing pet. Call the AKC Reunite PET Line at 1-800-252-7894 to make sure your contact information is up to date. Call your local shelters to alert them and provide a detailed description of your pet.

To learn more about the best way to prepare for a disaster, check out the video below.


For more helpful information, see AKC Reunite’s Emergency Planning Guide here.
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