Following the devastating announcement that the annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade had been canceled, the community banded together to ensure its return in 2018 with a successful crowdfunding campaign. At the final hour, the fest was brought back, and all rejoiced– after all, what would Halloween in New York even be like without this beloved canine spectacle?
From the obscure (Fung Wah Bus, anyone?) to the unmistakable (superheroes and food), the newly relocated annual dog parade took East River Park Amphitheater by storm on Sunday afternoon. From Biggie Paws to Zoltar, we saw it all.
Our favorite express bus to Boston.
Cowabunga dude!
Zoltar, the Fortune Teller, sees all!
A clever spoof on the popular dog treats.
Hello, dynamic duo!
They’re off to the races.
Here’s a dapper dog.
Who’s a cute taco?
Move over Gal Gadot.
Gabba Gabba Hey — it’s Joey Ramone.
What a doll.
The little guy on the right is a pint-sized snowman.
This dog looks like a winner.
Go team dog!
Paying homage to The Notorious B.I.G.
Yes, I’m a pretty unicorn.
Mermaid? You decide.
Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice!
It’s the Cookie Monster.
A couple of lumberjacks.
And last but not least, the pup mobile!