In honor of Check the Chip Day, we wanted to share some great lost-dog recovery stories courtesy of AKC Reunite.
These dogs all went missing, but were eventually found and reunited with their families with a little help from their microchips.
Meet Monroe, the French Bulldog.
Monroe snuck out the front door and was missing for over three years. Luckily, a Good Samaritan found the dog wandering on the street and brought her to a local vet's office.
At the office, they were able to scan her microchip and contact her family. Monroe was returned home, all thanks to her microchip.
This is Joy, the Husky.
Joy went missing and was away from her family for six months. A homeless man found her, and when he couldn't take care of her anymore, he gave her to a woman who had her checked for a microchip.
Joy was registered with AKC Reunite and her microchip brought her back to her family.
These Miniature Schnauzers are named Lola and Cooper.
This pair of pups escaped from their yard by squeezing under the fence. Their owner, Ashley, realizing the dogs had escaped, contacted AKC Reunite. AKC Reunite emailed pet lovers in the area and Ashley posted in a Lost Pet Alert group on Facebook.
A friend saw the Facebook post and realized Lola and Cooper had been found and were being watched by a local neighbor.
Ashley was able to contact the neighbor and pick up her mischievous dogs, Lola and Cooper, thanks to AKC Reunite.
A microchip is one of the best ways to protect your pet in the case he is lost or stolen. Today, we remind pet owners to ask your vet to scan your pet's microchip at wellness check-ups and make sure your microchip enrollment information is current and up to date.
If your dog is not yet microchipped, the process is safe and easy. Find out more here.
AKC Reunite has brought home more than 475,000 lost pets, including Monroe, Joy, Lola, and Cooper. Learn more about AKC Reunite and microchipping in the video below.