Osterland / stock.adobe.com
Vichakorn / stock.adobe.com
©sushytska - stock.adobe.com
15 Adorable Photos of Dogs With Their Tongues out to Brighten Your Day
Osterland / stock.adobe.com
Vichakorn / stock.adobe.com
©sushytska - stock.adobe.com
In honor of Stick Your Tongue Out Day on July 19, we’re gushing over our favorite tongue sticker-outers: dogs. That little bit of pink has a way of making us melt.
What’s not as cute? The stuff going on inside our dog’s mouth. According to previous studies, canines have more than 600 different types of bacteria in their mouths. However, that fact does little to dissuade most dog owners from happily receiving slobbery pup kisses on a daily basis!
Scroll through the gallery above to see some unbelievably adorable “tongue out” pics, and follow the AKC on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for your daily dog fix.
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