As a third-generation dog breeder, 2023 has been a year of adjustment. The year had a nice steady start for me, and then it spun out of control. In mid-June, my father was sent home on hospice care, and we said goodbye to him in early October. I have to say his loss has been the most emotionally difficult experience of my life. I am thankful I had family, friends, great co-workers, and lots of dog people close by to help me through this difficult time. I am also very thankful that dog fur is so super absorbent and does a great job soaking up tears.
Long-Term Care for Your Dogs: The loss of a loved one changes how you look at life and how you prepare for the future. In 2022, I talked about having your “bug out” bag ready and being ready to move your dogs in a hurry should a natural or man-made disaster strike. Today, let’s take a minute to look at what happens to your dog(s) if you have an extended hospital stay or if you should die.
Have you ever given this much thought? Do you have a will or a trust that will provide for your pets’ care? Will they be returned to their breeder? Will they go to a friend or a family member? Do you have all your AKC records in place to identify each of your dogs to its individual ownership record and its AKC registration? Are your dogs properly identified to those records with a microchip, tattoo, or collar? If you have a female dog that is in whelp, do you have it documented, to whom she is bred? If you have more than one dog, could anyone who has never met them accurately and correctly connect every dog to the correct records for each dog? Go to Inspection Documents for the right forms and record keeping aids.
Vow to Give your Pets Extra Attention: Over the last couple of years, I have talked about the sports and events we can do with our dogs. This year, I want to talk about all the great pets we have and how we can put our best foot forward to take extra special care of them in 2024. Our dogs have an unyielding and unending love for us, and this always makes me smile and makes me feel wanted and special. Have you ever noticed how when you come home from a long hard day at work your favorite furry four-legged friend(s) are so happy to see you? They are happy even if you just left the house, go to the end of the driveway and return for a forgotten item. “Shhhh”, don’t tell them you forgot anything, just tell them you wanted to give them an extra hug and how tell them how well you are going to take care of them in 2024 and beyond.
AKC Breeder Symposiums: In 2023, the AKC Breeder Development Department tried out a couple of special dog breeder educational events called AKC Breeder Symposiums. These events were a great success and offered courses for dog breeders on topics like canine health, genetics, pedigree theories, canine CPR, record keeping, AKC Breeder Toolkit, and much, much more. In 2024, you won’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home to attend some of these great dog breeder educational courses! Just log into AKC Educated Breeder Webinar Series and sign up today for an amazing learning experience that will help keep your dog(s) healthy and your future bright.
Keep Them Healthy: Moving into 2024 let’s also make sure our beloved dogs are properly vaccinated and be on the watch for signs of Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC) and Canine Influenza (Dog Flu). Read more here.
Support Our Youth: In 2024, while we take great care of our dogs, let us not forget the younger generation of future dog owners. In November 2023, the AKC Breeder Development Department started two new traditions. The first new tradition allowed AKC to connect with more than 72,954 members, advisors, students, and guests at the 96th annual Future Farmers of America (FFA) National Convention in Indianapolis, IN! We were excited by the number of high schools across the country that have grooming programs, companion animal classes and animal science programs already in place. One high school has eight grooming tables full of clients five days a week, and another in Georgia is working on a Retrievers in the Classroom program for their students who love retrieving dogs!
The second special pilot project with the younger generation is called a Junior Judging Competition (JJC). This is a dog “grading” competition which allows youth from 9 to 17 (in three different age groups, Junior, Intermediate and Senior) to evaluate four short-coated or lightly coated dogs in a designated class. An AKC licensed dog judge judged each of the classes of four dogs, while the juniors judged from a safe distance. Each junior placed the four dogs 1st through 4th, according to that breed’s written standard and their knowledge of that breed. The juniors were allowed to take notes during the class, and then they formed their notes into “verbal reasons” for their placements. Each junior was given no longer than 2 minutes to present their “reasons.”. They were judged on the accuracy of their placements; presentation of their reasons; format of their presentation; proper use of terminology; and use of transition and grant statements. Twenty-four juniors participated in the event; 14 of these young people had never been to any type of an AKC dog event and all are looking forward to the next event! It was a great learning experience for everyone involved and even more fun!
Tune In: Speaking of fun, look for an AKC event coming to your television in 2024, as AKC Good Dog TV has expanded to more than 75 markets across the US!
Seasonal Resolutions: Remember in 2024, to spend special time with your two-legged and four-legged friends and family. Set aside at least one day in each season to share some love and fun with others. Here is our doggie to-do list for each season:
Fall – Set the clocks back, safely put down weed and seed to protect against stickers and change the batteries in the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Don’t forget to put reminders into your phone for your dog’s monthly heartworm prevention and veterinarian check-ups. Be thankful for all your loved ones furry or not.
Winter – Stay active and safe, plan scent games with AKC Scent Work and remember to add extra bedding and always provide fresh drinking water.
Spring – Make sure you have pet safe flea and tick medications on hand, and you have a current list of pet safe and toxic plants and foods guide. Upgrade your AKC Reunite enrollment for Pet Poison Helpline AKC Reunite and sign yourself and your dog up for swimming lessons, if you need them!
Summer – Dive into summer and learn a new water sport with your dog: Diving Dogs. Have fun, be safe and be sure to wear your life vests.
In 2024, I wish each one of you the very happiest holiday season and a special twinkle as you enter the new year!
Stacy Mason is an AKC Senior Breeder Relations Field Representative.