Most dog owners consider their dogs as members of their families. But when there are children in the house, thoughtful consideration needs to be made to choose the right dog for your lifestyle, living quarters and children's ages. Some breeds are quite patient with younger kids, and others are…
Most dog owners consider their dogs as members of their families. But when there are children in the house, thoughtful consideration needs to be made to choose the right dog for your lifestyle, living quarters and children's ages. Some breeds are quite patient with younger kids, and others are better with older children. Some are happy in urban environments, and others need more room to roam. No matter what, you’ll want a dog with an outgoing and friendly personality who is loving and affectionate with the whole family.

Brazilian Terrier
The Brazilian Terrier is a fantastic dog, easy to care for, and a good partner with a wondeful…
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Brussels Griffon
Tipping the scales at no more than 12 pounds, this humanlike toy of complex character has enough…
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Cesky Terrier
The Cesky Terrier, national dog of the Czech Republic, is a clever and adventurous playmate fo…
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Drentsche Patrijshond
This breed is pronounced da'rinse-ah puh'trice-hoon. The Drentsche Patrijshond, Drent for short, i…
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