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AKC Detection Dog Task Force Educational Resources

AKC Detection Dog Task Force Educational Resources


The Confident Puppy

The Confident Puppy course  leverages broad expertise from the AKC Detection Dog Task Force and the Patriotic Puppy Program to help dog owners and enthusiasts raise resilient, well-socialized  and confident dogs. The course provides a collection of educational resources for individual breeders, trainers, and puppy raisers.

The Confident Puppy e-Learning Course comprises seven sessions and was developed with AKC Public Education/Canine College staff, leveraging lessons and expertise developed by the DDTF and Patriotic Puppy Program for all dog owners to learn how to develop confident puppies capable of a future as a working dog.

To help raise puppies with the best chance of success as detection dogs, the course focuses on seven different areas that are key to the dog’s development. As you continue through this course, you’ll learn more about each of these areas, and why they’re important in developing a confident, bold dog that’s ready for the demands of detection training or simply to be an exceptional pet.

Other Educational Resources:

  • Expert Advice and Insight – Browse blogs by subject matter below and in the left navigation. See below for the most recent blogs.