Winter Season enrollment has closed. Stay tuned for information on the Spring/Summer Season enrollment period, which opens on April 10.
Questions: AgilityLeague@akc.org
The AKC Agility LeagueTM adds a fun and exciting way for agility enthusiasts to train and compete on teams, giving a new aspect to what is an individual sport. The league provides an opportunity to compete safely in a recreational format on your home training field while sharing the experience with competitors around the country and earning regional and national rankings.
The League launched with a pilot program on May 30, 2022. Forty teams around the country tried out the fun and friendly competition during the 12-week season. The Agility League opened for its first full season in Fall 2022. Follow the League action at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/akcagilityleague
Organize a Team: Clubs, schools and individuals may form teams and compete in the AKC Agility LeagueTM. Teams are comprised of three to eight dogs, and more than one team may be sponsored by the organizer. Teams may be a mix of jump heights and jump categories (Regular and Preferred). Veterans 10 years and older may jump up to two heights lower than their true jump height.
Compete: The AKC Agility LeagueTM offers three 12-week seasons a year, and teams compete on six courses during the season – one per each two-week round. Teams compete on their home fields or local training school facilities. Scores are submitted to the AKC by the end of each two-week round. AKC calculates the final scores, which are time plus faults, and team final scores are an average of all team dogs’ scores.
Divisions: Skill divisions are offered in Freshman (dogs who have not earned titles yet); Sophomore (dogs that have earned Novice or Open titles); and Senior (dogs with Excellent or above titles). In addition, an International division is offered for handlers seeking ISC-style courses; this division is open to all skill levels.
Rankings & Awards: The AKC will calculate the rankings for both teams and individual dogs in each jump height and category. National and regional rankings will be released at the end of each two-week round, and the top placers will receive awards at the end of each season. There will be a special ranking system for Junior Handlers, and the top league juniors will receive special recognition.
Contact: Write AgilityLeague@akc.org for information on the League and how to join the action.