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Titles Earned in AKC Activities, Organized by Sport and Title Progression

the # symbol behind the title abbreviation indicates that title can be earned multiple times, and will carry a numeric designation

  • Agility Titles +

    Class Abbrev. Title Name Abbrev. Title Name (Preferred Track) Prefix or Suffix
    ACT ACT1 Agility Course Test 1 Suffix
    ACT ACT2 Agility Course Test 2 Suffix
    ACT ACT1J Agility Course Test 1 Jumpers Suffix
    ACT ACT2J Agility Course Test 2 Jumpers Suffix
    STD NA Novice Agility NAP Novice Agility Preferred Suffix
    STD OA Open Agility OAP Open Agility Preferred Suffix
    STD AX Agility Excellent-per regs AXP Excellent Agility Preferred Suffix
    STD MX Master Agility Excellent MXP Master Agility Excellent Preferred Suffix
    STD MXB# Master Bronze Agility MXPB# Master Bronze Agility Preferred Suffix
    STD MXS# Master Silver Agility MXPS# Master Silver Agility Preferred Suffix
    STD MXG# Master Gold Agility MXPG# Master Gold Agility Preferred Suffix
    STD MXC# Master Century Agility MXPC# Master Century Agility Preferred Suffix
    STD PAD Premier Agility Dog PADP Premier Agility Dog Preferred Suffix
    STD PDS# Premier Agility Dog Silver PDSP# Premier Agility Dog Silver Preferred Suffix
    STD PDG# Premier Agility Dog Gold PDGP# Premier Agility Dog Gold Preferred Suffix
    STD PDC# Premier Agility Dog Century PDCP# Premier Agility Dog Century Preferred Suffix
    STD PDB# Premier Agility Dog Bronze (starts with the PDB2) PDBP# Premier Agility Dog Bronze Preferred (starts with the PDB2) Suffix
    JWW NAJ Novice Agility Jumper NJP Novice Agility Jumper Preferred Suffix
    JWW OAJ Open Agility Jumper OJP Open Agility Jumper Preferred Suffix
    JWW AXJ Excellent Agility Jumper AJP Excellent Agility Jumper Preferred Suffix
    JWW MXJ Master Excellent Jumper MJP Master Excellent Jumper Preferred Suffix
    JWW MJB# Master Bronze Jumpers MJPB# Master Bronze Jumpers Preferred Suffix
    JWW MJS# Master Silver Jumpers MJPS# Master Silver Jumpers Preferred Suffix
    JWW MJG# Master Gold Jumpers MJPG# Master Gold Jumpers Preferred Suffix
    JWW MJC# Master Century Jumpers MJPC# Master Century Jumpers Preferred Suffix
    JWW PJD Premier Jumpers Dog PJDP Premier Jumpers Dog Preferred Suffix
    JWW PJS# Premier Jumpers Dog Silver PJSP# Premier Jumpers Dog Silver Preferred Suffix
    JWW PJG# Premier Jumpers Dog Gold PJGP# Premier Jumpers Dog Gold Preferred Suffix
    JWW PJC# Premier Jumpers Dog Century PJCP# Premier Jumpers Dog Century Preferred Suffix
    JWW PJB# Premier Jumpers Dog Bronze (starts with the PJB2) PJBP# Premier Jumpers Dog Bronze Preferred (starts with the PJBP2) Suffix
    FAST NF FAST NFP Agility FAST Novice Preferred Suffix
    FAST OF Agility FAST Open OFP Agility FAST Open Preferred Suffix
    FAST XF Agility Fast Excellent XFP Agility FAST Excellent Preferred Suffix
    FAST MXF Agility Master FAST Excellent MFP Agility Master FAST Excellent Preferred Suffix
    FAST MFB# Master Bronze FAST MFPB# Master Bronze FAST Preferred Suffix
    FAST MFS# Master Silver FAST MFPS# Master Silver FAST Preferred Suffix
    FAST MFG# Master Gold FAST MFPG# Master Gold FAST Preferred Suffix
    FAST MFC# Master Century FAST MFPC# Master Century FAST Preferred Suffix
    T2B T2B# Time 2 Beat T2BP# Time 2 Beat Preferred Suffix
    Multi TQX Triple Q Excellent TQXP Triple Q Excellent Preferred Suffix
    Multi PAX Preferred Agility Excellent Suffix
    Multi NAC National Agility Champion PNAC Preferred National Agility Champion Prefix
    Multi MACH Master Agility Champion PACH Preferred Agility Champion Prefix
    Multi AGCH Agility Grand Champion Prefix

  • Canine Good Citizen Titles +

    *all CGC titles are Suffix titles\

    Abbrev. Title Name
    CGC Canine Good Citizen
    CGCA Canine Good Citizen Advanced / Community Canine
    CGCU Canine Good Citizen Urban

  • Conformation Titles +

    Abbrev. Title Name Prefix or Suffix
    CM# Certificate of Merit Suffix
    CH Champion Prefix
    GCH Grand Champion Prefix
    GCHB Grand Champion Bronze Prefix
    GCHS Grand Champion Silver Prefix
    GCHG Grand Champion Gold Prefix
    GCHP# Grand Champion Platinum Prefix

  • Coonhound Titles +

    *all Coonhound titles are Prefix titles

    Class Abbrev. Title Name
    Bench Show CCH Bench Show Champion
    Bench Show CGCH Bench Show Grand Champion
    Bench Show CSG Bench Show Supreme Grand Champion
    Bench Show CWSG World Show Champion
    Field Trial CGC Field Champion
    Field Trial CGF Grand Field Champion
    Field Trial CSGF Supreme Grand Field Champion
    Nite Hunt CNC Nite Champion
    Nite Hunt CGN Grand Nite Champion
    Nite Hunt CSGN Supreme Grand Nite Champion
    Nite Hunt WNC World Nite Champion
    Nite Hunt CWGN World Champion Supreme Grand Nite Champion
    Water Race CWC Water Race Champion
    Water Race CGW Grand Water Race Champion
    Water Race CSGW Supreme Grand Water Race Champion

  • Coursing Ability Test Titles +

    *all CAT titles are Suffix titles

    Abbrev. Title Name
    CA Coursing Ability
    CAA Courinsg Ability Advanced
    CAX# Coursing Ability Excellent

  • Earthdog Titles +

    *all Earthdog titles are Suffix titles

    Abbrev. Title Name
    JE Junior Earthdog
    NE Novice Earthdog
    SE Senior Earthdog
    ME Master Earthdog
    EE# Endurance Earthdog

  • Farm Dog Certified Title +

    *FDC is a Suffix title

    Abbrev. Title Name
    FDC Farm Dog Certified

  • Fast CAT Titles +

    *all Fast CAT Titles are Suffix titles

    Abbrev. Title Name

  • Field Trial Titles +

    *all Field Trial Titles are Prefix titles, with the exception of the QA2

    Abbrev. Title Name Abbrev. Title Name
    FC Field Champion AFC Amateur Field Champion
    FCB Field Champion – Brace
    FCGD Field Champion – Gundog
    FCLP Field Champion – Large Pack
    GFC Grand Field Champion GAFC Grand Amateur Field Champion
    NFC National Field Champion NAFC National Amateur Field Champion
    NGDC National Gun Dog Champion NAGDC National Amateur Gun Dog Champion
    NBC National Brace Champion
    NGBC National Gun Dog Brace Champion
    NLPC National Large Pack Champion
    NSPC National Small Pack Champion
    NWGDC National Walking Gun Dog Championship
    QA2 Qualified All-Age 2 (suffix title)

  • Herding Titles +

    Class Abbrev. Title Name Prefix or Suffix
    Herding Test HT Herding Tested Suffix
    Herding Test PT Pre-Trial Tested Suffix
    Started HS Herding Started Suffix
    Started HSAC Herding Started Course A Cattle Suffix
    Started HSACM Herding Started Course A Cattle Master Suffix
    Started HSAD Herding Started Course A Ducks Suffix
    Started HSADM Herding Started Course A Ducks Master Suffix
    Started HSAS Herding Started Course A Sheep Suffix
    Started HSASM Herding Started Course A Sheep Master Suffix
    Started HSBC Herding Started Course B Cattle Suffix
    Started HSBD Herding Started Course B Ducks Suffix
    Started HSBDM Herding Started Course B Ducks Master Suffix
    Started HSBS Herding Started Course B Sheep Suffix
    Started HSBSM Herding Started Course B Sheep Master Suffix
    Started HSCS Herding Started Course C Sheep Suffix
    Started HSCSM Herding Started Course C Sheep Master Suffix
    Intermediate HI Herding Intermediate Suffix
    Intermediate HIAC Herding Intermediate Course A Cattle Suffix
    Intermediate HIACM Herding Intermediate Course A Cattle Master Suffix
    Intermediate HIAD Herding Intermediate Course A Ducks Suffix
    Intermediate HIADM Herding Intermediate Course A Ducks Master Suffix
    Intermediate HIBC Herding Intermediate Course B Cattle Suffix
    Intermediate HIBD Herding Intermediate Course B Ducks Suffix
    Intermediate HIBDM Herding Intermediate Course B Ducks Master Suffix
    Intermediate HIBS Herding Intermediate Course B Sheep Suffix
    Intermediate HIBSM Herding Intermediate Course B Sheep Master Suffix
    Intermediate HICS Herding Intermediate Course C Sheep Suffix
    Intermediate HICSM Herding Intermediate Course C Sheep Master Suffix
    Advanced HXACM Herding Advanced Course A Cattle Master Suffix
    Advanced HXADM Herding Advanced Course A Ducks Master Suffix
    Advanced HXASM Herding Advanced Course A Sheep Master Suffix
    Advanced HXBDM Herding Advanced Course B Ducks Master Suffix
    Advanced HXBSM Herding Advanced Course B Sheep Master Suffix
    Advanced HXCSM Herding Advanced Course C Sheep Master Suffix
    Excellent HX Herding Excellent Suffix
    Excellent HXAC Herding Excellent Course A Cattle Suffix
    Excellent HXAD Herding Excellent Course A Ducks Suffix
    Excellent HXAS Herding Excellent Course A Sheep Suffix
    Excellent HXBC Herding Excellent Course B Cattle Suffix
    Excellent HXBD Herding Excellent Course B Ducks Suffix
    Excellent HXBS Herding Excellent Course B Sheep Suffix
    Excellent HXCS Herding Excellent Course C Sheep Suffix
    Multi-class HC Herding Champion Prefix

  • Hunting Test Titles +

    Abbrev. Title Name Prefix or Suffix
    JH Junior Hunter Suffix
    JHA Junior Hunter Advanced Suffix
    JHR Junior Hunter Retriever Suffix
    JHU Junior Hunter Upland Suffix
    JHUA Junior Hunter Upland Advanced Suffix
    MH# Master Hunter Suffix
    MHA Master Hunter Advanced Suffix
    MHR Master Hunter Retriever Suffix
    MHU Master Hunter Upland Suffix
    MHUA Master Hunter Upland Advanced Suffix
    MNH# Master National Hunter Suffix
    NTCPC National Beagle Two-Couple Pack Champion Prefix
    SH Senior Hunter Suffix
    SHA Senior Hunter Advanced Suffix
    SHR Senior Hunter Retriever Suffix
    SHU Senior Hunter Upland Suffix
    SHUA Senior Hunter Upland Advanced Suffix

  • Lure Coursing Titles +

    Test or Trial Abbrev. Title Name Prefix or Suffix
    Test JC Junior Courser Suffix
    Trial SC Senior Courser Suffix
    Trial MC Master Courser Suffix
    Trial LCX# Lure Courser Excellent Suffix
    Trial FC Field Champion Prefix
    Trial NFC National Field Champion Prefix

  • Obedience Titles +

    Abbrev. Title Name Abbrev. Title Name (Preferred Class) Prefix or Suffix
    BN Beginner Novice Suffix
    BN-V Beginner Novice Virtual Suffix
    GN Graduate Novice Suffix
    GO Graduate Open Suffix
    CD Companion Dog PCD Preferred Companion Dog Suffix
    CD-V Companion Dog Virtual Suffix
    CDX Companion Dog Excellent PCDX Preferred Companion Dog Excellent Suffix
    UD Utlity Dog PUTD Preferred Utility Dog Suffix
    UDX# Utility Dog Excellent PUDX# Preferred Utility Dog Excellent Suffix
    VER Versatility Suffix
    OM# Obedience Master Suffix
    OGM Obedience Grand Master Suffix
    OTCH Obedience Trial Champion POC Preferred Obedience Champion Prefix
    NOC National Obedience Champion Prefix

  • Rally Titles +

    Abbrev. Title Name Prefix or Suffix
    RN Rally Novice Suffix
    RI Rally Intermediate Suffix
    RA Rally Advanced Suffix
    RE Rally Excellent Suffix
    RM# Rally Master Suffix
    RAE# Rally Advanced Excellent Suffix
    RC Rally Choice Suffix
    RNC Rally National Champion Prefix
    RACH# Rally Champion Prefix

  • Scent Work Titles +

    *all Scent Work titles are Suffix titles

    Element Abbrev. Title Name
    Container SCN Scent Work Container Novice
    Container SCNE Scent Work Container Novice Elite
    Container SCA Scent Work Container Advanced
    Container SCAE Scent Work Container Advanced Elite
    Container SCE Scent Work Container Excellent
    Container SCEE Scent Work Container Excellent Elite
    Container SCM Scent Work Container Master
    Container SCME Scent Work Container Master Elite
    Interior SIN Scent Work Interior Novice
    Interior SINE Scent Work Interior Novice Elite
    Interior SIA Scent Work Interior Advanced
    Interior SIAE Scent Work Interior Advanced Elite
    Interior SIE Scent Work Interior Excellent
    Interior SIEE Scent Work Interior Excellent Elite
    Interior SIM Scent Work Interior Master
    Interior SIME Scent Work Interior Master Elite
    Exterior SEN Scent Work Exterior Novice
    Exterior SENE Scent Work Exterior Novice Elite
    Exterior SEA Scent Work Exterior Advanced
    Exterior SEAE Scent Work Exterior Advanced Elite
    Exterior SEE Scent Work Exterior Excellent
    Exterior SEEE Scent Work Exterior Excellent Elite
    Exterior SEM Scent Work Exterior Master
    Exterior SEME Scent Work Exterior Master Elite
    Buried SBN Scent Work Buried Novice
    Buried SBNE Scent Work Buried Novice Elite
    Buried SBA Scent Work Buried Advanced
    Buried SBAE Scent Work Buried Advanced Elite
    Buried SBE Scent Work Buried Excellent
    Buried SBEE Scent Work Buried Excellent Elite
    Buried SBM Scent Work Buried Master
    Buried SBME Scent Work Buried Master Elite
    Handler Disc. SHDN Scent Work Handler Discrimination Novice
    Handler Disc. SHDNE Scent Work Handler Discrimination Nove Elite
    Handler Disc. SHDA Scent Work Handler Discrimination Advanced
    Handler Disc. SHDAE Scent Work Handler Discrimination Advanced Elite
    Handler Disc. SHDE Scent Work Handler Discrimination Excellent
    Handler Disc. SHDEE Scent Work Handler Discrimination Excellent Elite
    Handler Disc. SHDM Scent Work Handler Discrimination Master
    Handler Disc. SHDME Scent Work Handler Discrimination Master Elite
    Detective SWD Scent Work Detective
    Multi-Class SWN Scent Work Novice
    Multi-Class SWNE Scent Work Novice Elite
    Multi-Class SWA Scent Work Advanced
    Multi-Class SWAE Scent Work Advanced Elite
    Multi-Class SWE Scent Work Excellent
    Multi-Class SWEE Scent Work Excellent Elite
    Multi-Class SWM Scent Work Master
    Multi-Class SWME Scent Work Master Elite
    Virtual VSWB Virtual Scent Work Beginner
    Virtual VSWI Virtual Scent Work Intermediate
    Virtual VSWE Virtual Scent Work Experienced

  • Search and Rescue Titles +

    *all Search and Rescue titles are Suffix titles

    Abbrev. Title Name
    SAR-W Search and Rescue – Wilderness
    SAR-U1 Search and Rescue – Urban 1
    SAR-U2 Search and Rescue – Urban 2
    SAR-U3 Search and Rescue – Urban 3

  • Therapy Dog Titles +

    *all Therapy Dog titles are Suffix titles

    Abbrev. Title Name
    THDN Therapy Dog Novice
    THD Therapy Dog
    THDA Therapy Dog Advanced
    THDX Therapy Dog Excellent
    THDD Distinguished Therapy Dog
    THDS Therapy Dog Supreme

  • Tracking Titles +

    Abbrev. Title Name Prefix or Suffix
    TD Tracking Dog Suffix
    TDX Tracking Dog Excellent Suffix
    TDU Tracking Dog Urban Suffix
    VST Variable Surface Tracker Suffix
    CT Champion Tracker Prefix

  • Trick Dog Titles +

    *all Trick Dog titles are Suffix titles

    Abbrev. Title Name
    TKN Trick Dog Novice
    TKI Trick Dog Intermediate
    TKA Trick Dog Advanced
    TKP Trick Dog Performer
    TKE Trick Dog Elite Performer

  • Derivative (Multi-Sport) Titles +

    Abbrev. Title Name Prefix or Suffix
    VCD# Versatile Companion Dog Suffix
    DC Dual Champion Prefix
    TC Triple Champion Prefix
    VCCH Versatile Companion Dog Champion Prefix