* Indicates a title granted by another sanctioning body that is recognized by the AKC
# Indicates that the title can be earned multiple times. The number of times the criteria for the title have been met will follow the title abbreviation (ex: MACH8)
Abbreviation | Title Name | Prefix or Suffix |
ACT1 | Agility Course Test 1 | Suffix |
ACT2 | Agility Course Test 2 | Suffix |
ACT1J | Agility Course Test 1 Jumpers | Suffix |
ACT2J | Agility Course Test 2 Jumpers | Suffix |
AE* | Air Retrieve Elite | Suffix |
AEA* | Air Retrieve Elite Advanced | Suffix |
AEX*# | Air Retrieve Elite Excellent | Suffix |
AFC | Amateur Field Champion | Prefix |
AGCH | Agility Grand Champion | Prefix |
AJ* | Air Retrieve Junior | Suffix |
AJA* | Air Retrieve Junior Advanced | Suffix |
AJP | Excellent Agility Jumper Preferred | Suffix |
AJX*# | Air Retrieve Junior Excellent | Suffix |
AM* | Air Retrieve Master | Suffix |
AMA* | Air Retrieve Master Advanced | Suffix |
AMX*# | Air Retrieve Master Excellent | Suffix |
AN* | Air Retrieve Novice | Suffix |
ANA* | Air Retrieve Novice Advanced | Suffix |
ANX*# | Air Retrieve Novice Excellent | Suffix |
AS* | Air Retrieve Senior | Suffix |
ASA* | Air Retrieve Senior Advanced | Suffix |
ASX*# | Air Retrieve Senior Excellent | Suffix |
ATT | AKC Temperament Test | Suffix |
AX | Agility Excellent | Suffix |
BCAT | BCAT | Suffix |
BDD* | Brace Draft Dog | Suffix |
BH* | Basic Companion Dog | Suffix |
BN | Beginner Novice | Suffix |
BN-V | Virtual Beginner Novice | |
CA | Coursing Ability | Suffix |
CAA | Coursing Ability Advanced | Suffix |
CAX# | Coursing Ability Excellent | Suffix |
CC* | Coaching Certificate | Suffix |
CCA* | Certificate of Conformation Assessment | Suffix |
CCH | Bench Show Champion | Prefix |
CD | Companion Dog | Suffix |
CD-V | Virtual Companion Dog | |
CDX | Companion Dog Excellent | Suffix |
CFC | Field Champion | Prefix |
CGC | Canine Good Citizen | Suffix |
CGCA | Advanced Canine Good Citizen (aka Community Canine) | Suffix |
CGCH | Bench Show Grand Champion | Prefix |
CGCU | Canine Good Citizen Urban | Suffix |
CGF | Grand Field Champion | Prefix |
CGN | Grand Nite Champion | Prefix |
CGW | Grand Water Race Champion | Prefix |
CH | Champion | Prefix |
CI* | Carting Intermediate | Suffix |
CIT* | Carting Intermediate Team | Suffix |
CJN | Junior Nite Champion | Prefix |
CM# | Certificate of Merit | Suffix |
CNC | Nite Champion | Prefix |
CRCG | Retired Supreme Grand Champion | Prefix |
CS* | Carting Started | Suffix |
CSG | Bench Show Supreme Grand Champion | Prefix |
CSGF | Supreme Grand Field Champion | Prefix |
CSGN | Supreme Grand Nite Champion | Prefix |
CSGW | Supreme Grand Water Race Champion | Prefix |
CST* | Carting Started Team | Suffix |
CT | Champion Tracker | Prefix |
CWC | Water Race Champion | Prefix |
CWGN | World Champion Supreme Grand Nite Champion | Prefix |
CWSG | World Show Champion | Prefix |
CX* | Carting Excellent | Suffix |
CXT* | Carting Excellent Team | Suffix |
DC | Dual Champion | Prefix |
DCAT | DCAT | Suffix |
DD* | Draft Dog | Suffix |
DE* | Dock Elite | Suffix |
DEA* | Dock Elite Advanced | Suffix |
DEX*# | Dock Elite Excellent | Suffix |
DJ* | Dock Junior | Suffix |
DJA* | Dock Junior Advanced | Suffix |
DJX*# | Dock Junior Excellent | Suffix |
DM* | Dock Master | Suffix |
DMA* | Dock Master Advanced | Suffix |
DMX*# | Dock Master Excellent | Suffix |
DN* | Dock Novice | Suffix |
DNA* | Dock Novice Advanced | Suffix |
DNX*# | Dock Novice Excellent | Suffix |
DS* | Dock Senior | Suffix |
DSA* | Dock Senior Advanced | Suffix |
DSX*# | Dock Senior Excellent | Suffix |
EE# | Endurance Earthdog | Suffix |
FC | Field Champion (Field Trial) | Prefix |
FC | Field Champion (Lure Coursing) | Prefix |
FCAT# | FCAT | Suffix |
FCB | Field Champion – Brace | Prefix |
FCGD | Field Champion – Gundog | Prefix |
FCLP | Field Champion – Large Pack | Prefix |
FDC | Farm Dog Certified | Suffix |
FDCH* | Flyball Dog Champion | Suffix |
FDGCH* | Flyball Dog Grand Champion | Suffix |
FH1* | Advanced Tracking | Suffix |
FH2* | Superior Tracking | Suffix |
FITB | Fit Dog Bronze | Suffix |
FITG | Fit Dog Gold | Suffix |
FITS | Fit Dog Silver | Suffix |
FM* | Flyball Master | Suffix |
FTA | Fetch Advanced | Suffix |
FTI | Fetch Intermediate | Suffix |
FTN | Fetch Novice | Suffix |
FTR | Fetch Retriever | Suffix |
GAFC | Grand Amateur Field Champion | Prefix |
GCH | Grand Champion | Prefix |
GCHB | Grand Champion Bronze | Prefix |
GCHG | Grand Champion Gold | Prefix |
GCHP# | Grand Champion Platinum | Prefix |
GCHS | Grand Champion Silver | Prefix |
GFC | Grand Field Champion | Prefix |
GN | Graduate Novice | Suffix |
GO | Graduate Open | Suffix |
HC | Herding Champion | Prefix |
HI | Herding Intermediate | Suffix |
HIAC | Herding Intermediate Course A Cattle | Suffix |
HIACM | Herding Intermediate Course A Cattle Master | Suffix |
HIAD | Herding Intermediate Course A Ducks | Suffix |
HIADM | Herding Intermediate Course A Ducks Master | Suffix |
HIAS | Herding Intermediate Course A Sheep | Suffix |
HIASM | Herding Intermediate Course A Sheep Master | Suffix |
HIBC | Herding Intermediate Course B Cattle | Suffix |
HIBD | Herding Intermediate Course B Ducks | Suffix |
HIBDM | Herding Intermediate Course B Ducks Master | Suffix |
HIBS | Herding Intermediate Course B Sheep | Suffix |
HIBSM | Herding Intermediate Course B Sheep Master | Suffix |
HICS | Herding Intermediate Course C Sheep | Suffix |
HICSM | Herding Intermediate Course C Sheep Master | Suffix |
HS | Herding Started | Suffix |
HSAC | Herding Started Course A Cattle | Suffix |
HSACM | Herding Started Course A Cattle Master | Suffix |
HSAD | Herding Started Course A Ducks | Suffix |
HSADM | Herding Started Course A Ducks Master | Suffix |
HSAS | Herding Started Course A Sheep | Suffix |
HSASM | Herding Started Course A Sheep Master | Suffix |
HSBC | Herding Started Course B Cattle | Suffix |
HSBD | Herding Started Course B Ducks | Suffix |
HSBDM | Herding Started Course B Ducks Master | Suffix |
HSBS | Herding Started Course B Sheep | Suffix |
HSBSM | Herding Started Course B SHeep Master | Suffix |
HSCS | Herding Started Course C Sheep | Suffix |
HSCSM | Herding Started Course C Sheep Master | Suffix |
HT | Herding Tested | Suffix |
HX | Herding Excellent | Suffix |
HXAC | Herding Excellent Course A Cattle | Suffix |
HXACM | Herding Advanced Course A Cattle Master | Suffix |
HXAD | Herding Excellent Course A Ducks | Suffix |
HXADM | Herding Advanced Course A Ducks Master | Suffix |
HXAS | Herding Excellent Course A Sheep | Suffix |
HXASM | Herding Advanced Course A Sheep Master | Suffix |
HXBC | Herding Excellent Course B Cattle | Suffix |
HXBD | Herding Excellent Course B Ducks | Suffix |
HXBDM | Herding Advanced Course B Ducks Master | Suffix |
HXBS | Herding Excellent Course A Sheep | Suffix |
HXBSM | Herding Advanced Course B Sheep Master | Suffix |
HXCS | Herding Excellent Course C Sheep | Suffix |
HXCSM | Herding Advanced Course C Sheep Master | Suffix |
IPO1* | International Novice Schutzhund | Suffix |
IPO2* | International Intermediate Schutzhund | Suffix |
IPO3* | International Master Level Schutzhund | Suffix |
JC | Junior Courser | Suffix |
JE | Junior Earthdog | Suffix |
JH | Junior Hunter | Suffix |
JHA | Junior Hunter Advanced | Suffix |
JHR | Junior Hunter Retriever | Suffix |
JHU | Junior Hunter Upland | Suffix |
JHUA | Junior Hunter Upland Advanced | Suffix |
LCX# | Lure Courser Excellent | Suffix |
MACH# | Master Agility Champion | Prefix |
MC | Master Courser | Suffix |
ME | Master Earthdog | Suffix |
MFB# | Master Bronze FAST | Suffix |
MFC# | Master Century FAST | Suffix |
MFG# | Master Gold FAST | Suffix |
MFP | Agility Master FAST Excellent Preferred | Suffix |
MFPB# | Master Bronze FAST Preferred | Suffix |
MFPC# | Master Century FAST Preferred | Suffix |
MFPG# | Master Gold FAST Preferred | Suffix |
MFPS# | Master Silver FAST Preferred | Suffix |
MFS# | Master Silver FAST | Suffix |
MH# | Master Hunter | Suffix |
MHA | Master Hunter Advanced | Suffix |
MHR | Master Hunter Retriever | Suffix |
MHU | Master Hunter Upland | Suffix |
MHUA | Master Hunter Upland Advanced | Suffix |
MJB# | Master Bronze Jumpes | Suffix |
MJC# | Master Century Jumpers | Suffix |
MJPC# | Master Century Jumpers Preferred | Suffix |
MJG# | Master Gold Jumpers | Suffix |
MJP | Master Excellent Jumper Preferred | Suffix |
MJPB# | Master Bronze Jumpers Preferred | Suffix |
MJPG# | Master Gold Jumpers Preferred | Suffix |
MJPS# | Master Silver Jumpers Preferred | Suffix |
MJS# | Master Silver Jumpers | Suffix |
MNH# | Master National Hunter | Suffix |
MT* | Mantrailer | Suffix |
MTI* | Mantrailer Intermediate | Suffix |
MTX* | Mantrailer Excellent | Suffix |
MX | Master Agility Excellent | Suffix |
MXB# | Master Bronze Agility | Suffix |
MXC# | Master Century Agility | Suffix |
MXF | Agility Master FAST Excellent | Suffix |
MXG# | Master Gold Agility | Suffix |
MXJ | Master Excellent Jumper | Suffix |
MXP | Master Agility Excellent Preferred | Suffix |
MXPB# | Master Bronze Agility Preferred | Suffix |
MXPC# | Master Century Agility Preferred | Suffix |
MXPG# | Master Gold Agility Preferred | Suffix |
MXPS# | Master Silver Agility Preferred | Suffix |
MXS# | Master Silver Agility | Suffix |
NA | Novice Agility | Suffix |
NAC | National Agility Champion | Prefix |
NAFC | National Amateur Field Champion | Prefix |
NAGDC | National Amateur Gun Dog Champion | Prefix |
NAJ | Novice Agility Jumper | Suffix |
NAP | Novice Agility Preferred | Suffix |
NBC | National Brace Champion | Prefix |
NBDD* | Novice Brace Draft Dog | Suffix |
NDD* | Novice Draft Dog | Suffix |
NE | Novice Earthdog | Suffix |
NF | Agility FAST Novice | Suffix |
NFC | National Field Champion (Field Trial) | Prefix |
NFC | National Field Champion (Lure Coursing) | Prefix |
NFP | Agility FAST Novice Preferred | Suffix |
NGBC | National Gun Dog Brace Champion | Prefix |
NGDC | National Gun Dog Champion | Prefix |
NJP | Novice Agility Jumper Preferred | Suffix |
NLPC | National Large Pack Champion | Prefix |
NOC | National Obedience Champion | Prefix |
NSPC | National Small Pack Champion | Prefix |
NTCPC | National Beagle Two-Couple Pack Champion | Prefix |
NWGDC | National Walking Gun Dog Championship | Prefix |
OA | Open Agility | Suffix |
OAJ | Open Agility Jumper | Suffix |
OAP | Open Agility Preferred | Suffix |
OF | Agility FAST Open | Suffix |
OFP | Agility FAST Open Preferred | Suffix |
OGM | Obedience Grand Master | Suffix |
OJP | Open Agility Jumper Preferred | Suffix |
OM# | Obedience Master | Suffix |
ONYX* | ONYX | Suffix |
OTCH | Obedience Trial Chaimpion | Prefix |
PACH# | Preferred Agility Champion | Prefix |
PAD | Premier Agility Dog | Suffix |
PADP | Premier Agility Dog Preferred | Suffix |
PAX# | Preferred Agility Excellent | Suffix |
PCD | Preferred Companion Dog | Suffix |
PCDX | Preferred Companion Dog Excellent | Suffix |
PCJH* | Parent Club Junior Hunter | Suffix |
PCMH* | Parent Club Master Hunter | Suffix |
PCSH* | Parent Club Senior Hunter | Suffix |
PDB# | Premier Agility Dog Bronze | Suffix |
PDBP# | Premier Agility Dog Bronze Preferred | Suffix |
PDC# | Premier Agility Dog Century | Suffix |
PDCP# | Premier Agility Dog Century Preferred | Suffix |
PDG# | Premier Agility Dog Gold | Suffix |
PDGP# | Premier Agility Dog Gold Preferred | Suffix |
PDS# | Premier Agility Dog Silver | Suffix |
PDSP# | Premier Agility Dog Silver Preferred | Suffix |
PJB# | Premier Jumpers Dog Bronze | Suffix |
PJBP# | Premier Jumpers Dog Bronze Preferred | Suffix |
PJC# | Premier Jumpers Dog Century | Suffix |
PJCP# | Premier Jumpers Dog Century Preferred | Suffix |
PJD | Premier Jumpers Dog | Suffix |
PJDP | Premier Jumpers Dog Preferred | Suffix |
PJG# | Premier Jumpers Dog Gold | Suffix |
PJGP# | Premier Jumpers Dog Gold Preferred | Suffix |
PJS# | Premier Jumpers Dog Silver | Suffix |
PJSP# | Premier Jumpers Dog Silver Preferred | Suffix |
PNAC | Preferred National Agility Champion | Prefix |
POC# | Preferred Obedience Champion | Prefix |
PT | Pre-Trial Tested | Suffix |
PUDX# | Preferred Utility Dog Excellent | Suffix |
PUTD | Preferred Utility Dog | Suffix |
QA2 | Qualified All-Age 2 | Suffix |
RA | Rally Advanced | Suffix |
RACH# | Rally Champion | Prefix |
RAE# | Rally Advanced Excellent | Suffix |
RATCH* | Barn Hunt Champion | Suffix |
RATCHX*# | Barn Hunt Master Champion | Suffix |
RATM* | Master Barn Hunt | Suffix |
RATN* | Novice Barn Hunt | Suffix |
RATO* | Open Barn Hunt | Suffix |
RATS* | Senior Barn Hunt | Suffix |
RD* | Road Dog | Suffix |
RDX* | Road Dog Excellent | Suffix |
RE | Rally Excellent | Suffix |
RI | Rally Intermediate | Suffix |
RM# | Rally Master | Suffix |
RN | Rally Novice | Suffix |
RNC | Rally National Champion | Prefix |
SAR-U1 | Search and Rescue- Urban 1 | Suffix |
SAR-U2 | Search and Rescue- Urban 2 | Suffix |
SAR-U3 | Search and Rescue- Urban 3 | Suffix |
SAR-W | Search and Rescue- Wilderness | Suffix |
SBA | Scent Work Buried Advanced | Suffix |
SBAE | Scent Work Buried Advanced Elite | Suffix |
SBE | Scent Work Buried Excellent | Suffix |
SBEE | Scent Work Buried Excellent Elite | Suffix |
SBM | Scent Work Buried Master | Suffix |
SBME | Scent Work Buried Master Elite | Suffix |
SBN | Scent Work Buried Novice | Suffix |
SBNE | Scent Work Buried Novice Elite | Suffix |
SC | Senior Courser | Suffix |
SCA | Scent Work Container Advanced | Suffix |
SCAE | Scent Work Container Advanced Elite | Suffix |
SCE | Scent Work Container Excellent | Suffix |
SCEE | Scent Work Container Excellent Elite | Suffix |
SCHH1* | Novice Schutzhund | Suffix |
SCHH2* | Intermediate Schutzhund | Suffix |
SCHH3* | Master Level Schutzhund | Suffix |
SCHHA* | Novice Schutzhund A | Suffix |
SCM | Scent Work Container Master | Suffix |
SCME | Scent Work Container Master Elite | Suffix |
SCN | Scent Work Container Novice | Suffix |
SCNE | Scent Work Container Novice Elite | Suffix |
SD* | Sled Dog | Suffix |
SDO* | Sled Dog Outstanding | Suffix |
SDX* | Sled Dog Excellent | Suffix |
SE | Senior Earthdog | Suffix |
SEA | Scent Work Exterior Advanced | Suffix |
SEAE | Scent Work Exterior Advanced Elite | Suffix |
SEE | Scent Work Exterior Excellent | Suffix |
SEEE | Scent Work Exterior Excellent Elite | Suffix |
SEM | Scent Work Exterior Master | Suffix |
SEME | Scent Work Exterior Master Elite | Suffix |
SEN | Scent Work Exterior Novice | Suffix |
SENE | Scent Work Exterior Novice Elite | Suffix |
SH | Senior Hunter | Suffix |
SHA | Senior Hunter Advanced | Suffix |
SHDA | Scent Work Handler Discrimination Advanced | Suffix |
SHDAE | Scent Work Handler Discrimination Advanced Elite | Suffix |
SHDE | Scent Work Handler Discrimination Excellent | Suffix |
SHDEE | Scent Work Handler Discrimination Excellent Elite | Suffix |
SHDM | Scent Work Handler Discrimination Master | Suffix |
SHDME | Scent Work Handler Discrimination Master Elite | Suffix |
SHDN | Scent Work Handler Discrimination Novice | Suffix |
SHDNE | Scent Work Handler Discrimination Novice Elite | Suffix |
SHR | Senior Hunter Retriever | Suffix |
SHU | Senior Hunter Upland | Suffix |
SHUA | Senior Hunter Upland Advanced | Suffix |
SIA | Scent Work Interior Advanced | Suffix |
SIAE | Scent Work Interior Advanced Elite | Suffix |
SIE | Scent Work Interior Excellent | Suffix |
SIEE | Scent Work Interior Excellent Elite | Suffix |
SIM | Scent Work Interior Master | Suffix |
SIME | Scent Work Interior Master Elite | Suffix |
SIN | Scent Work Interior Novice | Suffix |
SINE | Scent Work Interior Novice Elite | Suffix |
SWA | Scent Work Advanced | Suffix |
SWAE | Scent Work Advanced Elite | Suffix |
SWD | Scent Work Detective | Suffix |
SWE | Scent Work Excellent | Suffix |
SWEE | Scent Work Excellent Elite | Suffix |
SWM | Scent Work Master | Suffix |
SWME | Scent Work Master Elite | Suffix |
SWN | Scent Work Novice | Suffix |
SWNE | Scent Work Novice Elite | Suffix |
T2B# | Time 2 Beat | Suffix |
T2BP# | Time 2 Beat Preferred | Suffix |
TC | Triple Champion | Prefix |
TD | Tracking Dog | Suffix |
TDD* | Team Draft Dog | Suffix |
TDU# | Tracking Dog Urban | Suffix |
TDX# | Tracking Dog Excellent | Suffix |
THD | Therapy Dog | Suffix |
THDA | Therapy Dog Advanced | Suffix |
THDD | Distinguished Therapy Dog | Suffix |
THDN | Therapy Dog Novice | Suffix |
THDS | Therapy Dog Supreme | Suffix |
THDX | Therapy Dog Excellent | Suffix |
TKA | Trick Dog Advanced | Suffix |
TKE | Trick Dog Elite Performer | Suffix |
TKI | Trick Dog Intermediate | Suffix |
TKN | Trick Dog Novice | Suffix |
TKP | Trick Dog Performer | Suffix |
TQX | Triple Q Excellent | Suffix |
TQXP | Triple Q Excellent Preferred | Suffix |
TT* | Temperament Test | Suffix |
UD | Utility Dog | Suffix |
UDX# | Utility Dog Excellent | Suffix |
VCCH | Versatile Companion Dog Champion | Prefix |
VCD# | Versatile Companion Dog | Suffix |
VER | Versatility | Suffix |
VST# | Variable Surface Tracker | Suffix |
VSWB | Virtual Scent Work Beginners | Suffix |
VSWI | Virtual Scent Work Intermediate | Suffix |
VSWE | Virtual Scent Work Experience | Suffix |
WC* | Working Certificate | Suffix |
WCI* | Working Certificate Intermediate | Suffix |
WCX* | Working Certificate Excellent | Suffix |
WDS1* | Working Dog Sport 1 | Suffix |
WDS2* | Working Dog Sport 2 | Suffix |
WDS3* | Working Dog Sport 3 | Suffix |
WNC | World Nite Champion | Prefix |
XF | Agility FAST Excellent | Suffix |
XFP | Agility FAST Excellent Preferred | Suffix |