By: Al Grounds
DCNR has formed a user group committee and had their first meeting recently to receive input from the various groups and to form a working relationship. The beagle community was represented by Larry Dillard, Taylor Gilbert and the bird dog was represented by Rick Stalling Dane Harris and Jerry Champion.
All cattle have been removed and an aggressive fescue grass eradication program has begun to allow the Black Belt native prairie grasses to return. Other management efforts will include removal of interior fencing. DOC and DCNR have a Memorandum of Understanding that will keep some inmates on the grounds for routine labor and management in the area. DCNR also announced that Mr. Bill Mason, DOC employee at the Alabama State Cattle Ranch, has been employed by the DCNR and will be the manager for the new field trial area. Bill’s experience with the area and with field trials will facilitate a smooth transition and be a great asset to us all.
The American Kennel Club appreciates the vision of the State of Alabama in creating the Forever Wild Land Trust and the leadership of Commissioner Lawley to spearhead this project and make it happen. Many generations of participants will benefit from their foresight.
Those interested in finding out more about the use of the property for dog related events may contact Mr. Lawley’s office at 334-242-3486, or contact Mr. Greg Lein at 334-353-7998 or Mr. Cris Smith at 334-242-3409. The mailing address for the Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources is 64 North Union Street, Suite 468, Montgomery AL., 36130