July 1, 2013
Pre-Open and Pre-Utility Classes *The jump height is to be set at ½ the height of the dog at the withers, rounded to the nearest multiple of 2 inches. The Broad Jump will cover a distance equal to twice the height of the High Jump setting for each dog.
For example: In the Pre-Open Class a dog jumping a 10″ High Jump would have the Broad Jump set at 20″, to cover a distance equal to twice the height of the High Jump setting.
Where can I find an Obedience class in my area?
You may go to our training resources page to find an AKC club in your area that offers classes to the public. Please contact the training coordinator listed to get more information about classes that are available. You can also find a Canine Good Citizen Evaluator on the AKC website. These are qualified individuals who conduct the Canine Good Citizen test. Many of these evaluators are also individual trainers or involved with dog training schools. You may also ask your vet for a referral to a trainer that they recommend.
How do I verify my dog’s AKC records?
There are two ways to confirm your dog’s qualifying scores and both ways can be done online at the AKC Store! The AKC web site URL is https://www.akc.org .
Individual Events & Event Results Search: From the AKC home page click on “Events” in the menu bar at the top of the page. On the next page, click on “Event and Awards Search” under the “Information on Events” heading. From this page, select the tab named “Event Search” and complete the information in order to retrieve the event data by club name, time range and competition type as indicated. Enter as much or as little information that you know then click on “Search” to retrieve the event information/results. From this page you may view the event information overview or click on the individual club name to retrieve more details and event information.
Individual Dog Record Reports Are Available: You may also view a free title/points progression report for your dog online in the AKC Store. Or you may purchase a Dog Awards Record report that will give you the results of every AKC event where your dog has earned points or a qualifying score.
If you have not created a Store account, you can do so easily as follows. From the AKC home page click on “Store” in the menu bar. Then on the next page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Free Online Services” and follow the instructions to create an account. After you have completed this information, login to the store.
Once logged into the Store, Select A Dog to view Individual Dog Record Reports: From the AKC home page you will enter the Store, by clicking on “Store” in the menu bar. Click on “AKC Reports” under the “Reports and Information” heading. This category will take you to a page with links to several types of reports. If you are not currently logged in and you select a report to view, you will be prompted to login. After you have logged in, you will be directed to a page where you can select an individual dog to view. If you have used the Store for reports before, you may use the drop down menu for the box marked as “Dog” to find the dog for which you are searching.
To Check Your Dog’s Points and Awards: When you enter the Store, you will notice a box in the middle navigation area labeled “AKC Reports.” From this list, select “Points and Awards.” If you have not yet logged in, you will be prompted to do so.
If you have used the store before, you may select a dog from the drop down menu box. If the dog for which you are searching does not appear in the menu, you can search for a new one by clicking “click here to search for a new one” at the bottom of the window. In the pop-up window that appears you can enter either the registration number or the breed and exact spelling of the dog’s name. Click “Go.” This search may bring up multiple dogs. Select the dog you want by clicking on its registration number. If you intend to use the selected dog for all reports, click “use this dog for all reports.” If not, the last 10 dogs you have selected will appear in the drop down box the next time you log into the store.
Once you have selected a dog to view you have the option of viewing a Points/Summary of the Title Progression for the dog or purchasing an Awards Record for the dog. The Title Progression is free of charge and is similar to an Awards Record, only it is less detailed. The Awards Record report is an electronic report and may be purchased for $8.00 from the Store. This report will give you a report that you may view, print and/or save of your dog’s entire competition history from beginning to end, for all AKC events.
To find the number of qualifying scores/points your dog has earned in an AKC event, click “View Points/Summary of the Title Progression for this dog.” You can now view the point information and title progression for all types of AKC events, including Conformation, Obedience, Agility, Field Trials, Hunting Tests and all other AKC sanctioned event types.
Sometimes an event result may not have been recorded yet by AKC. To view the events not included in the actual Awards Record, click “View events not included in the Awards Record at this time.” Please be sure to review this link before purchasing an Awards Record report. You may also view a sample of an Awards Record report before purchasing by clicking “View a sample Awards Record.”
To order an Awards Record report, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Add to Wagon.” When the product is ready for purchase, you can click “Checkout” to pay for it. The report will be uploaded to your Wagon to view, print, or save to your computer files.
When you have finished using the Store, select “Logout” from the toolbar on any page in the Store.
How can I find obedience trials in my area?
The AKC has an online Event and Award Search that will give up to date information on the latest AKC events.
How do I find the results of a particular show on the AKC website?
The AKC website provides an Event and Awards Search. This search engine allows you to choose which event or area you are interested in. Select your criteria and then click on the name of the club for entry information or if the show has already passed, it will provide the results for all classes offered at that show.
How can I find out where my dog is ranked among others of its breed or among all breeds?
The AKC only ranks obedience dogs that have earned points toward an Obedience Trial Championship title. If your dog is earning points towards this title, you may order a Top Dogs Report in the AKC online store. There is a small fee for this service. This report will rank your dog within its breed, group or among all breeds competing in obedience at this level..
How do I enter an obedience trial?
If you feel your dog is ready to compete at an AKC event and is also registered with the AKC or enrolled in our PAL/ILP Program or Canine Partners Program, you may check the Event and Award Search to find a show in your location or area in which you are willing to travel to. Click on the name of the club for entry information. Then you can download an official AKC entry form. Once you have completed the entry form, mail it to the Trial Secretary or Show Superintendent listed from the Event and Award Search.
What is BBE?
Beginning May 1st, 1996, the AKC began awarding special medallions to breeder-owners who place championships on their dogs and to members of the fancy who have made a long-term contribution to the sport of purebred dogs.
A medallion will be awarded automatically to the breeder-owner of each dog that becomes a champion, when all points were accumulated as a result of participation in the Bred-by-Exhibitor class; and the breeder-owner of each dog that becomes a field, amateur field, herding, lure coursing, obedience or agility trial champion, when all points were accumulated with the dog owned or co-owned by the breeder of record. Only one medallion will be awarded for either a field or amateur field championship, but not for both.