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Some exciting changes have been made to AKC Event Search & Results that we wanted to let you know about.


These updates are all based on user feedback we’ve received from exhibitors like you. We’ve listened to your suggestions on how we could improve AKC Event Search & Results and worked toward implementing those changes as expediently as possible.

With over 22,000 dog events each year, the AKC is committed to helping you find the right events for you and your dogs.


The new, mobile-friendly design of AKC Event Search & Results now works across all your devices whether you’re on a desktop computer, tablet or smartphone. While the event information you’re accustomed to seeing remains unchanged, you now have new ways to refine your search.

  1. Search for multiple competition types at the same time (e.g. an All-Breed Show and an Obedience Trial)
  2. Search for specific types of Field Trials/Hunt Tests (e.g. Retrievers, Spaniels)
  3. Search for events where a particular judge has/had assignments




Another addition is the ability to sort the search results in Location (Site) order, so you can see all the events happening at one location over the course of a couple of days or the weekend.

We’ve also made it easier for you to find events near you that your dog can compete in:

4. Define a custom date range using the calendar widget

5. Search by a specific breed or grouping (e.g. any AKC Recognized or FSS Breed, All-American Dogs)

6. Choose a location type (e.g. indoors, outdoors, outdoors under cover)

7. Enter a City and choose the radius you’re willing to travel (e.g. 50 miles, 200 miles). If the specific location does not matter for your search (e.g. you are searching for a specific club or judge), enter any City and select “Any Distance” under Radius.





We’re also excited to share the news that AKC Clubs can now upload or link to documents to their event information pages via Online Event Management. These documents will include any information about an upcoming event, from premium listsrunning orders and judging programs to brochures, flyers and entry forms.

All the information about an event will now be available in one place, so AKC Event Search & Results can now serve as your main site when you’re searching for competitions to enter with your dog.

As you explore the new features, our frequently asked questions may help answer any queries you have. You can also contact us at or 919-816-3579. We’d love to hear your feedback too.