During this time of necessary social distancing, we want to give our beginner AKC Rally® exhibitors a reason to continue training their dogs and to stay engaged with the sport of Rally. The AKC Rally Novice Virtual pilot program will provide these exhibitors an opportunity to stay-at-home and enter an AKC Rally® event.
The pilot program is designed to have a Rally Novice competitor set up a pre-designed AKC Rally® course in the safety of their own yard, record the performance and submit it to AKC. In turn, AKC will assign a pre-selected AKC Rally Judge to virtually review and score the team’s Rally performance.
AKC will have five pre-designed official rally courses published on the AKC website for the exhibitor to choose from. The exhibitor will follow the setup instructions provided, video the performance, upload the video to YouTube, set the required YouTube viewing options, and submit the video link with the entry form and fee to AKC.
Once the required information is received, and the dog’s records are verified for class eligibility, the video link will be assigned to a judge for review. The judge will score the team’s performance and will provide a report to AKC. All qualifying scores will be recorded on the dog’s AKC record and applied toward the Rally Novice title requirements. AKC will notify exhibitors of the results of their submission.
This pilot program will end at midnight December 31, 2020 and all video submissions must be received by that date and time. We are excited to offer this virtual option to our Rally Novice exhibitors!
For more information go to https://www.akc.org/sports/rally/
If you have questions after reviewing the information, please write to Rally@akc.org