The AKC will register a litter that is produced through artificial insemination, provided that the following conditions are met.
For Fresh Semen
- The breeder completes and submits an Application to Register a Litter Resulting from Using Fresh Semen with the proper fee.
- Sire and dam must both be present during the extraction of semen and the insemination of the bitch. Note: Any time semen is extracted you must complete the proper AI litter application. This is not a natural mating.
- The insemination does not need to be performed by a licensed veterinarian, but we do require that you provide the information for the person(s) who extracted and inseminated the dam. This is on page 2 of the form.
- DNA is not required.
For Fresh Extended Semen
- The breeder completes and submits an AKC Application to Register a Litter Resulting from Using Fresh Extended Semen or FSS ALFSS3.pdf ( application.
- The insemination does not need to be performed by a licensed veterinarian, but we do require that you provide the information for the person(s) who extracted and inseminated the dam. This is on page 2 of the form.
- Sire must be AKC DNA certified. After October 1, 1998, AKC DNA Profiling is required for all stud dogs whose semen is collected for fresh extended or frozen use, including foreign stud dogs collected for imported semen use in the United States.
- If you are using a foreign stud dog or an FSS foreign stud dog that is not AKC registered, the following will also need to be submitted:
- A clear and legible photocopy of the sire’s foreign Certified 3 generation Pedigree from an acceptable registry: listing the sire ownership information. (front and back required). We will not register the sire, but we will use the information provided to register the litter. Note: we do not require a full 3 generation pedigree for FSS foreign sires.
- Signature of the foreign sire owner must be provided on the Fresh Extended Litter application.
For Frozen Semen
A Frozen Semen Collection Statement is available on our website under downloadable forms.
- The Application to Register a Litter Resulting from Using Frozen Semen must be submitted containing the certifications completed by the owner of the semen, the owner of the dam and the veterinarian who performed the artificial breeding, with the proper fee.
- The insemination must be performed by a licensed veterinarian.
- The collection of semen for the artificial breeding must have been reported to the AKC on the AKC Frozen Semen Collection Statement form. If the semen was collected after October 1, 1998, the sire must be AKC DNA profiled.
- The collector/storer must be familiar with and comply to the AKC regulations for record keeping and identification of dogs.
- The sire owner does not have to be the same as the frozen semen owner as long as the semen transfer has been properly documented on AKC records.
- An owner of the sire or semen must sign the form transferring ownership of the frozen semen.
- If you are using a foreign stud dog or an FSS foreign stud dog that is not AKC registered, the following will also need to be submitted:
- The sire must have an AKC DNA profile
- A clear and legible photocopy of the sire’s foreign Certified 3 Generation Pedigree from an acceptable registry ( listing the sire ownership information (front and back required). We will not register the sire, but we will use the information provided to register the litter. Note: we do not require a full 3 generation pedigree for FSS foreign sires.
- Signature of the foreign sire owner or the Transfer of Ownership of Frozen Semen form must be provided on the Application to Register a Litter Resulting from Using Frozen Semen.
- Frozen Semen and Frozen Litters Checklist
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between an AI Fresh litter application and AI Fresh Extended (Chilled) litter application (both litters use fresh chilled semen)?
- For AI Fresh Extended (Chilled), semen is extracted from the sire and shipped from another location within the US or another country. The sire and dam are not both present for the insemination.
- For AI fresh litter both sire and dam are present when the semen is extracted. The dam is inseminated the same day.
I do not have a AKC DNA profile for my sire or dog is deceased and I have frozen semen collected – how do I get DNA?
- If the semen was collected after October 1, 1998 an AKC DNA profile is required. If the dog is deceased, a DNA profile can be obtained from the frozen semen. Contact the DNA Department at 919-816-3508 or to request the forms and information on how to obtain DNA from frozen semen.
Who fills out the Frozen Semen Collection Statement?
- The Frozen Semen Collection Statement should be filled out by the Collector/Semen bank and mailed to the address as indicated on the form. The AKC shall be immediately notified by the collector/semen bank whenever semen is shipped for intended used. All Regulations for Record Keeping and Identification of Dogs must be maintained by each person engaged in the collection, freezing, storage, shipping and insemination of frozen semen.
Where do I send required documents for the foreign stud dogs with frozen semen use?
- Please submit the documents along with the Application to Register a Litter Resulting from Artificial Insemination Using Frozen Semen to the mailing address listed on the 3rd page of the application.
Can I register a litter if the semen is from a foreign stud dog that was collected in the U.S.?
- Yes, the foreign-born sire must first be registered with the AKC through the foreign registration process so that the litter can be eligible to be registered.
For more information regarding this process visit: Foreign Registration -
What forms are required if I purchased semen from the owner of the sire to show I currently own the semen?
- A Transfer of Ownership Of Frozen Semen form must be filled out:
- A sire owner at the time of the collection must sign the form transferring owners of the frozen semen if the semen is being transferred to someone other than one of the current sire owners.
- If AKC receives a collection statement listing a single semen owner of a co-owned dog, that single owner may use the semen and sign the Frozen Semen litter application(s).
What if at the time of collection one of the sire owners is deceased?
- All sire owners at time of the collection must sign the form transferring owners of the frozen semen if the semen is being transferred to someone other than one of the current sire owners. If one of the owner(s) is deceased the executor of their estate will have to submit a Statement Of Legal Rights form. The executor will sign on behalf of the sire owner on the semen transfer form.
[LINK: ASCU03.pdf (]
- All sire owners at time of the collection must sign the form transferring owners of the frozen semen if the semen is being transferred to someone other than one of the current sire owners. If one of the owner(s) is deceased the executor of their estate will have to submit a Statement Of Legal Rights form. The executor will sign on behalf of the sire owner on the semen transfer form.
I purchased the semen from the sire owners. Who will need to sign the AI frozen litter application?
- The sire section should be signed by the Owner/Co-owner of Semen on the date of insemination. If you purchased the semen from the sire owner, a Transfer of Semen form should be on file for that semen enabling you to sign as the semen owner in that section.
Where do I mail the Transfer of ownership of Frozen Semen form?
- Send the completed form to:
The American Kennel Club
P.O. Box 900058
Raleigh, NC 27675-9052
- Send the completed form to: