Highlights from the October 22-23, 2012 meeting of the AKC Board of Directors are as follows. Full details on these actions, as well as other actions taken, are included in the minutes for the meeting, which are posted on the AKC website, within one week of the meeting.
The Board authorized the extending of an offer of employment for a new Chief Operating Officer. John Lyons, the current COO is retiring in January, 2013.
After a thorough discussion, the Board decided that in 2014, the AKC Board will begin investigating the best response to the property leases expiring in 2018 and 2020, and the advisability of office consolidation.
The Board added the Kennel Club Boliviana (KCB) to the list of registries with pedigrees acceptable for AKC registration.
The Board established a $50 processing fee for the handling of club membership lists, which are required to be submitted annually. The fee will be waived for clubs submitting their lists in an acceptable electronic format. This fee will become effective July 1, 2013.
The fee for the registration of an imported dog was raised to $100, effective January 1, 2013.
The discipline guidelines for sexual harassment have been expanded to cover inappropriate comments and/or conduct regarding but not limited to another individual’s race, color, religion, disability, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or gender.
The Board removed the moratorium on Parent Clubs requesting a lowering of jump heights for their breed in obedience. An application form has been developed for any Parent Club wishing to make such a request.