Highlights from the July 2012 meeting of the AKC Board of Directors are as follows.
Full details on these actions, as well as other actions taken, are included in the minutes for the meeting, which are posted on the AKC website, within one week of the meeting.
James Stevens, AKC’s Chief Financial Officer for the past decade, announced his retirement, effective July 27, 2012. The Board elected Peter Walsh Farnsworth as the new Chief Financial Officer; there will be a separate release on Mr. Farnsworth’s election.
The AKC Board approved a protocol, which will provide for AKC Staff participation at AKC Delegate Committee Meetings. The protocol was developed by a committee consisting of representatives from the AKC Board, the Delegate Coordinating Committee and the AKC Staff.
The Board approved a plan to restructure the AKC Trial Boards and appointed the Trial Board members.
Effective September 11, 2012, AKC will award titles to Urban Search and Rescue Dogs (SAR-U1 to dogs that are FEMA deployable, and SAR-U2 to dogs that are state deployable).
Effective January 1, 2013, AKC will initiate a new Family Dog Program. This will include the recognition of Therapy Dog titles and a new suffix title “CGC” for dogs passing a Canine Good Citizen® test.
The Board revised its policy on reserved grooming space at dog shows. While there is no percentage for free grooming/crating space, a club which does offer paid reserved grooming/crating space, shall submit with its application a plan detailing the paid and unpaid space. This plan is subject to AKC approval.
The following breed-specific actions were taken.
The Black and Tan Coonhound Studbook will remain open until May 31, 2017.
The Rat Terrier is eligible to compete in the Terrier Group, effective June 26, 2013.
Schutzhund titles earned by Rottweilers in DVG America events will be acknowledged and be eligible to be recorded by AKC, effective August 1, 2012, with titles earned from January 1, 1991 recognized retroactively.
Changes to the Miniature Schnauzer breed standard become effective September 4, 2012.
Glen of Imaal Terriers will have obedience jump heights set at three-quarters of the breed’s height at the withers, effective August 1, 2012. This request was in process prior to the moratorium on obedience jump height changes.
Highlights from the July 2012 meeting of the AKC Board of Directors are as follows. Full details on…