The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce that effective March 5, 2007, Mrs. Anne Katona, of Morgan Hill, CA will join the Executive Field Staff and cover shows in the Northern California area.
For over 35 years, Mrs. Katona has been an active participant in the sport of purebred dogs. She grew up in a family involved with Arabian Horses, Jack Russell Terriers and Boston Terriers. Using the Tyrella prefix from the early 1970's, Tyrella Kerry Blue Terriers have multiple Bests in Shows, numerous specialty wins and multiple Terrier group wins and placements throughout the United States and Canada.
“Anne brings her considerable experience as a judge to the job of Executive Field Representative,” said John Lyons, Chief Operating Officer of the American Kennel Club. “Her interest in Judge's education and working with clubs will benefit the sport immeasurably. We are thrilled to have Anne Katona as the newest member of a talented and dedicated Executive Field staff.”
Approved in 1985 to judge Kerry Blue Terriers, Anne is presently approved to judge Sporting, Terrier, Toy and Non-Sporting groups, seven Hound breeds and Best in Show. She had the honor of judging Best In Show at the October 2003 Montgomery County Kennel Club show.
Mrs. Katona's background includes extensive club affiliations. She is a member and a past show chairperson of the Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club. A charter member of the Northern California Terrier Association and is its canine ambassador for elementary level schools in Santa Clara County. She is a lifetime member of the United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club and presently serves as the parent club's judge's education chair and AKC Gazette columnist. She is associated with the San Francisco Bay Area Dog Judges group and an active member of the Dog Judges Association of America (DJAA), where she was instrumental in organizing with DJAA and AKC the first Sporting Group Institute in San Jose, CA.