Showing 11-20 of 90 results

Rottweiler sitting outdoors holding a food bowl in its mouth.
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Why Is My Dog a Picky Eater?
Does it seem like your dog suddenly has lost interest in eating food? Knocks over their bowl out of boredom with their food? Here's why. | June 1, 2021
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Wheelchairs for Dogs: Everything You Need to Know
Wheelchairs help dogs walk, and are good for a variety of injuries and conditions. It's easy to find the right one, considering a few key factors. | September 1, 2021
Expert Advice: Breed History Brussels Griffon History: From Scruffy Ratter to Beloved House Pet
The Brussels Griffon's black muzzle and whiskers earned them the nickname 'bearded dogs' in old folk songs. Read more about the history of this joyful breed. | November 16, 2021
Expert Advice: Dog Gear & Accessories Choosing the Right Dog Harness for Your Dog
Dog harnesses have loops that go around a dog's torso and the widest part of their neck. In addition to keeping dogs secure, a harness applies less... | July 3, 2024
Lagotto Romagnolo puppy sitting on a path outdoors.
Expert Advice: Safety Tips For Keeping Your Dog Safe This Summer
Summer is the time to have outdoor fun with our dogs. Longer walks in the park, ambitious hikes, beach days, or family travel—the sun is shining, and the outdoors is calling. But hot weather can also make us uncomfortable, and it poses special risks for dogs. From increased exposure to ticks and other insects to […] | May 20, 2019
Labrador retriever puppy wearing a harness being carried outdoors.
Expert Advice: Puppy Information How to Prepare Your Apartment for a New Puppy
You're bringing home your new puppy pretty soon. But while you're overjoyed, you've also never owned a puppy while living in an apartment, so you aren't sure what to expect. Don't worry — even in a small space or a rental, you can raise a happy and healthy puppy. By taking preventative measures and dedicating […] | November 16, 2021
Pug pooping outdoors in tall grass.
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Dog Diarrhea: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments
Most dogs have had diarrhea in their life. Learn when it's a cause for concern, how to treat it, and when you should go to the vet for dog diarrhea. | December 13, 2022
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Giardia in Dogs and Giardiasis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Dogs can become infected with Giardia in a number of different ways, leading to giardiasis. Learn about Giardia in dogs and how to deal with giardiasis in dogs if your pet is diagnosed with that condition. | May 19, 2021
Joseph of Hellingly, Mastiff. c. 1925
Expert Advice: Breed History Mastiff History: From War Dogs to Loyal Companions
Over the centuries, Mastiffs have maintained a reputation for their irrepressible protective streak. Learn more about the history of this dignified breed. | May 11, 2021
Pug laying down indoors looking sad.
Expert Advice: General Health Can Dogs Cry? Do Dogs Cry Tears?
We've all fallen for the sad gaze from our dog. But, if your dog's eyes are tearing or you see traces of fluid, something else could be going on. | April 12, 2022

Showing 11-20 of 90 results